Wednesday, July 17, 2024

November Daily Devotions


Thoughts to Ponder by Pastor Larry Sydow, Prayers by Pastor Bruce Freeman

Friday, November 1, 2024

(All Saints Day)

All Saints Day commemorates all the martyrs and all the people of God, living and dead, who form the mystical body of Christ. This feast day is, in effect, a feast of the church.



Psalm 23:2-3 — He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul.


Philippians 4:6 — Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.



I was “too old” for a nap, so I walked down to the shallow creek that meandered through the pasture while my sister and brothers slept. Under a willow, I sat listening to the gurgling water and fell peacefully asleep. I woke with a start when I heard my sister calling for me. At the ripe old age of six, I didn’t worry about the world. My every need was supplied. I was safe and secure. In Sunday School, we had heard the Shepherd’s Psalm, so the only thing missing was the sheep. How good it is when we can recapture that feeling, that sense of the peace of God, which allows us to place everything in the hands of God without worry or concern. The stories of many of the saints of the past are stories of men and women who did just that “in spite of dungeons, fire, and sword.”  As verse two of Faith of our Fathers continues: “The martyrs, chained in prisons dark, were still in heart and conscience free; And blest would be their children’s fate if they, like them, should die for thee. Faith of our fathers, holy faith, we will be true to thee till death.” How firm is the faith you pass on to your children? Can you cast all your cares on the Lord in prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving and rest peacefully beside the still waters of the Lord as He restores your soul?



Thank You for the opportunity of laying all my troubles by You, dear Lord. Let me trust in You, knowing You will lead me beside the still waters. Let others see my trust so You can use me to pass faith on to others who might follow. In the name of my Shepherd, I pray. Amen.




Saturday, November 2, 2024



Psalm 31:24 — Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord.


Mark 6:12-13 — The disciples went out and proclaimed that all should repent. They cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.



The first time I preached a sermon, I was a nervous wreck. I had to read it word for word from the page, and I didn’t dare look at anyone. I had helped with parts of the worship service from time to time but never as the sole leader, so the first time I did, I was wound up as tight as an over-wound watch! I practiced several times before anyone arrived and still made numerous mistakes. I thought I’d come unglued the first time I preached without notes. I left the notes at the other church I supplied that morning). Even now, more than thirty years later, the butterflies do their swan dives in my stomach. My mind does a quick inventory and mutters a desperate plea: Lord, help me remember the important things You want me to preach!” Some days are worse than others. It takes incredible strength and courage to proclaim the awesome Word of the Lord. I have to repeatedly remind myself that it is not about me - it is about the Lord. Every time I lead worship in the church, at a nursing home, or even for private communion, I understand the fear and trembling of the disciples. It was not for their glory or success. It was for the overwhelming responsibility they felt for delivering the Good News as messengers of the Lord! It is the risk a young swimmer must take, letting go of the side of the pool, to trust the instructor not to let them drown. Are you willing to trust the Lord to give you the strength, courage, and ability to fulfill your purpose?



Oh, dear Lord, sometimes I get so nervous when You ask me to share my faith with others. Strengthen me and take away my butterflies. Let Your words be my words, and help me appreciate that You are using me and my abilities to spread the good news. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.






Sunday, November 3, 2024

(All Saints Sunday)


Psalm 35:28 — My tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all day long.


1 Corinthians 9:23 — Paul wrote: I do it all for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings.



Even when times were tough, Christmas at our house was exciting. There were Christmas programs at church and school, candy and nuts we never had any other time of the year (even now, I can’t imagine eating some of those treats any other time!), and gifts! We didn’t always receive many gifts, but what we received became our treasures. I loved receiving gifts, even the little things. After marriage and we had kids, I loved Christmas even more, but my enjoyment shifted from receiving to giving. Yes, the kid in me will always like receiving gifts, but I love to give and watch others open their gifts. I believe that’s what happened to St. Paul with the gospel. Receiving the gospel was a life-changing event in his life, but as he matured, sharing the gospel became equally, if not even more, exciting. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy teaching and preaching so much. I am privileged to see those “Ah ha!” moments on the faces of people occasionally. That makes my day! I hope and pray that everyone who hears (or reads) the good news I share will experience the joy of sharing its blessings as much as I do! Wouldn’t you like to make every day special for someone, too?



It is exciting and wonderful, dear Lord, when someone receives the special gift of Your gospel. Thank You for those who shared it with me and watched me open it over the years. Please use me today so that I might share the good news with others. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.




Monday, November 4, 2024



Hosea 14:4 — I will heal their disloyalty; I will love them freely.


1 Peter 2:25 — For you were going astray like sheep, but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.



Sometimes, I thought we were raising escape artists instead of dumb animals. We had a cow who found a way of crawling through every fence we put up, including barbed wire. We had pigs with noses for the tiniest gap in the fence and talented at making the gap wider in minutes. We even had a few gifted chickens whose escape route we could never find! When they got out, everything else stopped until we got them in and the hole fixed (if it could be found). We usually gave them an extra treat, hoping it would make them want to stay. I don’t remember that it ever did. Some people are like our escape-artist-animals when it comes to their faithfulness to their creator. They are experts at finding holes in the fence (excuses and/or rationalizations). It doesn’t take much for them to escape their “response-ability” for worship, Bible study, or servanthood. Lest we point the finger at “them” and have three more pointing back at us, aren’t we all guilty of being sheep who go astray from the Good Shepherd when following His path is not popular, convenient, profitable, or fun? Christ, the Good Shepherd, is always willing to welcome us back, heal our disloyalty, and love us freely. May we discover the treat (the joy) He has in store for those who return!



Sometimes, I think I must be fooling You, O God, and thinking that You will not notice me missing from worshiping You, studying Your scripture, or striving to serve You. Forgive me for trying to go my own way and doing my own thing. In the name of the Good Shepherd, I pray. Amen.




Tuesday, November 5, 2024



Proverbs 3:5-6 — Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.


Mark 13:5 — Jesus began to say to them, “Beware that no one leads you astray.”



I grew up in a pretty trustworthy time. It took some dirty tricks to tarnish my view that I could trust anyone. One of my aunts tried to convince me the sucker given to me by the doctor was laced with medicine. She was willing to “get rid of it” for me. Kindergarten was a great learning experience! One of the lessons I learned was not to trust everybody. One of the “big kids” showed me a neat hiding place for “hide-n-go-seek.” He lifted the lid on the school storm cellar, told me to be very quiet, closed it, and then locked me in. If I hadn’t been so angry about being left there during recess,  I might have thanked him for helping me “win”! Fortunately, during this time, Hati Fullner, my Sunday School teacher, taught me that I could always trust Jesus. I can’t remember most of the lessons, but I will never forget the picture she had me color of Jesus with the little children. I knew that I was one of them. That was a trust that has never let me down. I cannot always trust the news media. I cannot always trust politicians or governments. I cannot always trust strangers. But Jesus never leads me astray. In whom will you place your trust?



It is so good, dear Lord, that You are wrapping Your loving arms around me and holding me tight. I praise You that I can always trust in You and that You will never lead me astray. Help me to listen to You as You guide me today. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.




Wednesday, November 6, 2024



Genesis 12:4 — So Abram went, as the Lord had told him.


Hebrews 11:8 — By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance, and he set out, not knowing where he was going.



“Larry, Jackie, Jerry, Garry, and Miiiiiike!” was the usual call from “headquarters” for the adventurers to return to base. To hear the call and obey usually meant a snack or a meal, but it could also be a reminder that it was chore time. Either way, failure to answer the call at the Sydow house was sure to have very negative consequences - a missed ride to town, a forfeited dessert or even a whole meal, a scolding, extra chores.... The list, based on personal experience, goes on! Abram wasn’t worried about missing desserts or meals. He heard God’s Word and went. The result was the fulfillment of amazing promises and the deepening of his faith. God may have called others, but they didn’t listen or respond. How sad they would be to discover what they missed. Have you been practicing your listening skills? God is willing to start small and grow your faith if you are eager to take even a baby step. Are you ready to begin your journey?



Sometimes, when You call me to new adventures, it is so scary, Heavenly Father. Give me ears to hear Your call, faith to answer it, and courage to follow. I know that You are always with me and will never desert me. Thank You. In the name of Immanuel, Jesus Christ. Amen.





Thursday, November 7, 2024

(John Christian Frederick Heyer was the first Lutheran missionary sent out from the United States. He served tirelessly in India for many years until his health began to fail. He returned to America, continued evangelizing and reorganizing parishes and schools, and died in 1873.)



Genesis 24:21 — Abraham’s servant gazed at her in silence to learn whether or not the Lord had made his journey successful.


Ephesians 5:10 — Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord.



At first sight, the calf I chose for a 4-H project looked pretty good. On the other hand, Dad just stood there by the fence observing. Then he walked through the herd of young calves and looked at each one individually. Dad ran his big hands over several of them, then came to where I stood. “Why did you choose that one?” he asked. “I liked the color,” I answered. Dad beckoned for me to follow, and one by one, he showed me what he was looking for in each calf. Finally, he had me look at one I hadn’t paid much attention to. It was solid black, with a small patch of white on its forehead. The eyes of the calf were bright, his muscles were well-formed, and he had lots of energy. I could tell Dad was right. That calf became my 4-H project. “Sam” stepped on my toes numerous times, dragged me through mud, manure, and broken fences, and taught me many lessons in humility. But he also won a reserved champion ribbon at the county fair. Sometimes, we judge books, cars, buildings, and other people, including possible future spouses, by their covers. We also make our plans based on what feels right at the moment. Abraham’s servant didn’t make that mistake when choosing a wife for Isaac. He asked for and received guidance from the Lord and took his time to ensure it was what the Lord wanted. Do you make decisions based on looks or urges, or do you follow the example of Abraham’s servant - ask the Lord for guidance, then patiently wait and observe to make sure it is God’s answer?



Forgive me, Heavenly Father, for not listening and rushing to do my own thing. Help me not be so anxious but to patiently wait and observe to see if my questions’ answers are Yours. Grant this in the name of Your Son, Jesus, the Christ. Amen.




Friday, November 8, 2024



Proverbs 17:5 — Those who mock the poor insult their Maker; those who are glad at calamity will not go unpunished.


James 2:1 — As believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism.



When I was in high school, a woman we knew was killed by a drunk driver. The driver, who had been involved in underage drinking, was a classmate whose father was a wealthy cattle feeder. To my knowledge, he never missed a day of school, and whatever penalty he had was relatively light, with very little publicity. The tongues of the poor wagged for some time, convinced that if he had been one of “us,” they would have thrown the book at him. As it was, he got off with a slap on the wrist. I don’t know how true that is. Still, even today, executives who wiped out the pension funds and life savings of the common laborers in their companies continue to make huge salaries, even while serving time in special, comfortable white-collar prisons. So it was, and so it probably will be, until the Day when our Maker “judges the living and the dead!” There will no longer be the opportunity to “get away with murder” because this Judge will see right into every person’s heart and soul and judge with absolute equity. Those who are used to showing favoritism or taking advantage of the poor will be sadly dismayed to discover that they are receiving what they dished out as the Lord balances the record with His love and compassion. May we all consider the needs of the poor as if they were the needs of the Lord.



Please forgive me, O Father, when I put my needs, wants, and desires above the needs of others. I apologize for my selfish ways and not thinking of the poor and needy. Help me to be more attentive and compassionate. In the name of Jesus, who died to save us. Amen.




Saturday, November 9, 2024



Psalm 54:6 — With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to you; I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for it is good.


2 Corinthians 1:24 — Paul wrote: I do not mean to imply that we lord it over your faith; rather, we are workers with you for your joy because you stand firm in the faith.



One of the most challenging lessons in kindergarten, which must often be re-learned every year after that, is that we are not the center of the universe! As much of a pain as the “big kids” were in country school, they served as very determined “teachers” of that principle. They were the “boss” when the teacher wasn’t looking. They made the major decisions on the playground when the teacher was out of sight. Brothers and sisters, and in my case, aunts and uncles, were also good at putting me in my place. Perhaps it is a part of the “old Adam,” which is never too far from us and draws us back to the place where we have to learn the lesson repeatedly. From the Hebrews in the wilderness to the halls of high schools and the halls of Congress, all of us must be reminded that God IS the true center of the universe. We can’t bribe God with offerings. We can only use offerings to show our thankfulness to the One who was, who is, and who always shall be, who has seen fit to share the bounty of His creation with us. Those who have grasped that concept live thankful lives, appreciating and sharing their many blessings. Does your faith rest on God’s abundance or your own? How do you live out your faith in your life?



I am humbled again, dear Father, with the knowledge that You, not me, are the center of the universe. You, not I, created it and continually sustains and grows it. Help me to remember that all I have is a gift from You and to share those gifts with others. In the name of Your Son. Amen.




Sunday, November 10, 2024

Martin Luther was born in Eisleben in 1483, taught theology at Wittenberg, was responsible for the Reformation of the Church, wrote extensively, including two Catechisms, translated the Bible into German, and wrote numerous hymns.



Isaiah 30:15 — In returning and rest, you shall be saved.


1 John 3:5 — You know that God was revealed to take away sins, and in him there is no sin.



There were times when I was sure I was adopted, and my parents were being especially cruel to me. That thought usually surfaced when I received a well-deserved punishment, but occasionally, it popped up when I just felt like being lazy. I was invited to the Junior-Senior Prom when I was a freshman. I partied with the non-alcoholic crowd until about three in the morning. Mom and Dad didn’t say a word when I went to bed. However, I was roused from my sweet dreams at four AM and expected to help milk cows and do the other chores - before church. (Confession: I had hoped to skip church, but... not a chance! I had a lesson to learn, and besides, I was the organist that Sunday and my cruel parents wouldn’t allow me to call a substitute.) After chores, church, and lunch with the rest of my wide-awake family, asking a million questions about the prom and party, I fell onto my bed for most of the day. When I got up, it was as if nothing had happened. All was forgiven, and life went on. (Had I not helped with chores and played for church.... Well, the picture would not have been very pretty!) Isn’t it good to know that when we return to the Lord, our heavenly Parent treats us in the same way - washing away our sins and treating us as if there were no sin at all? For me, it was not a license to repeat my actions. It was a lesson I learned: that there is a price to pay. Thank God, Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins. Isn’t it about time to return and rest in Him?



When I stray, call me back into the arms of my loving Savior, O God. Thank You for washing away my wrongs and sins. I ask that You strengthen me so I will learn from my mistakes and that my actions might please You. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.




Monday, November 11, 2024

(Veterans Day)

Martin, Bishop of Tours, after whom Martin Luther was named, died in 397—one of the first holy men, not martyrs, to be publicly honored as a saint. Soren Aabye Kierkegaard, teacher, theologian, and writer of great devotional materials (on the redemptive work of Christ and the significance of the cross), died in 1855 at age 42.



Jeremiah 32:27 — See, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too hard for me?


Luke 1:35-37 — The angel said to Mary, “And now, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month for her who was said to be barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.”



Writer’s block is a terrible experience, especially if there is a deadline to meet. I have contracted the “disease” too many times to count. It happens when I write sermons, prepare lessons to teach, and write devotions. I stared at these beautiful lines of scripture for quite some time, wondering what to write. The thought always flashes before my eyes: “I can’t do it!” Noah looked at the pile of dried wood and God’s plans for the ark and probably declared, “I can’t do it!” Moses heard his instructions from the burning bush and declared, “I can’t do it!” The people of Israel looked at the sturdy walls of Jericho and their own puny stick weapons and probably said, “We can’t do it!” Saul’s army looked at the giant Goliath and the little kid with a slingshot and shook their heads, convinced, “He can’t do it!” Even Mary and Elizabeth wondered how it could possibly be for them to have babies. God’s people often consider their limitations and make that same pronouncement that I too often do, “I can’t do it!” And we are probably right. We can’t! But God can! God did, and God does what we humans cannot do. I wish I’d thought of that fact sooner, turned to the Lord in prayer, and trusted that when “I can’t do it!” God can. Faced with something tough - even impossible? Turn it over to One for whom nothing is impossible!



Without You, O God, I can’t do it. I pray that I might never forget that with You, nothing is impossible. Help me to trust in You and to pray, pray, pray. When things look insurmountable, give me the abilities, knowledge, and courage to tackle it in the name of Jesus, who can even raise the dead. Amen.




Tuesday, November 12, 2024



Job 5:11 – God set on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety.


Mark 2:10-11 — Jesus said to the paralytic, “I say to you, stand up, take your mat, and go to your home.”



God took a nomadic shepherd, making him the “father of many nations.” God took a tongue-tied fugitive and made the greatest of the Lawgivers. God chose a humble virgin to be the mother of His Son. Is it possible God looks to the lowly because they are more willing to listen and obey? My father was one of thirteen children of an immigrant family. His parents knew little English, and he knew even less until he was nine or ten. His German language and accent were a liability during the war, causing him to lose both. He barely survived the depression years. As a share-cropping farmer, he paid for using another farmer’s land with 3/5 of the crop each year, leaving little or nothing to support his growing family except his confidence that the Lord would provide. He was a man of faith who planted seeds each spring, even in bad years. He and his precious wife sacrificed their comfort and needs to ensure their children could have the things they could not have. They survived low farm prices, deep indebtedness, droughts, hail, dust storms, grasshoppers, family disputes, drinking binges, grief, and the ravages of cancer. Before his death, he could help raise money to build a hospital, serve on the church council, pay off his debts, raise six children with whom he took great pride, build a house, and help build a church. It was as if Jesus had said to this humble man, “Stand up, take your mat, and come Home,” ...And my father did! May Jesus touch those things in your life that cause you to be “paralyzed,” and may you hear Him say, “Stand up, take your mat, and come Home.



Give me faith, O Lord, so that I might face all the challenges ahead of me, knowing that You will provide me with all my needs. After all the good and bad experiences that lie ahead, and as I draw my last breath, let me hear Your voice calling me Home. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.




Wednesday, November 13, 2024



Psalm 146:5 — Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God.


1 Timothy 6:13-15 — In the presence of God, I charge you to keep the commandment without spot or blame until the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he will bring about at the right time - he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords.



The month before my wife and I were married, I was invited to stay with Ann and Gill Eby in St. Paul, Minnesota. They had three children of their own but also were house parents for five teenagers, placed in their home by the courts for various reasons. Ann and Gill needed a night out, and I was the solution. In the short time I stayed in their home, I came face to face with a world I had only read about in books. It is hard to describe the incredible faith of this couple living in a church-owned house, receiving a very meager salary, and providing 24-hour loving care for teenage abusers and victims of abuse,  prostitutes, and drug users. Yet, they wore their happiness on their sleeves, which was contagious. They knew their limitations. They knew they could not solve the problems of these children who would be allowed to return to their former lives or be sent to juvenile detention. They were happy servants of the Lord whose role was to listen and love the unloved. They did not just talk about their faith in God. They lived it out every day. When I asked how they could hold on to that positive joy, they said, “By the grace of God!” Have you been living your faith, facing your problems, and trusting entirely in “the grace of God”?



I have been saved, renewed, and strengthened by Your grace, O God. Help me to live this day in joy, knowing that it is by Your grace alone that I can face all the problems that might lie ahead. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Thursday, November 14, 2024



Isaiah 12:4 — Make known his deeds among the nations; proclaim that his name is exalted.


2 Corinthians 5:20 — So we are ambassadors for Christ since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.



Our country school visited a neighboring country school for an afternoon to meet the kids and see how things were done there. We were told we were “ambassadors” representing our school. Therefore, we were to “behave”! I am often asked to speak to various groups - churches, veterans, marriage and family organizations, clubs, and international meetings. I always go as an “ambassador” for someone or some organization. I am not just going as a “me” whenever I do. I am representing my sponsoring group and my Lord. Whatever my topic, whatever I say, wherever I am, I am the Lord’s, and my words and actions should reflect the One who gave me life, breath, and brains, the One who died for my sins so that I could be reconciled (made one with God again) and live eternally. Do all you say, and all you do reflect your position as an ambassador of Christ?



I am honored that You have chosen me to be Your ambassador, O Lord. Equip and ready me to go out and represent You to the world today. I pray that everything I say and do will please You and Your message of love, hope, and forgiveness. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Friday, November 15, 2024



1 Chronicles 16:31 — Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, “The Lord is king!”


Romans 6:9 — We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him.



Some things are so exciting that we can’t keep them to ourselves. When I learned to read my first Dick and Jane book, I gathered my sister and three young brothers together on the storm cellar door and read it to them again and again. No doubt I was more excited about Dick, Jane, Spot, and Sally than they were. They kept wandering away. When we heard that we would receive our oldest child at the adoption agency the following day, we ran up a wonderfully huge phone bill spreading the word. We borrowed a car to go shopping for the bare necessities. Sue was so excited she got sick! (Fortunately, her late-afternoon version of “morning sickness” only lasted briefly.) I canceled a trip to Chicago. We were up early and made more phone calls. We could hardly wait to tell everyone the good news. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone who goes to worship on Sunday would get that excited about sharing the Good News - the even better news? God is King! Christ defeated sin, death, and even the grave! Death does NOT have the last word. Jesus does! Have we heard the Good News so much that we have become immune to the power of its message, like those who live in the mountains and take their beauty for granted?! Receiving a long-awaited child is great news, but forgiveness, life, and salvation are the GREATEST news. How many people have you called to tell them about it since you left worship last Sunday?



I’m sorry that I’ve taken the fantastic news of Your love for granted, Heavenly Father, and have neglected to share it with others. Rid me of my apathy by stirring Your Spirit within me and giving me a passion to proclaim it to everyone I meet. In the name of Your Son, Jesus the Christ. Amen.




Saturday, November 16, 2024



Psalm 14:3 — They have all gone astray. They are all alike perverse; there is no one who does good, no, not one.


1 Corinthians 1:30 — Christ Jesus became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.



After every heavy rain, we would have to take the tractor to check fences. The run-off would often fill the gullies, ditches, and creeks to overflow and wash out sections of nearby fences. We raised exceptionally smart cattle, born with a knowledge of how to find broken fences, and they were fast! They could make it into a cornfield or alfalfa patch faster than Superman could leap a tall building. I witnessed the painful death of one cow who ate too much alfalfa. She was too far gone before we could get to her. It wasn’t a pretty sight. Our problem quite often was that our cattle were great followers. If one found the broken fence, the whole herd would follow. Unless we got them rounded up quickly, we could lose the entire herd. People should have more brains than cows, but sometimes I wonder. The psalmist may have been watching sheep go astray, but more than likely, he was reflecting on the perverse waywardness of people, straying outside the “fences” God has given them for their protection. In the biblical story, Jesus allows Himself to be nailed to the cross to bridge the gap between heaven and hell. He and His goodness do what we cannot do - Jesus rescues us, redeems us (buys us back with His blood), and makes us holy enough to be admitted to the presence of God. Have you followed the wrong crowd through the holes the Devil has made in the Lord’s fences? Time to come back home.



Thank You for Your fences, the laws You have given us, and the boundaries that guide us, good and gracious Father. Thank You for Your Son who went after me and brought me back to You when I have gone outside the fence. In His name, I pray. Amen.




Sunday, November 17, 2024

Elizabeth of Thuringia, Princess of Hungary, was married for political reasons at age 14 and lived in Wartburg, Germany. She was generous to the poor and started two hospitals. After her husband died of the plague, Elizabeth joined the third order of St. Francis, living a very austere life, dying in 1231 at the age of 24. She is one of the most beloved saints of the German people, and countless hospitals have been named for her.



Jeremiah 10:12 — It is the Lord who made the earth by his power, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens.


John 1:1 — In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.



One of my Sunday school teachers sent me to the pastor for the answer to a question I thought was simple: “Where did God come from?”  “God always was.” was his reply. That wasn’t very helpful to me then, but I wasn’t satisfied with answers to many unanswerable questions, like: “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” or “Can an all-powerful God move an unmovable object?” The problem with such questions is that no matter where we start, we try to answer them with human knowledge and logic. Standing two inches from a tree, we can’t describe the forest. Standing on human mind-power, it is impossible to describe God, God’s creation, or anything else about God. The gospel writer says all he can say and all that is needed to describe the beginning of all things, which “Eye-Witness News” was not there to record on videotape or DVD. The psalmist did the best he could to describe the indescribable creation. All of our unanswerable questions lead us back to the One who, before all things were created, was. My pastor’s answer was correct. God was there before the chicken or the egg - God created them. God created the unmovable object, so obviously, it is only unmovable to us - and the rest of God’s creation. Are there any other questions?



I often think I am so clever and intelligent, O God, creator of the universe; then I am humbled with the understanding that there is so much about life and Your creation that I do not know or can’t possibly understand. I bow in awe at the wonder of You and Your greatness. In the name of Christ, the Word who made all things. Amen.




Monday, November 18, 2024



Jeremiah 30:19 — I will make them many, and they shall not be few; I will make them honored, and they shall not be disdained.


Romans 8:32 — God did not withhold his own Son but gave him up for all of us. Will he not with him also give us everything else?



He was only one man with a vision, and the whole world laughed at him for the thought of building an ark on dry land! They were only one older man and one older woman past the age of having children, with a promise. Their world laughed at them instead of with them for their faith that they would be the parents of many nations. He was only a boy with a slingshot and faith, and a paralyzed army mocked the thought that he could do what all of them could not. She was a queen but risked death by speaking up to the king on behalf of her people. He was only a teenager with a message from God, and they mocked him, imprisoned him, beat him, and left him in a cistern to die. She was only an unwedded teenager who agreed to be the mother of God’s child, and they would have stoned her for adultery had her fiancé not married Mary. They were common, ordinary men and women filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking languages they had never learned. They were called drunkards and mocked by unbelievers for their message of the resurrection. They were a small church with a vision of doing the Lord’s work in a big way. Some among them shook their heads at the thought that they could complete the building expansion without going into crippling debt. Can you find yourself in those pictures? If not, why not? Have you been unwilling to take a step of faith to focus on what God wants rather than your limitations? Why not consider what God may call you and/or your church to do for Him?



I am only an ordinary person, dear Lord, but I know You have a mission and a purpose for me. Give me the courage to overcome my limitations and to put my faith and life into Your hands. Thank You for making extraordinary things happen through common things and people. In the name of Your Son. Amen.




Tuesday, November 19, 2024



Ezekiel 18:32 — Turn, then, and live.


Matthew 19:17 — Jesus said to him, “If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”



Washington, D.C., is a dangerous place to drive. Foreign diplomats drive some cars with little more than a goat cart license and are immune to prosecution. Other vehicles are driven by people from all 50 states with varying driving abilities. The streets are laid out in concentric circles around the nation’s capital, many of which are one-way. The first time I took my wife for a visit, we were searching for an address and ended up on one of the five-lane, one-way streets - going the wrong way! Facing five lanes of angry drivers shaking their fists, blowing their horns, and shouting words I couldn’t understand (thankfully) got the adrenaline flowing. At that split-second, I saw a side street and took Ezekiel’s advice: I “turned, then, and lived!” Eternal life is like that one-way street. Jesus gave us the road map and told us to follow Him because He is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” When we are going the wrong way, making the wrong choices, doing the wrong things, breaking the commandments, the Word reminds us to turn and live - “repent” - change directions so that we can enter into Life - not death. Which way are you going?



Please forgive me, dear God, when I go the wrong way, endangering my salvation. Help me turn the right way, following Your instructions and commandments. Thank You for Your grace, which has the last word in my life. In the name of Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life. Amen.




Wednesday, November 20, 2024



Job 42:2 — I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.


Romans 11:36 — From God and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever.



I liked the superhero comics - Superman, Roy Rogers, GI Joe, and Spiderman. I enjoyed watching them on TV when we got one and when it was clear enough to watch. As an adult, I enjoyed Mission Impossible and McGyver, probably for much the same reason: they were almost unbeatable. They could get beaten up (except for Superman) and still come out on top. They could defeat any enemy and thwart any bad guys, and they fought for “truth, justice, and the American way!” As I got to know Jesus more and more, I realized I loved Jesus for many of the same reasons. He could, and does, do all things well. He could heal with a touch or a word. He could feed thousands with a picnic lunch. He could defeat a legion of demons. He could still storms and walk on troubled waters. He could bring the dead back to life. He was human enough to get beaten and crucified, but even death could not hold him in the tomb. Jesus was, and is, the Superhero of all times. Who were/are your superheroes? Have you included Jesus in your list?



I need no other superhero in my life, O Christ. I am in awe that You created everything through the Word, which is You. Sometimes, it’s hard to believe You love me more than anything else and died on the cross because of that love. Use Your powers to create a new life in me. In Your Holy name, I pray. Amen.




Thursday, November 21, 2024



Genesis 21:22 — God is with you in all that you do.


Romans 8:38-39 — I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rules, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.



I was so glad Mom was with me when we went into the “jungle” to bring the cows in from the pasture for milking. I was glad she drove me to school on the first day of kindergarten. I was very happy Dad was able to carry me across the “raging river” after the rain (two feet deep and two feet wide) on the way to the neighbors. I was very grateful to have a trained instructor with me the first time I took the controls of an airplane! It was so good to have our friend David with us to show us the tricks of traveling on the trains in Germany. There were many “first times” when it was good to have someone with me who knew the way and could be trusted to rescue me if need be. The “jungles” and “raging rivers,” the unseen and the unknown, are all around us in this world where we travel on our way Home again. We can be sure that we have a Friend who has promised to be with us always. Even when we are uncertain of the Way, He will lead those who will follow. Even when we face dangers, disappointments, and disasters, He will be there to see that the path to our eternal Home is not blocked. We have a God who has walked where we walk, been confronted by every evil, and even defeated death for us. His promise is our comfort and our hope. Why not take your worries to THE KING!?



There have been so many firsts in my life, O Immanuel when I have been unsure, bewildered, or even frightened. It is good to know that You have always been at my side. Remind me of Your presence today, and when it is time to go Home, take me by the hand and lead me. In Your name, I pray. Amen.




Friday, November 22, 2024



Leviticus 26:6 — I will grant peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and no one shall make you afraid.


Matthew 11:29 — Jesus Says, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”



Grandpa still had his workhorses the year of the blizzard when I had to stay overnight at our country school. He used them to open up part of the road. When a neighbor got stuck, Grandpa brought out Big Amos. Big Amos, standing on four legs, was taller than Grandpa. He looked like the strongest horse in the barn. Grandpa rigged a hitch to the car that was stuck and encouraged Big Amos to pull, but the car hardly budged. So, Grandpa took Big Amos back to the barn and yoked him with Minnie (named after Grandma). She was a smaller horse than Big Amos but hitched together, they walked the car out of the snow drift as if it was a sled. Jesus offers to yoke Himself to us in much the same way. Alone, we may plod through life “getting by.” But there are so many obstacles - drifts - which threaten to hang us up and keep us from our destination. Without the yoke Jesus offers, life can be challenging, even to the point of making us want to give up. With His yoke, we have a partner who “pulls a lot of weight” in many circles and one in whom we can “pull our weight.” Got some struggles? Why not try yoking yourself to Jesus?



Do You laugh or shake Your head in sadness, dear Lord, when You watch me struggle by trying to do it alone? Please stand with me, sharing the load which is my life. I pray that You will use me today to make someone else’s life easier because I have shared Your love with them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.




Saturday, November 23, 2024

Clement, Bishop of Rome, was considered the successor of Peter as the leader of the church at Rome. According to tradition, he died a martyr’s death in about 100.



Ezekiel 33:11 Turn back from your evil ways; for why will you die?


1 Corinthians 9:24 — Paul wrote: Do you not know that in a race, the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it.




Hattie Fulner, my first Sunday School teacher, was killed when a train hit her car. She had probably crossed those tracks a thousand times without seeing a single train. That day, despite the train whistle warning, she didn’t see it either and died for not paying attention to the warning. The hurricanes provide another example of people who refuse to heed the warnings. Millions listened and lived. But a few foolish souls ignored the sirens, the newscasters, the violent winds - and died. The Lord has sent warnings through the prophets and preachers of the past and present, pleading with people to change their sinful lives so they may live. But, sadly, too many continue to turn their backs on the obvious Storm on the horizon - the Day when the final gun of the final race will be silenced. Then, there will be no more time to prepare for the judgment which will take place. Now is the time! I’ve set a physical goal for trimming down and toning up for a physical challenge. I’ve also set a spiritual goal for tuning up and tuning in to be more attentive to the Voice of my Savior. How about you? Are you ready for the race? Are you preparing to “run in such a way that you may win...”?



It would appear that there are many times I have a “hearing problem,” Heavenly Father. I’m sorry I have not always listened to those You sent to proclaim Your message. Sometimes, it’s hard to hear those words. Help me to open my ears and truly listen to You speak to me. I pray this in the name of my Savior. Amen.




Sunday, November 24, 2024

Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the church year, looks back to the Transfiguration and the Ascension. It also points ahead to the appearing in glory of the King of kings.


Lamentations 1:18 — The Lord is in the right, for I have rebelled against his word.


1 Corinthians 1:18 — The message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.



One of the basement walls of our first parsonage began to buckle. The parsonage was relatively new and was built by members. According to reports, when they backfilled the walls after they were finished, someone bumped one wall, breaking the seal. Instead of starting over, they braced the wall, hoping it would cure straight and hard. It did well for years, but then a crack appeared and began to widen. While we were there, they tried to brace the wall and seal it again, but that didn’t last long. Finally, they tore the wall down and started with new materials, which have held solid for over thirty years. Sin does that to the walls of our lives. We can try to prop them up ourselves and cover up our brokenness. We can try to ignore it. But nothing will change until we admit we have a problem. Go to the foundation - the foot of the cross. To some, confession, repentance, and beginning again are foolishness. But to those who know God’s love, mercy, and grace, it is the only way to take full advantage of the power of God to build up and hold firm. How are your walls holding up? Need some major repair?



I kneel at the foot of Your cross, dear Christ, asking You for Your forgiveness when I have not put You and my neighbor first. Restore and renew me, making me whole and strong again. Thank You for Your grace, which does more than cover up my sins; it makes me new each day. In Your loving name, I pray. Amen.




Monday, November 25, 2024

Isaac Watts is considered the “father of English hymnody.” His hymns were based on the Psalms and reflect a strong and serene faith. He died in 1748.



Jeremiah 31:34 — I will forgive their iniquity and remember their sin no more.


2 Peter 3:9 — The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.



I could not believe Mom and Dad took so long to get to the car. They had made sure that all five of us were loaded. Then, Dad forgot his money; Mom forgot her brush. And we sat waiting patiently, as three good brothers and one sister do (not) for them. It seemed to take forever! Finally, they came to the car, all out of breath, and Dad declared, “Oh! I forgot my wallet!” His wallet?! That’s what he went for in the first place! What was he doing all that time?! Fortunately, it only took another minute, and we were off to the Sunday School Christmas Eve program. When we arrived home after the program, we were delighted to find out that “Santa Claus” had been to our house while we were at church! All last year’s offenses were forgotten, and we were treated to a glorious Christmas Eve. Isn’t that the picture of our patient, loving God? Our Lord takes His time to wipe the slate of our sins clean so that we can celebrate the joy of Emmanuel - “God with us.” God is not slow. God is infinitely patient, wanting the best for all of us - even the slow learners. God is always on time - God’s time. Thank God!



Heavenly Father, I can’t thank You enough that You are so patient with me. When I am impatient with others, help me to remember that You are always patient and kind. Move me along so that I might follow in Your ways. I pray this in the name of Emmanuel, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Tuesday, November 26, 2024



Psalm 107:10, 13, 15 — Some sat in darkness and in gloom, prisoners in misery and in irons... Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress.... Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to humankind.


Acts 5:17-20 — The high priest and all who were with him arrested the apostles and put them in the public prison. But during the night, an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors, brought them out, and said, “Go, stand in the temple and tell the people the whole message about this life.”



Our prisons were usually made from sticks, old boards, a broken mattress springs, and baling wire. They weren’t fancy but worked as long as the prisoners followed the rules. There were occasional jailbreaks, but generally, prisoners were pretty well-behaved. Meal time and chore time were the signals that the prisoners were free until the next bank robbery, cattle rustling, or murder spree. I have visited real prisons and jails, but I still cannot imagine life behind bars - 24 hours a day, for years and years. The prisons of the first century were dangerous, filthy cages or holes in the floor, from which there was no hope of escape and often little hope of survival. To be thrown in prison was to be doomed to punishment and death. Many people live in a prison not made of steel bars or holes in the floor. They are prisons of addiction and bad habits, of sin and selfishness. There is little to look forward to in the prisons of our own making. But the Lord holds the key! He offers to open those doors for all who turn to him in distress. Nothing in all creation can prevent His love from reaching us, except our sin and turning our backs on His offer. The excellent news is that He makes us partners with Him in offering the key to us to help others “break out” of their prisons. Need a key? Know somebody who does? Ask, and you will receive!



Turn the key and unlock those things that hold me prisoner, gracious Lord. Take away my sin so that I might be free to live in You. Thank You for showing me the brightness of day through the light of Your Son. I pray that I might shine that light of freedom to others. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Wednesday, November 27, 2024



Amos 2:6 — Thus says the LORD: For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment; because they sell the righteous for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals....

Luke 21:8 —  Beware that you are not led astray; for many will come in my name and say, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is near!’ Do not go after them.



Biff & Medic was a wild game confirmation students, counselors, and pastors played at camp. The “biffers” carried a powder-filled sock and attempted to “biff” a member of a group, which then had to call for a “medic.” The medic could prescribe some “medicine” (scripture, song, or stupid activity) for the group to perform. If they completed the task, they were declared “healed” and could pursue the Bible clues leading them to the treasure. The problem was that there were “fake medics” who could pretend to be authentic and make the group go through their “prescription,” only to tell them they did it for nothing! Life is not a game. Real people are being killed for real causes. Real issues are debated in Congress and on the streets. However, among them are those who claim to have all the answers, and all others are wrong. There are “fake messiahs” out there also, telling us they know the days and hours when the end of the world will come, they have the perfect spiritual direction, or they know the best way to get into heaven. Only one real Messiah, Jesus, calls us to follow Him. Our task is to learn to listen to Him and only Him and to study His word like a road map so that we don’t take a dangerous detour to our destruction. Who will you follow?



Help me be alert, O God, listening to those telling me of Your message. I ask that I not be led astray by those who say things I only want to hear. Thank You for sending the Messiah, the Christ, so I may follow Him daily. In His name, I pray. Amen.





Thursday, November 28, 2024

(Thanksgiving Day)


Isaiah 64:8 — Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.


Matthew 6:10 — Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.



Thanksgiving at the Sydow house was always an event of wondrous culinary and social delights. We almost always had a feast at our home or one of our relatives. It was family reunion time when we got to talk to and play with all the cousins. It was a time of sampling foods cooked by Grandma or one of my aunts - something different from what Mom made. When fifteen aunts, uncles, and their spouses and children crowded into my grandparents’ tiny home, we had organized chaos! But it was fun. The aromas had us all licking our lips in anticipation. But always, before we could eat, we paused to give thanks. It was the one time the whole family recognized where the good things in life came from. We remembered food, family, and possessions. Isaac Watts went further in his great hymn: “Give to our God immortal praise! Mercy and truth are all his ways; Wonders of grace to God belong; Repeat his mercies in your song.” With those words, Watts proclaimed praise and thanksgiving to God in song. The second verse is even more powerful: “He sent his Son with pow’r to save from guilt and darkness and the grave....” This Thanksgiving, may we all remember to thank God for our many blessings, especially what Jesus did for us.



Thank You, O Great Father, for giving me all the blessings You have granted me this year. Thank You for the gift of family, even as I remember those loved ones who have gone before me. Most importantly, thank You for Your grace, which saves me from the power of the grave. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.






Friday, November 29, 2024



2 Peter 1:5-7 — For this very reason, you must make every effort to support your faith with goodness, and goodness with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with endurance, and endurance with godliness, and godliness with mutual affection, and mutual affection with love.

Matthew 21:9 — The crowds that went ahead of him and that followed were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!”



We were thrilled to have a new teacher in my third-grade year. The first few days of class went well. Then, the iron fist came down, requirements seemed to increase, and we all knew we were in for a year of misery! I can’t even remember her name. I can only remember my first missed recess of the year, my punishment for breaking one of what seemed like a dozen new rules. We held our collective breaths by the end of the year, hoping she wouldn’t come back the following school year. God had mercy on us, and we got Mrs. Klima instead. Jesus didn’t impose new rules. He simplified the old rules. However, the pressure was building as the Passover approached. In anticipation of something great, the crowd went wild with the thrill of “Hosannas.” By Thursday, the cheers turned to jeers, and His execution was in the works. What the fickle crowd didn’t understand was that His death would be His greatest victory over sin, death, and the Devil on our behalf, and the signing of a new contract, a new covenant, with His blood. “I will be with you always ... even to the end of the world!” he declared. As we prepare to celebrate His birth, let us also celebrate His coming again and the end of the world of darkness!



O come, O come, Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel. Come also into my life, freeing me from all sin; those when I forget You and others. Bring Your light into my world, and use me to bring that light to others in all I do. In Your name, I pray, O Christ. Amen.




Saturday, November 30, 2024

St. Andrew was a fisherman, the brother of Simon Peter, and the first apostle to follow Jesus. He then brought his brother to Christ. A 14th-century tradition claims he was martyred on this day by being crucified on an X-shaped cross.



Amos 3:7 — Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants, the prophets.


Matthew 25:13 — Keep awake, therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.



I have always needed my sleep. When I was young, I could curl up anywhere to nap. As I grew older, I didn’t think I needed a nap, but I fell asleep most afternoons, waiting for my brothers to fall asleep before I could go out to play. I tried to stay up all night studying before finals in college, but I never quite managed it. I decided it was counter-productive because I almost fell asleep trying to take the test and had difficulty concentrating. After one of those all-night sessions, I was helping someone adjust an antenna on the roof of a tall building when I caught myself falling asleep. I discovered that I couldn’t stay awake if I didn’t get my proper rest. Even now, a 15 to 20-minute nap after lunch will make me twice as productive the rest of the day. The warning Jesus gives is for us to be prepared at any hour of any day to greet His return. I can’t do that if I’m so tired I’d sleep through a tornado. I can’t do that if I’m so involved and concentrating so much on TV, my work, my play, my computer, or anything else I can’t see or hear the signs of His coming. Take time to worship. Take time to study God’s word. Take time to meditate and listen. Take time to serve “the least of His brothers and sisters.” Take time, yes, even make it a priority, to nap so you’ll be fresh and wide awake when He comes in glory! 



I find rest in the worship of You, and my soul is restored. I pray that I might find myself more often meditating on Your word and in the service of others. I pray You might not find me “asleep” when You come again but alert and ready. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.