Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Prequel to PARALLEL MISSIONS - The Journey Begins

Parallel Missions
Larry L. Sydow
Part One – The Plan Takes Shape
     “I perceive an escalating problem, my Lord,” the Helpmate said.  “It appears to be like the first infection with which we were forced to intervene.”
      The Helpmate and the Creator hovered over multiple holographic images of multiple parallel universes.  Their attention was drawn to a “hot spot” in an insignificant galaxy, often overlooked.  Together, they had labored six ages of time, as they reckoned time, like loving parents nurturing their young.
      “It has been causing us anguish,” Creator replied.  “All creatures in all worlds are our creatures.  Sadly, the infection has caused some to turn away and become something other than what we created them to be.”
     Helpmate added, “It appears the first infection has only gotten worse.  Our interventions, as painful and costly as they were, provided only temporary relief.”
      “We have seen some progress, but our patience is running thin.”
      “What shall we do?” Helpmate mourned, “There are no infection-free worlds.  All have fallen short of our intentions.  Our infusion of interplanetary genetics brought some improvement, but only temporarily.”
      Creator added, “That was so promising.  I still think giving them independence of will was a foolish move.”
      “You know,” Helpmate insisted, “I totally disagree, and You said so Yourself!  What would we do with worlds and universes full of automatons that are basically mindless?”
      “I know,” Creator agreed.  “The Anunnaki tried that for selfish purposes and we had to do a cleansing wash that still has me weeping when I remember.  There has to be a better way.”
      “There was!” Offspring agreed.  “But even I was rejected by those with power to make the necessary changes! And we weep in unison in remembrance of our suffering, but we also celebrate the new beginning.”
      “I still think there has to be a better way,” Helpmate insisted, “… another way.”
      “There is!” Creator declared.  “We will find it!”
      Offspring agreed, “We will!  I know we will.”
      “Where do we start?” asked Helpmate.
      As One, they embraced and merged their thoughts for what may have seemed to an observer, had there been one, to have lasted an eternity.  When they refrained from embracing, they  smiled, a new light appeared to engulf them, and a glorious choir of the most amazing symphonic voices greeted a new day.  They knew what they would do.
      “There is that planet they call Earth,” Creator said, pointing to it. “We’ve always had a special thing for Earth and all of its parallels.  Let’s begin there … again.”
      “I agree,” Offspring sang in harmony with the symphonic voices, “but to do that, we need to find the best parallel for incubating our plans for renewal.”
      They observed dozens of Earth parallels before settling on one with the most potential for bringing about the needed changes, without resorting to total destruction and annihilation.  What drew them to this parallel, was a small child with a heart and a spirit full of potential. 
      “He reminds me of our Offspring at that age,” Helpmate said.  “He is full of hope and promise ... and just enough mischief to keep him from being dull.”
      “Mischief?” Offspring asked with a quirky little smile? “Are you saying I was mischievious when I was that age?”
      “Do cherry trees, water jars, and water walks remind you of anything?”
      “Oh, yes, I suppose I had a little fun with those things.”
      Creator said, “Do we want to subject this child to the horrors Offspring endured for that world?”
      “Why not encourage a spreading of the responsibility,” Offspring suggested, “and thus, the sharing of the suffering, so he doesn’t have to endure it alone.  We will never leave him without our support and the help of others.”
      Helpmate pointed out, “It will be an ongoing challenge for us.”
      Creator agreed, “He follows well in the big footprints of his own father, who has been guiding him well.  As long as he continues to rely on our guidance to increase his wisdom, I believe he will do fine.”
      “This world is centuries ahead of the Earth parallel,” Helpmate noted.  “Our Universal Law of Non-interference may inhibit the work that needs to be done.”
      Creator said, “Agreed, but part of the infection has already caused a breaking of the Law in some places.  If the child uses the wisdom we believe he possesses, those he sends will be able to work within that Law without violating it.”
      “There are many in many worlds who listen to us,” Offspring insisted.  “But the child’s father seems to be the most open at this time.  We can begin with by planting the seeds with him and the boy’s mother.”
      Helpmate chimed, “Agreed!  We have a good new beginning.  So, the journey begins again.”
      Creator and Offspring sang in unison in deep resonant voices, “The journey begins again!”

Part Two – The Seeds are Sown
      Creator gave full attention to the Parallel where Qualto is the common native language.  Some, therefore, referred to this Parallel by the language name, “Qualto”.  It was technologically and scientifically several centuries ahead of Earth, but its inhabitants were most in tune with those of Earth, of all parallels and all planets.  Dadelos Gompton, the father of the child on whom their attention was focused, was the most open of all beings to Creator’s voice.
      The Dadelos awoke early with an idea that just would not dissipate.  The scientists of Parallel had reported to the Advisory Council on which he sat, that they had discovered a method of traveling to the Earth Parallel and back.  They had studied earth history and learned that certain events on Earth over the centuries had adversely impacted the history of Parallel’s past, which in turn caused problems in the present and presumably would cause more in its future.  The mantra of some of these scientists was becoming louder and more insistent:  “As on Earth, so in Qualto. As in Qualto, so throughout creation.”
      Events in the Qualto Parallel were reaching catastrophic levels which, if the course of events was not changed, could bring about the total annihilation of this and several other parallels.  There were two schools of thought.  Both groups were adamant, and some individuals were even violently insistent that their way was the only way. 
      One group, the AHI (the Adherents to Historical Integrity), was demanding strict adherence to the Law of Non-interference.  “Let the natural flow of history do what it will.  If that means we die, we die!  To interfere would be to mess with Creator’s plan.  The natural order of things will take care of itself, and we must absolutely prevent any disruption in that order.  Though they would never admit it, the AHI was willing to break that Law in order to prevent any other interference.
      The other group, the HCC (the Historical Corrections Committee) was insisting that interference in Earth’s history could save many of the worlds in linked parallels, by preventing the death and destruction that started it all.  There would be some upheaval of the histories of some parallels, including Qualto, but those changes would be in the best interests of the future of all living things, of every associated parallel.  Those interferences, if Creator permitted them or encouraged them, would be blessed by Creator.  At least, they argued, they would be attempting to do something positive instead of accepting the fall of all.
      The Dadelos was caught in the crossfire of both groups.  As he woke up, a plan began to formulate in his mind.  Both groups had powerful and wealthy leaders preaching their causes.  The anti-interference group had the more vocal and violent members who, the Dadelos had verified evidence, ironically enough, were already interfering with those native groups on Earth attempting to prevent violence and warfare.  He considered the AHI to be the most dangerous and radical of the two groups, even more so since they knew the possibility for historical intervention was now possible.
      Therefore, whatever he decided to do would have to be done in utmost secrecy, with only a few highly trusted scientists involved.  The list of the HCC inner circle would be called in, one at a time, to help formulate a plan.  He would also call in the leading scientists of the AHI, the opposition leaders, for informal discussions to discover what he could of their plans, alternating them between the two groups, to keep the AHI from discovering his own plans.
      Since he was the spiritual advisor to Supreme Leader of the GLA (the Governmental Legislative Authority for the whole planet), he was able to have funding channeled to the “Historical Corrections Committee,” of which he was the chair.  The AHI was a great supporter of that fund, but thought of it as being responsible for renovations of historical sites throughout the planet, and nothing more.  While they were opposed to messing with history, they had little interest in restoring historical sites, and showed no interest in participating on that committee.  Thus the Dadelos and his hand-picked committee had free reign over a sizeable fund.  Superficial improvements to historical sites satisfied the yearly review of the work of the committee.
      Months turned to years as people and resources were gathered, and a secret location was obtained.  For complete secrecy and anonymity, the location for the main laboratory was actually in another undisclosed parallel one of the younger scientists discovered and recommended in an interview.  It was easily accessible from this Parallel, but only from a specific location in the Dadelos’ compound.  How the young man had accomplished that feat, Dadelos Gompton had no idea.  The mathematics and quantum physics of the process was beyond his comprehension. 
      The recruitment of trusted leaders for the effort, and determining exactly what they would do, and how they would carry it out, involved a great deal of study and discussion.  The Dadelos set the inner circle to work answering those questions.
      As trusted scientists in many and various world-wide locations, they had access to planetary data bases.  Their numerous searches narrowed the field of potential candidates for the assignment.
      Young married couples were interviewed over the following year for support positions in various Earth countries, to determine their interest in visiting and even living in a backward world such as Earth.  On the surface, the AHI and the HCC cooperated with the understanding that these people were being sent for historical research only.  They were only sent for brief periods because of the time differences which would make them miss too much of what was happening in their own families and villages.
      After spending time in Earth Parallel, the AHI believed these volunteers were no longer viable candidates for visits to Earth and dismissed them.  However, the HCC secretly interviewed them to discover if they had any interest or desire for becoming permanent support personnel for the missions being planned for the future.
      Using techniques for “reading” the truth of the prospects, the HCC was able to narrow the field and send them back to live as permanent citizens of Earth.  Paperwork and identity concerns were a problem at first, but a subcommittee of HCC solved the problem by training a small contingency of support staff for that specific purpose.  They then sent them to Earth to plant the necessary backgrounds in official records in each country. 
      Another group of scientists produced permanent language chips which could be surgically implanted near the hypothalamus of each support member which made it possible for them to read, write, and speak the appropriate Earth language.  Other useful skills given to support team members made the new residents in every community welcome additions.  In every case, they were able to tie in to the history of a family that had moved away (and died) years before, whom at least two or three old-timers in the town or village remembered.
      The final plans were submitted in secret to the Dadelos, who had already agreed to sign the documents and initiate the program.  One problem remained to be answered:  “Who will lead the Mission Team?”  It was agreed that one couple from Qualto would need to be established as residents of Earth, but an established Earth person or couple would need to be recruited, trained, and equipped.  It was agreed by the HCC that the Earth couple could legally interfere with Earth events on Earth under the guidance and supervision of a Parallel Team leader without violating the “Non Interference Law.”
      After days of computer searches, Dryxxl and Vdelechy Grobbbfriched were chosen. They were a young married couple of childbearing age who could establish themselves and raise a family like typical Earth inhabitants, before beginning the mission project.  It was agreed, their Earth names would be Tomas and Judith Talbert.
      Tomas and Judith Talbert established themselves in Baltimore, Maryland.  Tomas joined the state police force, developing a reputation as a tough and reliable officer, and a thorough investigator.  He was recruited by the FBI and in subsequent years by the CIA and then the NSA, before “retiring” at a young afrom law enforcement to move his family to California.  There, he became a building contractor, but occasionally carried out investigative and covert work for the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA. 
His wife Judith had been trained as a medical doctor in the Qualto Parallel.  Attending Johns Hopkins to obtain a degree, a license, and a reputation as a topnotch surgeon, seemed to be a natural fit.   
      While in Baltimore, they had two children, Stephanie and Constantine. Because of Tomas’ connections with governmental agency it was agreed that the family should to California, where their children grew up and both established themselves in their respective occupations.
      Once Constantine, the last of their children to marry had left home, the master plan of the Parallel Missions was set in motion.  Tomas and Judith both returned to Parallel for upgrades to their training and equipment.  Judith returned via a portal to set things in order for their move from California for the “good life” and the slower pace of Nebraska. 
      Tomas was given additional training and was sent back in a prototype ship to scout out the area in Nebraska where they would establish themselves and recruit a team to carry out the proposed missions. 
      Tomas had been trained to fly the ship and use a wormhole to enter the Earth parallel at the proper time.  However, the science was new enough that not all of the kinks were worked out before the first traverse.  As a result, Tomas’ ship’s entrance through that wormhole alerted an alien ship.  With very little warning, an attack commenced. 
      Tomas attempted to ellude his attacker by entering a huge storm cloud.  He thought he was making progress as the lightning strikes were deflected by the ship’s defenses.  Then an enormous jolt created a gaping hole in the side of the ship.  He could feel the ship shudder and begin to slowly fall.  The hatch flew open with a bang and he had to choose between going down with the ship or taking a chance he might survive a fall from the ship.
      He disengaged himself from the restraints of the pilot’s seat, grabbed his backpack, and fought his way to the gaping hatch opening.  He could see the ground below slowly coming to meet the ship through flashes of lightning.  At the last minute, he jumped, landing in a muddy depression filled with rainwater, and rolling to a stop.  It took his breath away, but when he looked back he saw a gigantic bolt of white-hot light strike the ship and literally vaporize it.
      His Undersuit had saved his life, but water in the depression in which he landed and the impact of the landing had shorted out most of the power the Suit provided.  He watched as the alien ship began searching for him.  In a flash of lightning, he saw that the contents of his backpack had scattered across the field in which he had landed.  In a flash of another kind, he saw his favorite cap struck and vaporized by the pursuing ship.  It dawned on him that they were zeroing in on his cloths, and the strikes were getting closer to him.  He began to run and strip as he ran, looking back to see some of the cloths he tossed away vaporize. 
      By the time he had stripped down to his Undersuit, the strikes had returned to his landing site.  He ran toward a road he could only see when lightning flashed.  It took him some time to climb over a barbed wire fence, through a muddy ditch, and up onto the road.  By the time he reached the gravel road, he was near exhaustion, but he thought he was safe.
            When he thought the worst was over, bright lights came over the hill in the pouring rain.  He ran until he stumbled over the edge of the road….  Wet darkness engulfed him.

To order Parallel Missions-The Journey Begins, check with Amazon or email me direct at:

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