Saturday, December 9, 2023

January 2024 Daily Devotions

 The first forty days of this year, I will base these devotions on Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life. Whether you like the book or not, I hope my “Points To Ponder” will spur your spiritual thinking. My prayer is that God will use them to help us all grow in our spiritual journey with Christ, our Lord. **Point to Ponder, Scripture, and Question are from Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life. Thoughts to Ponder by Larry L. Sydow; Prayers by Bruce Freeman.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                                        Monday, January 1, 2014

                                                       NEW YEARS DAY - Day 1


Point to Ponder: It’s not about me.

Scripture: “Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him.”  Colossians 1:16b

Question: Despite all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?



There was no one in the grade above me in country school. So, in my 7th and 8th-grade years, Wayne and I were top dogs! We were the “big kids” we had detested when we were younger. We could call the shots and run things our way within teacher-prescribed limits. Then, the day of reckoning came when we arrived in high school, in town, where we were wimpy freshmen, and country hicks at that! We were intimidated into our places rather quickly and rediscovered humility. We were only two out of a huge class of 41! (My wife, Sue, had more than 400 in her class in the big city!) There was a “king of the pecking order,” and we were not it! Some people still need to learn that there is a GOD and “they ain’t it!” We were created by God, in God’s image, and for God’s purposes. Nothing we do, buy, or own will ever make us feel complete, filled, or fulfilled until we discover God’s Plan and Purpose for us. Until we re-orient our thinking to place God as the center of our universe, our search for meaning will be fruitless. Are you ready to “let go and let God?”



Forgive me when I neglect to put You first, dear Lord. There have been so many times when I thought that it was all about me instead of You. I pray that I might put You first in my life and worship. Be with me this day and help me to make You number one, as did Jesus, my Lord. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                                  Tuesday, January 2, 2014 - Day 2


Point to Ponder: I am not an accident.


Scripture: “I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born.”  Isaiah 44:2


Question: Knowing that God uniquely created me, what areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?



Adolescence was a period of my life I don’t want to relive. Every physical flaw I had—and I was convinced, in my mind, that I had ten times more than any other boy my age - was magnified and announced to the whole world by an invisible loudspeaker system that everyone but me could hear! Having younger siblings who knew how to remind me of my pimples, big ears, gangly arms, and pigeon-toed feet didn’t help my self-image either. If ever God made a mistake in creating anything or anyone, I was sure it was me. Fortunately, I didn’t have much time to dwell on the subject. I was exposed to several other boys going through the same metamorphosis (change). Some had it even worse than I did! But probably the most helpful was the reassurance of loving parents who reminded me of my good qualities and the gifts God gave me that no one else had. Dad once pointed out one of the ducks transitioning from cute and cuddly to adult duck. “That’s you right now,” he told me,  “but one day, he’ll be a handsome young duck, and you’ll be a handsome young man, the way God intended.” From that moment on, I kept an eye on that ugly little duckling and began to see a different “me” in the mirror. God doesn’t make mistakes. He makes each of us uniquely “us.” It is useless to compare ourselves to others. How much better to ask ourselves, “What has God uniquely created me for?” Then, praise God and go with it!



Wow! It is incredible to me, O God, that You have made me and have made me wonderful in Your sight. When I look at my flaws and faults, it is hard to imagine that You accept me just as I am. Thank You for creating me and helping me see Your purpose for me. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                               Wednesday, January 3, 2014 - Day 3


Point to Ponder: Living on purpose is the path to peace.


Scripture:  “You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you.”   Isaiah 26:3


Question: What would my family and friends say is the driving force of my life? What do I want it to be?



I fought “tooth and nail” to avoid learning some lessons. I saw no reason to outline sentences in English. I got an “F” on a sentence outlining test. It was stupid! Mrs. Wilson wouldn’t give up on me, though. She was “mean enough” to make me stay after school, explained the process in great detail, and helped me see that I already knew the elements (the parts of speech). All I had to do was put them on the frame. She then explained (probably for the millionth time) how putting them in their proper place could be so helpful and led me, step by step, through a problem. A light clicked on, and before I headed for home, I could easily do several complex sentences! Several times, I thought about giving up the ministry. Once, I tried my hand at holistic counseling. The results felt like a poorly diagrammed sentence. Something wasn’t right. Something was missing. When it comes to life, many people make the mistake of losing sight of the “why” - the purpose and the goal. Their thoughts center on themselves and how hard it is, not considering that God created them as unique individuals with just the right gifts to accomplish His purpose. Only when I returned to parish ministry and God’s purpose for me did I experience real peace and joy. Yes, there were still frustrations, but even frustrations find their place in God’s grand design - God’s “sentence outline” for our lives. Are you ready to look outside yourself to discover God’s divine Plan?



Re-orient me, O Father, so You become my life’s driving force. Help me get my priorities straight and not lose sight of Your purpose for me. Without You, too much is missing within me, and things are not right. Let me always be in Your service, O mighty God. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                                Thursday, January 4, 2014 - Day 4


Point to Ponder: There is more to life than just here and now.


Scripture: “This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever.”  1 John 2:17


Question: Since You made me to last forever, what is the one thing I should stop doing and the one thing I should start doing today?



It was a hot, sleepy summer afternoon when I was nine. I was supposed to carry five-gallon buckets of corn from the crib to the pigs. I sat in the shade halfway between the two to rest and fell asleep, and before I knew it, Dad was calling for me. By the time I finished my chores, It was too late to go into town with him. It was an opportunity I was really sorry I missed! At this very moment, as I write these thoughts, I am unwinding from a very long and tiring day. The holidays have given me excuses galore for putting on a few pounds, pushing aside my devotional writing, and slacking on exercise. It is now time to stop procrastinating and get with it. I’ve set my goals. I know what I want to accomplish. So, what will it take to get me moving? Stepping on the scale again? A deadline for publication? An illness caused by lack of exercise? Missing another opportunity? Possibly all of the above!!! (By the time you read this, I hope to be back on track and possibly on the winning side of my goals.) But what about my spiritual journey, my spiritual goals? (or yours?) If “this world is fading away” and if “there is more to life than just here and now,” when this world finally does end, and I must face my Maker, will I have set goals that matter, and will I be on the journey to accomplishing them? Where do worship, Bible study, and prayer time fit in my plan? It is easy to procrastinate the starting of spiritual goals also. However, when it comes right down to it, what really matters? Momentary pleasures here and now, or the accomplishment of God’s divine Plan for my everlasting life?! Lord, help me choose LIFE and live accordingly!



Sometimes, I forget, dear Lord, that this life that I am living is just a tiny portion of my life with You. Help me to see that the many worldly goals that I have for myself will someday fade and be of no importance. Accompany me on my journey, and let my goals and life please You. I pray this in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                                   Friday, January 5, 2014 - Day 5


Point to Ponder: Life is a test and a trust.


Scripture: “Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won’t be faithful in large ones.” Luke 16:10a


Question: What has happened to me recently that I now realize was a test from God? What are the most significant matters God has entrusted to me?



The first farm chore I remember was gathering eggs. It was a noisy, smelly, and sometimes painful job, but I had mastered it by age seven. That was when my sister got the job, and I was responsible for teaching her my “tricks” for not getting pecked. I was then responsible for feeding and watering the chickens. I was incredibly thankful when my twin brothers took over egg gathering so my sister could take over feeding and watering. I was then entrusted with milking, feeding baby calves, and cleaning their stalls. Following God’s pattern, my parents increased the chores according to our ability. We had to prove we could do the small stuff before they gave us more difficult jobs. Our Heavenly Parent uses that principle to help us grow and mature in the faith. Babies are fed milk before they are given solid foods, and they must be able to chew and swallow soft-cooked vegetables before they are given a steak. God wants to see if we can listen to His will and carry out His simple acts of love and service before He entrusts us with the “big stuff.” How well do we listen? How good are we at following God’s nudges to do or say something (or, for that matter - to keep our mouth shut!)? God’s nudges may be as simple as writing a note or calling someone who comes to mind. They may involve accepting a position of service or taking a new job. They may mean taking a step of faith to give to a special need. Are you ready to face God’s tests of faith and trust?



Don’t let me remain the infant I have been, dear God, but enable me to grow in my service to you. Forgive me for thinking I have done enough; now it’s time for someone else to do all the work. As you give me more complex tasks, remain with me so that I will not be afraid of them and will do them well. Thank You for giving me the responsibilities You have given me thus far. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                                 Saturday, January 6, 2014 - Day 6


Point to Ponder: This world is not my home.


Scripture:   “So we fix our eyes not on what we see, but on what we don’t see. For what we see is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”  2 Corinthians 4:18


Question:   How should the fact that life on Earth is just a temporary assignment change how I live right now?



In all my years on the farm, we only moved twice, which I remember, and both were only two miles apart. Home, to me, was where my family was. Even when I went to town to stay with my city grandparents or an aunt and uncle, I was never far from home. When I went away to school, I always had a home to come back to, except the year my parents left the farm and moved to town, but that’s another story! Somewhere in those two moves, it must have impressed me always to leave the house out of which we were moving better than we found it. My dear wife grew up with that same principle, so we have tried to do that with every move we made, sometimes backing out of the house on our knees with a cleaning rag to ensure we would leave it spotless. We could not see the people who would follow us, but those unseen saints, I’m sure, appreciated our cleanliness. Our residence in this world can be seen in much the same way. We have an “unseen” Newer, Better Home waiting for us in our Father’s Mansion. This world’s rooms, fields, forests, and beaches are God’s lease to us while we live here, and God expects us to leave them better than the way we found them. That also goes for the people we meet. Are they more blessed after we have gone than before? How can we make our temporary home, which we can see, better physically and spiritually than we found it when we leave for our unseen Home in Heaven?



Sometimes, I think this life is all there is, Heavenly Father, and not just a temporary assignment. Let me see that all You have given me, my possessions, my family, and the Earth are just mine to have for a little while. Help me always appreciate the shortness of life, give loving care to all that surrounds me, and leave it better than the way I found it. I pray this in the name of my Savior. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                                  Sunday, January 7, 2014 - Day 7


Point to Ponder: It’s all for him.


Scripture: “For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory.”  Romans 11:36


Question: Where can I become more aware of God’s glory in my daily routine?



If there was a grade I liked most, it was fourth grade. Undoubtedly, Mrs. Klima was the primary reason I looked forward to school daily. She could be stern when needed, but something about the way she taught made me want to learn more. Until second grade, when I had a girl in my class, I was alone most of my educational career. That year, Wayne Osborn became my classmate. But it was Mrs. Klima who made the difference. I wasn’t “in love” with her, but she could say the word, and I’d do it, no matter what. I did my assignments for her!

I emptied the trash for her. I swept the floor after school for her. My only reward was knowing I was helping her. I discovered a similar but even more intense love and appreciation for Jesus when Mrs. Muhs introduced me to Him at about that same time. I knew about Jesus from parents, grandparents, and pastors. My grandmother seemed to know Jesus on a “first name” basis, but Mrs. Muhs showed me how to get to know Him myself in that way. It was the beginning of my real friendship with Him. In my more mature years, that friendship has only increased, and I feel a desire, similar to that I had with Mrs. Klima, to do whatever I can to love and serve Jesus. I don’t do it for the reward - I’ve already received that because of His sacrifice. I do it in gratitude, to glorify God. How about you? What activities in your day will you dedicate to praising God?



You are my creator and my reason for living, O God. Let me do everything that I do, this and every day, for Your glory. Help me see beyond myself and what You would have me do. Tell me what I can do today, and assist me in doing it. I pray this all in the name of the one who gives me purpose in my life, Jesus, the Christ. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                                  Monday, January 8, 2014 - Day 8


Point to Ponder: God planned me for God’s pleasure.


Scripture: “The Lord takes pleasure in his people.”  Psalm 149:4a


Question: What common task could I start doing as if I were doing it directly for Jesus?



My grandfather was extremely tight with his money. He came to this country with nothing, worked hard, saved, bought land when it was cheap, and then lost a lot of it during the Great Depression. I didn’t know until I was six that the only spending money my grandmother had was what she got from eggs, which were cheap. When I made that discovery, I felt guilty for asking for treats when I went shopping with her. To her dying day, if one of her grandchildren needed something, she would take her precious egg money to ensure they got it, even if it meant giving up something she badly needed. Knowing how much she did for me made me want to do things for her. I regret that she died when I was only seven, and I didn’t have much opportunity to repay her love for me. Through her self-sacrificing love, I have come to appreciate God’s love even more. God loved me so much that he gave up more than egg money. God gave the most precious part of Himself - His Son Jesus. I could never really repay Grandma, but then she wouldn’t have let me anyway. We can never fully repay Jesus for His sacrifice, either. The one thing we can do, out of gratitude, is love and serve Him to the best of our abilities, as we love and serve others - even the most sinful or unlovable. In each person I see, I try to see Jesus, and I hope I respond to the Jesus in that person in an appropriate way. How about you?



It astounds me, O God, that You take pleasure in me, with all my faults and sins. I give You thanks that You take delight in my very being. I pray that You might use me this day to serve and love You through my service to others. In Christ’s name. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                                  Tuesday, January 9, 2014 - Day 9


Point to Ponder: God smiles when I trust him.


Scripture: “The Lord is pleased with those who worship him and trust his love.”  Psalm 147:11


Question: Since God knows what is best, in what areas of my life do I need to trust him most?



Trust is not an automatic response. It is a treasure that takes years to perfect. It takes a long, long time to re-establish if it is lost. As a child, I trusted my parents and grandparents without reservation. I knew they loved me and would do anything to protect me. They helped me cross raging, shark-invested creeks; they stayed up with me all night when I was sick and thought I was dying; they fought off vicious, savage dogs, charging bulls, and boy-eating setting hens; they protected me from kidnaping gypsies, homicidal bank robbers hiding from the law, and murderers forcing us off the road as they ran from the police. They had earned my trust many times over. God’s love for us has been even more worthy of our trust. From the beginning of creation to the time of my birth, from the time of my baptism to the present moment, God has been faithful to me, blessing me so that I, in turn, would be a blessing to others. When I have trusted God’s leading, even when it was uncomfortable or unpleasant, I have always discovered hidden blessings waiting to be revealed. Steps of faith are still scary. Changes are more challenging to make with each passing year. But of this one thing, I am absolutely certain - I can trust God to be there with me, and if I am faithful to His direction, the Eternal Reward, already purchased by His blood, will be great!



Why do I lack trust in You, dear Lord, when You repeatedly show me that You are a God who keeps Your promises? Forgive me for my lack of trust. I praise You that during those times that I have trusted You and followed, You have revealed Your hidden blessings. Be with me this day as I go out with trust in You. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                             Wednesday, January 10, 2014 - Day 10


Point to Ponder: The heart of worship is surrender.


Scripture:   “Surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes.”  Romans 6:13b


Question: What area of my life am I holding back from God?



Surrender was a dirty word in the wars we fought in the trees north of the ranch house. We’d rather be shot and killed a dozen times than surrender. I understand why Peter cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant in the Garden the night Jesus was arrested. He was fully prepared to fight to the death. Surrender was not in his vocabulary when they tried connecting him with Jesus thrice! But surrender became his way of life for His risen Lord. Every part of his life was committed to doing the will of God, even when it meant associating with those awful Gentiles, suffering in prison, or facing execution. I discovered the advantages of surrender when I finally admitted that the pain of my sciatica was more powerful and more persistent than I was. Surrendering to the physician’s care, like surrendering to the care of the Great Physician, started me on the road to recovery. Surrendering to the merciful justice of the Eternal Judge will also bring blessed relief from sin, guilt, fear, and a host of other physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. Surrendering our spiritual well-being to the Spirit of God is like experiencing a cleansing hot shower after a hard, cold day in the frigid trenches of the world. Once we release any area of our life to Christ, we discover what LIVE means. Why not take inventory to discover what you’d like to surrender to the Lord?



Surrendering is sometimes not in my vocabulary, dear Father, and I hate to admit defeat. Help me to surrender my life to You, knowing that it is only when I do that I will truly live. Heal me and use me today that I may do Your will, not mine. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.



                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

Thursday, January 11, 2014 - Day 11

Point to Ponder: God wants to be my best friend.

Scripture: “Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence him.” Psalm 25:14a

Question: What can I do to remind myself to think about God and talk to him more often throughout the day?


Friends were hard to find on the farm. The nearest boy my age lived a mile away, and we didn’t have much in common. When I went to high school, it was a little easier to find guys my age, and girls made a fascinating addition to the possibilities. I was a little shy around the girls in my class, but I was fortunate to have two guys who were in most of my classes as friends. I treasured their friendship more than I can say. During my college days, we all went in different directions, found the spouses God had in mind for us, and settled down to different careers and towns. We rekindled our friendship only recently before one of my friends passed away. If you have ever had a friend in whom you could confide, in whom you could find trust, and in whose company you could find laughter and joy, you have experienced a small taste of the Friendship God longs for with you. We often make God feel like a wallflower who is ignored while we pursue other dancers, other interests, and even other gods. God longs to hear our voice, see our smile, hold our hand, and die for us; help us carry our burdens, wipe our tears, and make our decisions. What kind of friend do you long to have? What kind of friend have you been to God?


Why is it, God, that You want to be my best friend, yet I often ignore You unless there’s a crisis in my life? Forgive me for forgetting about You when You are constantly here with me. Help me talk to You often daily while eating, reading, driving, or doing one of the many other things I’ll be doing. Thank You for listening. In the name of my friend Jesus, I pray. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

Friday, January 12, 2014 - Day 12

Point to Ponder: I’m as close to God as I choose to be.

Scripture: “Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you.” James 4:8a

Question: What practical choices will I make today to grow closer to God?


My first 4-H project was a baby beef steer. “Baby” seems a strange title for an animal that weighed more than ten times what I weighed and, standing on all four feet, was taller than I was. When I started working with him, he was skittish and not very cooperative. Six months from fair time, he and I were not seeing eye to eye! He was stubborn - down-right “bull-headed”! (Pun intended.) It wasn’t until after he had drug me across a weed patch, over a broken fence, and through a muddy ditch that Dad suggested I needed to spend more time with him. More time? I wanted to shoot him!!! But after a good bath, a good meal, and time to calm myself, I reluctantly accepted Dad’s advice. For weeks, I spent every spare minute with the “beast” and was surprised to find that he wasn’t so bad after all. By fair time, we were close enough that it only took minor nudges from my 80-pound body to move my 1200-pound “friend” into place for the judge. Imagine how frustrated God must feel trying to get closer to us, His friends, when we shun His presence in worship, avoid His Word in scripture, and keep moving farther away. My father was right. The more time I spent with my 4-H calf, the closer we became. I even had to fight back tears when we sold my reserve champion steer. The more time we spend with God, the more we will experience God’s loving presence. How close do you want God to be to you? What are you willing to do to help make it happen?


Let me draw close to You today, dear Lord. Make me ever mindful of Your presence and Your wish that I would come to know You better. I know that it is important that I take time out of this day to worship You and to read Your word; help me not forget. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

Saturday, January 13, 2014 - Day 13

Point to Ponder: God wants all of me.

Scripture: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30

Question: Which is more pleasing to God now - my public or private worship? What will I do about this?


When I was a kid, I loved to daydream. Surprised?! Even doing my chores, I could think up plots and storylines that would have made good books. In my daydreams, I rode with Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger, and Hop-a-long Cassidy, to name a few. They were personal friends of mine. I flew into space with Buck Rogers and sang songs with Perry Como. The trouble with daydreaming was that I sometimes sat on a bucket of feed and daydreamed instead of feeding it to the animals or sitting at my desk at school and staring into space. That didn’t please those who depended on me to deliver the feed - neither my Dad, who had other jobs for me, the hungry pigs, nor the teacher who expected me to learn something. It certainly didn’t improve the teacher’s disposition! They wanted all of me doing what I was supposed to do. Undoubtedly, God sees us as people who are “not all there for Him.” Our hearts, minds, time, and strength are so distracted and diluted (or polluted) by so many things that there is little left for God. Jesus quoted an Old Testament writer who understood what God wants and expects from us. He doesn’t ask for the leftovers or a tiny fraction of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. He wants it ALL, even our “secret thoughts and desires,” our failures, and our fun. When did you stop to dedicate those parts of your life - even your daydreams to God? Don’t just daydream. Do it and dedicate ALL of your life to Christ.


I’m sorry for those many times when I thought it was all right to give You only part of myself, dear God. Keep my heart, mind, and soul from being distracted and distant from You. Take all of me for Your purpose. I pray this in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

                                                Sunday, January 14, 2014 - Day 14

Point to Ponder: God is real, no matter how I feel.

Scripture: “For God has said, ‘‘I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.’’” Hebrews 13:5

Question: How can I stay focused on God’s presence, especially when he feels distant?


I was so busy building a mountain in the sandpile with Landon Hansen that I forgot to whisper, not once but several times. Finally, Miss Robinson made me sit down and told me I’d have to stay after school. It was a first for my educational career. I was in first grade. At 4:00, when school let out, I had to stay at my desk and color another picture. My sister, who was in kindergarten, was terrified. She had never walked the mile home alone. When I was released from “prison” after my 15-minute detention and a lecture on not talking at the sandpile while she was teaching another class, I headed home, only to find my sister standing in the middle of the dirt road crying. We were the only students who lived on that mile. She thought she was all alone and that I’d have to stay locked up in the school all night, and she’d have to walk home all alone and... It took a while to calm her down and convince her none of the above was true. We may not stand in the middle of the road crying about it, but many of us find those times of quiet desperation when we don’t “feel” God’s presence. We feel abandoned and left to walk the long, lonely road alone. Even Jesus prayed: “My God! My God! Why have you abandoned me!?” We echo Jesus’ words on the cross, if not vocally, at least in our thoughts. God’s presence doesn’t depend on how we feel. If we ask where God is, we ask the wrong question. We should be asking where we have been in our relationship with God. God is always there. We are the ones who forget to show up!)


Calm me, dear Lord, and remind me that You are always with me and have never distanced Yourself from me. Thank You for Your words of reassurance that even though I don’t always “feel” You, You are Immanuel - “God with us.” Help me strengthen my relationship with You. In the name of Immanuel, I pray. Amen.

                                                           DAILY DEVOTIONS

Monday, January 15, 2014 - Day 15

Point to Ponder: I was formed for God’s family.

Scripture: His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 1:5a

Question: How can I start treating other believers like members of my own family?


Family has always been important to me. One set of grandparents lived two miles away, and the other set lived six miles away in the big city - Stanton (population 1200). I had aunts and uncles all over the place since my mother had 13 (living) brothers and sisters, and my father had nine (living). If I went to spend a few days with one of them, I was treated like one of their kids - including scoldings and swats on the rear end, when appropriate. I enjoyed being with some of them more than others, and I do not doubt at all that had something happened to my parents, I would have been adopted into one of their homes without hesitation. That is our legacy as children of God. In baptism, God guarantees that we are members of His family. That doesn’t mean we have to live with God and His rules. It means we have the privilege if we choose to do so and commit ourselves to Him by affirming our faith (confirmation). We can, of course, lose it all by turning our back on the gift. As the father of two adopted children, I can tell you that they are as precious to me as my own life! Yes, I’ve gotten angry with them, disciplined them, and worried about them. But I have also provided for them, wept, sacrificed for them, and done my best to help them know their brother and Savior, my Friend, Jesus. My kids are now in their 40s and living away from home. I pray that they will pass on what I have shared with them. However, even before they left home, I began to realize I was thinking of every child I baptize, every new member I receive in the church, and especially every confirmation student I teach as my own adopted children. I have tried to follow the model God gave us. I have sacrificed, worried, and wept for many of them also. What are you willing to do for your brothers and sisters in Christ? Remember, they are part of your adopted family, too.


I thank You, Heavenly Father, for bringing me into Your family through baptism. It is good to be a part of such a large family. Help me never take it for granted, and I will never turn my back on this precious gift. I pray that I might treat my Christian family with that love and respect, encouraging them in all they do. In the name of Jesus, my brother. Amen.



Tuesday, January 16, 2014 - Day 16

Point to Ponder: Life is all about love.

Scripture: “The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Galatians 5:14

Question: Honestly, are relationships my first priority? How can I ensure that they are?


I tend to be a workaholic. I am thankful to have a helpmate who loves me enough to hold my feet to the fire occasionally and remind me that I need to take time for her, me, and other people. Life is not all about how much work we accomplish, how much money or how many possessions we can accumulate, or what kind of awards we can nail to the wall or display on top of the TV. Life - real life - is all about love! We’ve probably heard poems about how Jesus never traveled far, never won any awards, never owned a home, never had a bank account, etc. If we follow Jesus’ model, life is only about loving our parents, our brothers and sisters, our neighbor, and, yes, our enemy. The word “love” in Greek is “agape.” Of all the Greek words for love, it is the most beautiful and powerful. It is literally “other-centered” love. For the best and most thorough description of “agape” love, read 1 Corinthians 13 and then John 3:16. (If possible, stop right now to do so!) When I am tempted to spend every hour working on “work,” I force myself to visit with people - my friend Jesus, my wife, my pastor friend, the hospital, shut-ins, shopkeepers, anyone! I am renewed and refreshed, not by “work,” as important as that is, but by relationships where I can share my love in person. When I’m feeling down, depressed, or overwhelmed, the best medicine I find is the love that those same people share. I have learned that the best place for me to start is with my Lord. The next closest person I can turn to and trust is my beloved, whose love mirrors “agape” so well. Life is all about relationships lived in agape love!


Forgive me, O Lord, when I let the busyness of my life get in the way of the relationships that You have given me. Thank You for those wonderful people who have shown me “agape” love. Help me to truly love others by putting them first. Let me spend most of my time today showing love to others. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen



Wednesday, January 17, 2014 - Day 17

Point to Ponder: I am called to belong, not just believe.

Scripture: “In Christ, we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:5

Question: Does my level of involvement in my local church demonstrate that I love and am committed to God’s family?


The people who are closest to us can often be the ones who irritate and frustrate us the most. I’m unsure how my mother kept her sanity as my brothers, sisters, and I grew up. Sometimes, we got along and played well together - most of the time. But sometimes, it was good that our neighbors lived a mile away! Even then, they probably heard some of our more vocal fights! Fortunately, we belonged to a family where we were forced to work together and “work it out” before it got out of hand. The church is an “only too human” institution knitted together in Christ to form His body. Imagine the members of your body fighting every time you wanted to do something: one hand knocking the other out of the way when you were hungry, and both in a savage fight while you starved; your feet being angry with your arms and walking the opposite direction from the one your head wanted to go; or your heart stopping because it disagreed with the words your voice spoke! There is no such thing in the Bible as individual religious experience. Everything in the Old Testament is tied to a relationship with membership in the community of believers. In the New Testament, the same is true of the Body of Christ. St. Paul describes it well in the 12th chapter of both Romans and 1 Corinthians. It is impossible to be a Christian apart from active involvement in the Church, just as it is impossible for a part of your body to cut itself off and live on its own and by itself, no matter how intense it claims to believe or how sincere it may think it is. As members of the body of Christ, we are the same. If we are not actively living in the Body, we are spiritually killing ourselves and effectively maiming and crippling Jesus, the head of the Body! No matter how much other members may hurt, irritate, frustrate, or anger us, we are bound by Christ to love Him enough to demonstrate that agape love by remaining faithful, alive, and active in the family of faith.


Forgive me, Lord, for those times I wished to cut myself off from Your body, the church. Show me a better way to live with my brothers and sisters, striving to support and build up. Help me to be faithful to my church and use me for Your service. In the name of Christ, the head of the Church. Amen.



Thursday, January 18, 2014 - Day 18

Point to Ponder: I need others in my life.

Scripture: “Share each other’s troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Question: What one step can I take today to connect with another believer at a more genuine, heart-to-heart level?


I decided to run away from home when I was seven. I was fed up with my sister and three brothers. I had just received a scolding and lecture from Mom about a mess I made, and I had had it! I found a paper bag. I stuffed it with a couple of my favorite toys, a piece of cake wrapped in wax paper, and a big piece of leftover chicken from the refrigerator, which I also wrapped poorly in wax paper. Without saying a word to anyone, I walked out of the house, down the sidewalk to the road, and up the hill to the east. Halfway up the hill, I discovered an interesting-looking portion of the road ditch I hadn’t explored before. I was in no hurry to get anywhere, so I decided to play there for a while. When I pulled the toys out of my bag, the chicken fell out of the bag and its wrapping and into the dirt, where Skipper, our dog, quickly snatched it and ran. I heard Mom call my name but decided not to answer. After all, I was running away from home and never coming back! I had the cake for a snack and played some more. It didn’t take long before I discovered I missed my family. I packed up my toys and headed home. How fortunate I was to have a family to return to! God created humankind for community so that we could share our joys and sorrows, abilities and needs, help and problems. Trying to bear our troubles and problems alone leads to loneliness and despair. Sharing them makes the load more bearable. How many people need what I can share? How many have something to share with me? I’ll never know until we connect.


Thank You, great God, for giving me my family and my greater family, the church. I am thankful for the many times they have lifted the load I was carrying and put it on their shoulders. As often as I want to leave them, I know I would miss them terribly if I did so. Help me to share my love with them. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.



Friday, January 19, 2014 - Day 19

Point to Ponder: Community requires commitment.

Scripture: “We understand what love is when we realize that Christ gave his life for us. That means we must give our lives for other believers.” 1 John 3:16

Question: How can I help cultivate the characteristics of real community in my small group and church today?


My first experience living in a community outside my family was at college. I was invited to live in a mortuary! Actually, it was an apartment above a mortuary. Three other students were already living in this small three-room apartment across the hall from the casket display room. We shared a bedroom big enough for one person - with four bunk beds, a living room with a sofa and desk, and a kitchen with a table and desk. The idea was that we would trade off answering the mortuary phone and making ambulance and death calls with the mortician. There had to be two students on duty at all times so that if one went on a call, the other could answer the phone. The theory was sound, but by the end of the school year, the slacking of one member began to affect us all. Three of us had to cover for him. It reached a crisis at exam time when we needed the extra time to study, but he didn’t bother to show up and left a sink full of dirty dishes. We purposefully washed only what we needed to eat on and let the others sit for him, but when the smell got to us, we broke down and did the dishes anyway. The body of Christ, the church, works as a community of believers who have committed themselves to Christ, the head of the body. When any part of the body becomes inactive or dysfunctional, the whole body hurts. We are not just members of a club that can get along without us. We are members of a living body for which Christ sacrificed His life. Our commitment is to show gratitude by being a regular, active, and contributing member of His body, even when it means sacrifice. How will you keep Christ’s body wholesome, healthy, and alive?


I am sorry for those times, dear Lord, when I neglected my church work, making excuses and letting others do my job. I pray that I might be more committed to my church and its mission. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.




Saturday, January 20, 2014 - Day 20

Point to Ponder: Relationships are always worth restoring.

Scripture: “Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody.” Romans 12:18

Question: Who do I need to restore a broken relationship with today?


Living in a family is an exercise in getting along. I was furious when my twin brothers snatched and hid my favorite tractor. After a yelling match that got me nowhere, I never intended to speak to them, ever again! But by evening, Mom had negotiated a return of the “lost,” an apology, and an acceptance. I can think of numerous arguments and fights I had with the twins and other members of my family that ended that way but which could have split us apart. Thankfully, my parents would not allow us to stay “mad” at one another for long. We could disagree. We could even argue. But it had to be settled by bed-time! Our family was too important to permit prolonged brokenness. God holds the same attitude on a world-wide scale. Sadly, the very people he wants to restore to Himself continue to nurture grudges and broken relationships with God and one another. Jesus asked his disciples how they could claim they loved God if they didn’t love their brothers and sisters. It is a question we should all keep in mind when someone makes us angry. Jesus’ aim and purpose was to make us one as He and the Father are one. How well are you working at restoring yourself to those with whom your relationship is “strained?” May God melt our hearts and help mold them to His image of oneness!


Melt my stubborn heart, O God, that I might ask for forgiveness from my church brothers and sisters and grant them forgiveness as Christ has forgiven me. Keep us together as Your family and Your body. I thank You for Your great love for me and Your insistence that I work to restore broken relationships. In the name of Christ, who died that I might receive forgiveness. Amen.



Sunday, January 21, 2014 - Day 21

Point to Ponder: It is my responsibility to protect the unity of my church.

Scripture: “Let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony and the growth of our fellowship together.” Romans 14:19

Question: What am I personally doing to protect unity in my church family right now?


As the oldest child in the family, I was expected to watch over our brood when Mom and Dad were not around. It was especially true if they dropped us off at the Rialto Theater in greater downtown Stanton, Nebraska (population 1200). On those rare occasions when we went to the movie, they would play cards with my grandparents. My job was to make sure all five of us stayed together. One night, the movie was too scary for my youngest brother. That meant I had to convince myself and the other three to leave shortly after the movie started. Between my brother’s whining and my sister’s poking, I knew I had to act. Reluctantly, I herded them out of the theater to the nearby “Bakery” where I could call my parents to have them pick us up. Church members need to accept that role in a congregation. Instead of causing splits and dissension when things are not going well with the body of Christ, we should all take responsibility for bringing about harmony and unity. In I Corinthians 12, St. Paul gives a humorous look at what would happen if different parts of the body refuse to cooperate or rebel. Sadly, it isn’t funny when it happens to our physical body. It is called “disease.” It isn’t funny when it happens to Christ’s body, either. Are you willing to help keep the body of Christ healthy, whole, harmonious, and one?


I’m sorry, dear Lord, for those times I have caused my church dissension. Please forgive me. Help me to curb my tongue in talking about others, making threats if things don’t go my way, and generally causing disunity instead of unity. Use me to bring my church together so that we might be healthy as a body. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.



Monday, January 22, 2014 - Day 22

Point to Ponder: I was created to become like Christ.

Scripture: “As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more.” 2 Corinthians 3:18b

Question: In what area of my life do I need to ask for the Spirit’s power to be like Christ today?


Proudly, I can declare that I am the son of Leonard and Esther. I can also boast that I was created in their image and acquired many of their good qualities. From them, I learned the habit and the value of prayer. I gained a strong (maybe too strong) work ethic from them. I’ve been told I look and sometimes act or sound like them. I know I’ve caught myself telling my kids things my parents told me, which I swore I’d never say. Living with them day after day, they automatically “rubbed off on me.” I must also admit that sin is a genetic defect I inherited from them; so, like them, I face many of the same temptations, commit many of the same sins, and need the same Savior. I can also proudly declare that I am a son of God and a brother of Jesus through baptism. I can boast that I was created in God’s image and acquired many of God’s good qualities. The significant difference is that I am not God and am not “without sin,” except by God’s grace. Therefore, most of my life aims to learn to be more like Him so that I will reflect His glory. Living with Christ, day after day, perhaps His Ways, His Truth, and His Life will rub off on me! I’m proud to be His son! May He be proud to have me imitate Him!


I thank You, dear God, that You have made me in Your image, made me Your child through my baptism, and made Jesus my brother. Help me become more Christ-like so that others can see that I am Yours and may reflect Your glory in my actions. Thank You for Your forgiveness and Your grace. In Christ’s name. Amen.



Tuesday, January 23, 2014 - Day 23

Point to Ponder: It is never too late to start growing.

Scripture: “Let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God - what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.” Romans 12:2b

Question: What is one area where I need to stop thinking my way and start thinking God’s way?


A friend of ours decided not to go to college. Instead, he worked with his father in a television store, then moved to Iowa and worked as a salesman at a department store for many years. Now, when other men his age have replaced dreams of sugarplums with dreams of retirement, he has discovered his passion. He loves to teach children! Many years of going to school at night and working days are about to pay off, and he is beginning to feel fulfilled. He is happier now than he has ever been. It is never too late to discover our passion, learn, expand our horizons, and grow. We can be confident that God created each of us as unique individuals with specific skills, talents, and gifts. Had our friend discovered his passion earlier in life, he may have found joy sooner, but at the same time, there may be someone who needs him right where he is right now, whose life will be changed because God placed them there. It may be that we limit God by not following our passion - our desire to go, to grow, and to glow with the blessings God has given us. I sometimes joke that “I don’t know what I’m going to be when I grow up,” but I’m beginning to believe those words are a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s never too late to grow in the Lord! Perhaps our prayer should be, “Lord, show me what You want me to be when I grow up. Give me a passion for fulfilling Your will in my life and the lives of those around me!”


Sometimes life seems such a struggle when I pit my goals and dreams against Yours, dear Lord. Let me begin this day to grow in You and what You want me to do. Thank You for today and the opportunities You have given me, and that it is never too late. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.



Wednesday, January 24, 2014 - Day 24

Point to Ponder: The truth transforms me.

Scripture: “If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32

Question: What has God already told me in his Word that I haven’t started doing yet?


I hid in the trees when I was five because I broke something that belonged to my grandmother. I feared her anger and rejection of me. Had I thought it through, I would have known how baseless those fears were, but I didn’t, and I avoided facing the person I loved as much as I loved my parents. When I finally returned to confess my misdeed, Grandma was more relieved that I was found than angry at what I had done. The truth of my accident disappointed her but, at the same time, relieved both of us. From that day until she entered heaven, I did everything I could to ensure that such playful accidents never happened again. In that sense, I was transformed the way we all are when we truly confess our sin and repent - turn from the old, evil ways - to live a life worthy of our calling to be God’s special people. As transformed people, we worship, not to gain God’s favor, but to praise and thank God for His gracious love. We study His word to know the best way to act and live. We pray with the conviction that our communication with God is as precious and holy to God as anything we do in life. We serve the Lord with joy and gladness, not to gain His favor, but to thank Him for the favors He has already showered upon us and promises to send to us in His time. The truth will transform every aspect of our lives if we discover it. Where would you like to start?


It is often difficult to face the truth about me and what I have done, Heavenly Father. Help me not only to confess my wrongdoings but also to be transformed into the type of person You want me to be. Let me live this day in joy and gladness in serving You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



Thursday, January 25, 2014 - Day 25

Point to Ponder: There is a purpose behind every problem.

Scripture: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Question: What problem in my life has caused the most significant growth in me?


I talk and write a lot about my “growin’ up years” on the farm. They are good memories, but if the truth be known, I wasn’t a happy farmer. I didn’t know how good I had it, and I often longed for the good life in the city like my “city cousins.” Little did I know how important and valuable my experiences would be. The isolation caused by bad roads blessed me with the necessity of creating my diversions and toys. The fashion statement made by overalls and “cow boots” (farmer shoes) was not ridiculed at our country school because everyone wore them, so my parents didn’t go broke on “designer clothes” - if they had been available then. The list of lessons learned by good, hard farm labor is endless. The fact that I couldn’t afford the college of my dreams forced me to attend the junior college at the bottom of my list, but enabled me to work at Tom’s Music House, where I could work with and meet some of the most amazing people! It also allowed me to get a job in a sister store when I finally could go to my “dream” college. I can go through my entire life and agree 100% that every problem has led to something better than I could have planned for myself. When St. Paul tells us to “give thanks in all circumstances,” I’ve learned to give God thanks, even for the “bad stuff” that happens in my life because Paul is right: “ all things, God (does) work for the good of those who love him...” I may still grouse and complain, but I’m learning to ask: “OK, God, what is your lesson for me to learn today?


It is challenging to be glad in difficult times, gracious Lord. Help me see what good has come from my past struggles and what benefit might come from my present circumstances. Let Your purpose be my purpose today. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.



Friday, January 26, 2014 - Day 26

Point to Ponder: Every temptation is an opportunity to do good.

Scripture: “God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12

Question: What Christlike character quality can I develop by defeating the most common temptation I face?


The temptation not to exercise is natural for me. As I write, it is 4:15 AM. Yesterday was non-stop from early to late, and my schedule today looks the same. I can rationalize that I must finish writing this devotion before doing anything. It’s a good excuse. After all, I must complete the whole month of devotions in a few days. We all find temptations in every area of our lives. What do we do? I love writing. I hate exercise. But I know my body and mind both need the stimulation, so... Sorry for this disjointedness, but I did my hour of exercise, and now I’m back. Yes, I do feel better. I’ve already experienced one of the rewards - I can fit into clothes I couldn’t a year ago! For years, that elusive prize has passed me by. We are tempted in every area of our lives - some more than others.

     I suppose we could take it as a compliment. Some force of evil doesn’t want us to accomplish the purpose or attain the goal for which God created us. It’s a nice thought, but amid a temptation to “eat just one sweet roll or a delicious piece of fresh homemade candy,” it doesn’t cut much mustard! For me, temptation, like exercise, has to be faced head-on, with no fancy rationalization, cute phrases, or excuses. The challenge is to set our sights on our purpose and goal, and like a wise football quarterback, let the Lord be our strength and our blocker, running interference for us. Like the addict, we need to take one temptation at a time, one day at a time, determined to be victorious with Christ and for Christ. What am I going to do about those extra donuts left over .............?


What kind of temptations will I encounter today, dear Lord? I already know what many of them will be. Help me to face them head-on and not to make excuses. Be my strength and guide as I face the world and focus on You and the path You have set for me. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.



Saturday, January 27, 2014 - Day 27

Point to Ponder: There is always a way out.

Scripture: “God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13b

Question: Who could I ask to be a spiritual partner to help me defeat a persistent temptation by praying for me?


School let out early because of the blizzard. My choices seemed limited. I could continue into the cold north wind for another mile, or we could turn around and drive the six miles of paved road into town. With my twin brothers and sister in my ‘55 Dodge, I had to decide. We could probably make it the mile home, but then again, we could get stuck and have to walk. The other alternative would mean staying overnight with our grandparents in town, in which case there was a movie in town I wanted to see.... I convinced myself I had no choice and headed back, leaving Mom, Dad, and my younger sister and brother to milk 40 cows and do all the chores alone in the raging blizzard. To make matters worse, I got stuck in a snow drift halfway back to town and had to stay with my grandmother’s twin sister and her husband in their next-to-freezing house. (I should point out that when the snow plow got me unstuck and we headed for home, that mile of gravel was better than the snow-drifted highway!) Bad choices often lead us into more trouble than we started with. The temptations to make poor spiritual choices are countless, beginning with excuses we use for not budgeting God into our time, finances, and lives. Worship, Bible study, prayer, and serving the needs of Christ and His Body, the Church, don’t appeal as much as spending more time in “St. Mattress,” recreation, or “doing our own thing.” The other roads always seem much more entertaining and less frustrating than the spiritual paths - the “narrow road” laid out for us by Christ. We have to overcome the notion that we didn’t have a choice. That is where a helpmate or a spiritual partner can be especially helpful in defining our choices. What will you choose today?


Thank you for the many people you have sent into my life to help guide me along the way, dear Lord. Help me intentionally seek out and relate to someone who can be my spiritual helpmate. Let all my decisions today be wise ones and pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Sunday, January 28, 2014 - Day 28

Point to Ponder: There are no shortcuts to maturity.

Scripture: “God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.” Philippians 1:6

Question: In what area of my spiritual growth do I need to be more patient and persistent?


I like shortcuts. Shortcut keys on my computer are great - when I remember what they are and when to use them. They can save a lot of time. Taking a shortcut from our house to play with the neighbor’s kids was fun and provided numerous distractions and adventures. However, taking shortcuts in some things can be dangerous, more difficult, or disastrous. A shortcut through the bull’s pen was not a good idea! A shortcut over the hill and through the thistles to bring in the cows proved to be exhausting and painful! The shortcut to building a doghouse proved to be expensive, painful, embarrassing, and fruitless! (That’s another story.) Why should it be any different with our spiritual lives? Changing churches, attending a retreat, or dusting off the Bible for a quick read-through to “get religion” fast may take us on an exciting journey but not necessarily get us any closer to where we need to be. Jesus gave us the only “shortcut” that really works - Himself. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” It is a “narrow way,” which some may even call a little “narrow-minded,” but if our objective is to grow spiritually, to get closer to God, how better to do so than through “God With Us,” Immanuel? The most beautiful, gracious, and helpful thing about it is that God has His door already wide open to us through Christ. Have you ever been in a motel room that adjoins another? Sometimes, there are two doors. Even if one is open, the other will be locked. That’s the only obstacle between us and the other room. In our spiritual journey, it is not God who locks His door. It is us. We’d rather take other “shortcuts” through life’s temptations. Are you looking for ways to grow closer to Christ? He has some suggestions for you. Just ask, and then shut up and listen!


Forgive me for wanting to take the easy way in my journey. Let the only “shortcut” I take to get to You, Heavenly Father, be through Your Son, Jesus. Enable me to be quiet today as I listen to His voice. Draw me closer to You and Your Spirit. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. 



Monday, January 29, 2014 - Day 29

Point to Ponder: Service is not optional.

Scripture: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Question: What is holding me back from accepting God’s call to serve him?


I once served a congregation in which one group of youth were (or believed themselves to be) a “cut above the average.” Looking back, I can smile and even chuckle. At the time, it wasn’t so funny. I took them on a retreat to a rustic cabin my wife and I built with some friends. There was no electricity or running water. Showers were nonexistent, and the nearest body of water was an earthen dam, a quarter of a mile away, over a big hill. Aside from Bible study and recreation, each person was supposed to do something to improve the grounds or prepare a meal. The outcry at such indignity made my ears burn, but we were able to encourage them to get their hands dirty. Weeds were pulled, grass was mowed, trash was picked up, and we did not starve. Discussions in the evening centered on their expectations of “doing their own thing” instead of “slave labor.” Service was not in their vocabulary. Imagine where we would be if God had decided to be lazy on one of the “days” of creation!? Jesus, God in the flesh, declared, “I did not come to be served but to serve.” James reminds us that “faith without works is dead.” We do not work in order to manipulate God - to get God to do something for us. We serve because God first loved and served us.... We respond to God’s great gift by acting accordingly. How have you responded to the blessings God has already showered on you and those God has promised you on the Day of the Lord? We can never deserve or earn them, but we can be thankful for them with lives dedicated to serving the Lord. Are you ready to get started?


I am sorry that I often think of my own wants and needs over and above Yours and other’s, gracious Lord. Forgive me when I want others to serve me rather than serve them. I dedicate this day to serving You. Let me act with joy and thanksgiving for being Your servant. In the name of the One who gave everything for me. Amen.




Tuesday, January 30, 2014 - Day 30

Point to Ponder: I was shaped for serving God.

Scripture: “God works through different men in different ways, but it is the same God who achieves his purposes through them all.” 1 Corinthians 12:6

Question: In what way can I see myself passionately serving others and loving it?


Our only softball rolled over the edge and into the dry cistern beside the house. I was about five at the time. My older cousins were visiting, and the ball game was in full swing but ended abruptly with losing the ball. Looking down into the hole, we could see the ball, but the hole was too small for any of them to get into. At the time, I was a skinny little runt they were sure would fit. I wasn’t convinced, but I was the only hope of retrieving the ball. They tied a rope around me and carefully lowered me down. I grabbed the ball, they pulled me up, and the game continued. Until then, I felt very self-conscious about how small I was, but the praise from my cousins helped me realize I was just the right size. I’ve discovered the same is true for all of us. We may not be as tall, slender, intelligent, talented, or handy as someone else, but we are what God made us to be for God’s purpose. I have no interest in mechanics, but I have three brothers who are good at it. On the other hand, they have no passion for writing, music, or public speaking. Our interests, our passions, and our joys are gifts from God that gently nudge us to accomplish that for which He created us. Have you taken an inventory of how God created you uniquely you? Perhaps God has a plan for you that you have entirely overlooked because you’ve been looking in the wrong mirror and seeing how great someone else is. God does have a plan specifically for you, and only you have been given the qualities, the gifts, and the passion needed to accomplish that plan. Thank God!


I give You thanks and praise for the talents, gifts, and uniqueness that You have given me, my

Creator. Help me see what You have given me and then use them for Your purpose. Gently nudge me this day to use them for Your service and glory. I pray this all in the name of Christ, my Savior. Amen.


Wednesday, January 31, 2014 - Day 31

Point to Ponder: Nobody else can be me.

Scripture: “God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God’s many kinds of blessings.” 1 Peter 4:10

Question: What God-given ability or personal experience can I offer to my church?


During the peak calving season, we would have as many as 15 to 20 bucket calves to feed and care for. While they were mostly the same breed with the same color combinations, each was different. We raised and milked Holstein cattle, which, for city folk, are white with patches of black. They all looked alike to an outsider, but we gave each of them a name and could identify them by the shape or location of their black patches, their eyes, their dispositions, and even how they walked. Numerous other distinguishing features made it possible for us to give them any special supplements or medicine. An alien, surveying people on Earth, might conclude that we are all alike until they observe our unique features. Once in a while, identical twins are born. I’ve been told I have a twin or someone who looks just like me. (I don’t, do I, Mom?!) But having grown up with twin brothers everyone thought were identical, I never had trouble telling them apart. God does like to create variety, not just for appearance’s sake. God makes each of us unique because He has a special purpose for everyone on the face of the Earth. I will never be a brain surgeon. You can breathe a sigh of relief!!! I have no skills as a mechanic, a carpenter, a plumber, a contractor, a nurse, an astronaut, or a whole host of other possibilities. But, lest I feel worthless because I don’t have those skills, my loving helpmate reminds me that none of them could preach, teach, or write herb songs - so there! Each of us plays a unique role in the body of Christ, and it is up to each of us to discover and use the skills God has given us. What makes you unique?


Even though at times I feel different than everybody else, dear Lord, I praise You and give You thanks for my uniqueness. Forgive me when I think somebody else ought to do something because I’ve already done it or I think I can’t do it well enough. Thank You for using me and my talents in my community and church. Help me grow in my service to You. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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