Wednesday, July 17, 2024

August Daily Devotions


Thursday, August 1, 2024



Exodus 13:21 — The Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud by day, to lead them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light.


2 Timothy 2:13 — If we are faithless, he remains faithful - for he cannot deny himself.



It was the campers’ usual “lights out” when we started the hike. We walked single file on the narrow path that led all the way around the 72 acres of the island on Bay Lake, located near Alexandria, Minnesota. The church had inherited the island and turned it into a church camp. I was on the island as camp director for about 100 city kids, grades four through six. The path became difficult about a third of the way around the island, and the giggly chatter got quiet. Some counselors had spread rumors of a dangerous wild cat living in this tangled part of the island. With my big flashlight, I became very popular for the remainder of the journey. The campers were not so sure about some of the other counselors. One camper had come to trust me with his life and soul, clinging to my hand for dear life because his counselor had told some of the scariest stories. I had led morning devotions and evening campfire, telling stories of how God had protected His people from Pharaoh, from poisonous snakes, from dangerous enemies, and starvation. My stories of faith contributed to feelings of confidence, security, and, yes, growing faith. I wish I could say I was always the source of faith-building stories. Sometimes, I need to remember Darin and his trusting hand. Do your stories of God’s love inspire those needing assurance, or have you failed to tell stories of faith?



You have led me through all sorts of trails and dangers, dear Lord. Thank You for Your love and Your closeness. I ask that You use me today to inspire someone else in their time of need. In the name of my Savior, I pray. Amen.



Friday, August 2, 2024



Leviticus 19:2 — You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.


Romans 6:19 — Present your members as slaves to righteousness for sanctification.



My parents, grandparents, and teachers made me feel special when I was young. They reminded me of my good qualities and encouraged me when I did well. They corrected me and did their best to shape me into the person they believed I could become. Some of my brothers and sisters, younger aunts and uncles, and several cousins kept me from getting a “big head” about it, rubbing off many jagged edges. My precious helpmate has helped to do both encouraging and refining. God uses others to mold and refine us in the same way. God knows what we are - special, “set aside for a special purpose,” HOLY! Because that is how He made us. God also has a plan and an image of what we can become if we allow ourselves to grow and develop in God’s Way. Every aspect of our lives and every member of our body goes into making the whole of us. There are two possibilities: either we allow God to mold us into the holy, special, “set aside” person He wants us to be, or we turn our backs on God’s plan (sin) and follow our undisciplined appetites and pleasures. You were created in God’s holy image! Are you presenting every part of yourself for God to sanctify (make holy)? What must you do to live up to God’s calling you “holy” and “special”?



Set me aside for Your purpose, dear God, and make me holy. Inspire me to be more Christ-like in dealing with others in everything I say and in all my actions. Thank You for Your great mercy and grace upon me as I struggle to be faithful to You. In the name of Christ. Amen.






Saturday, August 3, 2024



Psalm 33:10 — The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the people.


1 Peter 3:14 — Even if you do suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear, and do not be intimidated.



Animals can be incredibly frustrating. Yes, well-trained pets can be a source of joy and comfort, but when you work with many animals on the farm, it isn’t always very pretty! More than one 4-H “baby” beef has drug me through the mud and the muck when I was trying to train it to follow me. When I was ten, I spent an entire hot August day fixing a fence around the pigpen, only to have several of the younger pigs practically waltz through a hole I thought was too small. One of them was hit and killed by a passing truck before I could round them up and fix the hole. I wouldn’t want to count the number of chickens killed by wild animals because they refused to stay in their pens. It seems like a pretty good analogy for God’s efforts to keep His people safe and close to Him. Pastors and other leaders are sent to “fix fences” and “teach them to follow,” but the temptation to run free and do their own thing is too enticing. We don’t have to look far to see that the world around us prefers to follow a “different drummer,” one whose path will lead to destruction. As God’s called and chosen, we may even suffer rejection for not following that same path, but we have the assurance of one who walked “through the valley of the shadow of death” and who promises those who follow Him that He will lead us safely HOME! Whose counsel will you follow?



Forgive me, O Lord, when I think running free is much better than following You. Help me to choose Your path and not the one that leads me away from You. Thank You for being my Immanuel, who is always with me. In the name of the Christ. Amen.



Sunday, August 4, 2024



Deuteronomy 3:24 — What god in heaven or on earth can perform deeds and mighty acts like Yours!


2 Corinthians 5:11 — Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we try to persuade others.



We raised ducks for several years. We allowed several of them to keep their eggs and hatch out their ducklings to increase the duck population. A setting hen found one of the nests a perfect place to lay eggs, too. When the little chick hatched about the same time as the ducklings, it thought it was a duck. That wasn’t a problem until it came time to swim! The ducklings took to the water with great joy. The chicks, thinking they were ducks, tried to do the same, but drowned. Knowing who we are and Whose we are is important. Too many people think of themselves as children of the world instead of children of God. The world is happy to lead them into their favorite “watering hole” and allow them to drown in pursuit of earthly pleasures. On the other hand, we need to remind ourselves that we have a different Mother/Father who is God alone! It is our joy to know that He will lead us into “green pastures” and beside “still waters.” Our responsibility is to remind our neighbors Whose they are and encourage and persuade them to follow the true Savior who will lead them into eternal life rather than those who can only lead them to eternal death. Is there anything or anyone claiming to be more important to you than your Creator, Savior, and Redeemer? If there is, be warned! You may be the chick that thinks it is a duck!



Thank You, O God, for placing me into this family called Your church and that I belong to You. I praise You when they remind me that I am Your child and encourage me to follow You. Use me this day to encourage others I meet. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.




Monday, August 5, 2024



Isaiah 26:9 — My soul yearns for You in the night, my spirit within me earnestly seeks You.


Philippians 3:20 — Our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.



It was a cold, rainy spring day. I must have been about five years old. I was waiting for Mom and Dad to pick my sister and me up at my grandparents. I loved staying with my grandparents, but I missed my home, family, and toys. I stood at the big bay window facing the road, wondering if they would ever come. Before going home, we would shop in town because it might be several weeks before we could get out of our lane once we got back home. The mailman lifted my sagging spirit until I saw that his car was not the old brown car Dad drove. The hands on the big clock on the wall seemed to creep around so slowly - about as slowly as the drizzle falling from the sky. Several times, I had to wipe the fog we created off the window so we could see. We were tired of drawing pictures in it. Then my heart began to pound! I saw a car coming over the gravel road from the south! It was them!!! As much as we love life and the people around us, there is something in us that yearns for something more. God has placed within us a homing device that causes our souls to gravitate toward our heavenly Home. Like E.T., the “extra-terrestrial” in the movie, we too want to go “Home!” Is there a longing for something more in your life? Have you considered how good it is to know Who placed it there and where it is drawing you?



You have created and given me great joy by giving me life, O Holy One. Even amid this life, I yearn to see Your face. When my time has come to be welcomed to my heavenly home, take me there gently in Your arms. I pray this in the name of Jesus, who has given me these promises. Amen.




Tuesday, August 6, 2024



Isaiah 12:3 — With joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation.


John 7:37 — Jesus cried out, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me.”



Water is good for us. Without it, crops wither and die. Without it, we, too, wither and die. One of my ongoing problems is that I do not realize that I’m thirsty until I’m dehydrated. The resulting headaches, allergy symptoms, and numerous other health problems which result remind me too late that I need to drink more water. When I’m thirsty, I’m already in trouble. I don’t have that problem with food - I’m always hungry. However, I knew a young man who couldn’t tell when he was hungry, thirsty, tired, or had to go to the bathroom. He had to regulate most of his life with an alarm clock. Many people suffer from a similar spiritual ailment. They don’t know when they are spiritually in need of the “Water of Life.” Sometimes, with my physical thirst, I discover that I’m thirsty when I take my first sip of water and want to “drink the well dry.” That is how it is for many people looking in the wrong place to satisfy a need, an itch, a hunger, or a thirst they cannot identify. Worship centered on the Word of God provides that “first sip” for a thirsty world. The problem is getting the world to take that first sip. Are you willing to lead them to the “wells of salvation”? How about a nice cool glass of Water - right now? Jesus offers it to you for free!



O Water of Life, how I thirst for You! Sometimes, I wait until my thirst overwhelms me before going to Your well. Forgive me and remind me how wonderful it is to be refreshed by the coolness of Your life-giving water. Amen.




Wednesday, August 7, 2024



Psalm 30:3 —  O Lord, You brought up my soul from Sheol, restored me to life.


2 Corinthians 4:10 — We are always carrying in the body the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies.



I visited a woman who survived a tornado. The tornado struck so suddenly that she had no time to get to shelter. The sirens had failed. In terrifying seconds she was sucked up into the funnel. Mercifully, she lost consciousness and was found two miles from where the whirling beast had picked her up. Amazingly, she was alive with no broken bones. She was severely bruised, and her skin was pitted with small stones and seeds of every kind. She described the endless, painful hours spent by doctors and nurses attempting to rid her of the things embedded in her skin. Finally, the doctors sent her home with instructions to return frequently to have more removed. The seeds had to literally die and begin to sprout inside her flesh before they could be found and removed! As the cells of our bodies die daily by the millions, new cells are created. Daily, we are renewed. For those who are in Christ, our sins die daily with Christ when we remember our baptism, when we confess our sins and repent, and when we turn around to return to the Lord. As the old dies, the new life in Christ lives. If we are a new creation in Christ, our lives will reflect it. We are the body of Christ - living in the world. We are the body of Christ, witnessing to God’s amazing grace. Do the seeds of grace live in you? Do your friends and neighbors notice?



Renew me again this day and plant Your seed of grace within me, Heavenly Father. Let it grow to give me new life. Let others see this grace and praise You for Your love when they witness it in me. All this I ask in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Thursday, August 8, 2024



Exodus 15:2 — The Lord is my strength and my might, and he has become my salvation.


Ephesians 6:10 — Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power.



During my high school years, I traded my “skinny” look for that of a more muscled teenager. I was never a weight-lifter or athlete, but wrestling squealing pigs, toting five-gallon buckets of feed, hoisting 80-pound bales of hay over my head with a pitchfork, and strong-arming reluctant 1500 pound baby-beefs helped to create and sculpt muscles I didn’t know I had. I felt good about my strength but was always awed by my father’s strength. During that stage of my maturity, I saw my nearly 50-year-old father as “ancient”! Yet, he could out-muscle me in any activity. He kept going like the “Ever-Ready” bunny when I got tired and my muscles ached. He was up and dressed for work in the morning before I was, and he ensured we were in bed at night before he went to bed. There seemed to be nothing requiring strength that he couldn’t do. He did not inspire fear of his strength, but he did inspire my best efforts. The Psalmist recognized those qualities in the Lord. The strength of the Lord, which created all things, shook the earth, parted waters, and shaped the tiniest baby and the mightiest mountains - this strength was dependable. The Lord is our strength when “we are weak and heavy laden.” Where does your strength come from?



I am truly in awe when I think of Your mighty power and strength and all that You created, dear God. Give me faith to know that Your strength will always be there when I need it. Come to me now because my best efforts are so puny compared to what You can do. In the name of Christ. Amen.




Friday, August 9, 2024



Psalm 96:1 — O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.


Revelation 19:6-7 — Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory.



Until I was eight or nine, the only musical instruments we had were the radio and an assortment of sticks and spoons with which I was accused of denting numerous pots, pans, and discarded cans and buckets. I have loved music as far back as I can remember. Even now, I love to make up new songs about any subject. I’ve written songs of love, patriotic songs, spiritual songs, songs about herbs, and even songs about frogs, worms, and spiders. No doubt some people think I take the Psalmist’s instruction to “sing to the Lord a new song” a bit too seriously, but it’s almost as if the words or the music, or both, want to bust forth, and if I don’t sing them, I will burst! I believe they are songs from the Lord for the worship of the Lord - no matter the subject. However, I have also discovered many ways to sing praises to God, even if there is no instrument and a person has no voice to sing. I believe God hears a “new song” in the smile of encouragement, in the helping hand of compassion, in the job well done, in the caring companionship of a cup of coffee or tea with a neighbor, and in the stewardship of the resources God has placed in our care. How will you “sing a new song to the Lord” today?



I sing Your praises, O Lord, because of everything that You have done for me and because that is my purpose in life. Hear my voice of gladness and praise in everything that I do today. Let my music be pleasing to You. I sing this song in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Saturday, August 10, 2024



Psalm 104:1-2 — O Lord my God, You are very great. You are clothed with honor and majesty wrapped in light as with a garment.


John 11:40 — Jesus said to Martha, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”



In the country, away from the city’s light pollution, we could see the lights of the Milky Way as a broad ribbon of stars, made to look “milky” by the sheer number of stars and the gaseous clouds and vapors between them. As a child, it was an incredible sight. When I was six, I had no fundamental concept of sizes or distance as I lay on the grassy slope beside the storm cellar. My sister and I often made up our own stories regarding the stars. In those “pre-television days,” we didn’t know about Star Trek or even Flash Gordon. All we had were the stars and our imaginations. One of our stories involved God checking up on the creation. The Milky Way was the sash of God’s uniform, like that we had seen in a picture of a foreign king, but this sash was made up of stars that acted like big flashlights God could shine on specific people. It was magnificent! Several years ago, I baptized a pre-mature infant in an incubator and discovered that the magnificence of God’s glory is not limited to the grand showcase of space. God’s garment of glory is also wrapped around the tiniest infants, clinging to the life God breathes into them. Indeed, it is a different kind of glory but equally majestic and breathtaking! Have you opened your eyes to God’s presence in your life? Have you been awe-struck by the glimpse of God’s greatness given to you? “Open our eyes, Lord....”



Help me see the wonder of You around me, O Creator. Open my eyes so that I may see You in the smallness of a baby or the wrinkled face of an older person. When I study Your creation, let me view Your greatness. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Sunday, August 11, 2024



Ezekiel 36:26 — A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you.


2 Corinthians 5:17 — If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!



As a kid, I noticed that “love” did strange things to people. Several of my aunts and uncles were only a few years older than I. I occasionally stayed with them at my city grandparents; we played and often joked around. We had a great time. But it wasn’t the same when they got boyfriends or girlfriends. Something changed. They didn’t have time to play the games we used to play. Their hearts weren’t in it like they used to be. They didn’t want me around as much. They had other interests and a new “someone” with whom they preferred to spend time. Similar transformations occur in people who fall in love with Christ. Some of their old activities aren’t as important anymore. Many of their friendships change. How they spend their time and money takes them in different directions. They may look like the same people on the outside, but inside, they are a “new creation.” For some, the change is gradual. For others, the change is dramatic and sudden. When the Lord enters our lives, our words, actions, friendships, time, and stewardship (the management of the gifts God places in our care) all begin to reflect His presence. It is not just a Sunday morning kind of “religion” anymore. It is an everyday experience. Have you noticed your life becoming a “new creation”? If not, have you invited Christ into every part of your life?



Stir Your Spirit within me, O God, that my love for You might be awakened and renewed. Let others see my great love for You in everything I do, in how I talk, smile, share, and give of myself. Thank You for Your great love for me, which You showed through Jesus Christ. Amen.




Monday, August 12, 2024



1 Samuel 2:3 — The Lord declares, “Those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be treated with contempt.”


Luke 10:16 — Jesus says, “Whoever listens to you listens to me.”



One of the advantages I had attending a one-room school from kindergarten through eighth grade was that I got to “overhear” the lessons of all the other grades. In addition, any time one of us had trouble with a subject, our teacher would assign one of the “big kids” to help us. Listening to them was like listening to the teacher; sometimes, it was even better. Margaret Petersen helped me with long division when the teacher’s instructions didn’t make sense to me. When I became one of the “big kids,” the teacher had me work with one of the fourth graders who wasn’t reading very well. Passing on what I had learned from the teacher was a tremendous responsibility. Listening to and passing on the Good News of God’s love are also tremendous responsibilities. When we speak, we speak as representatives of the Lord! Like the prophets of the past, we are obligated to listen carefully and to speak the truth in love so that those who hear will know that they are listening to the Lord. Nathan spoke to King David, and David listened and repented as if God Himself had spoken. When Jeremiah the prophet was imprisoned, beaten, put in stocks, and had his message to the king ripped and burned, Jeremiah let it be known that failure to heed the word he passed on was equal to turning a deaf ear to God. We hear, sing, read, and pray God’s word in worship. We don’t always listen and pay attention, especially when “the shoe pinches”. But God’s word, even if it is not perfectly spoken, is still God’s word. Jesus declares, “Those who have ears to hear, let them listen.” What has God been trying to tell you lately? How well have you been passing on the Word of the Lord?



Help me listen to Your word, O Lord, by giving me the ears to hear, even if I find them uncomfortable. Let my words this day be Your words, and let others hear of Your love through them. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.




Tuesday, August 13, 2024



Psalm 81:13 — O that my people would listen to me!


John 15:12 — Christ says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”



“Follow the Leader” was a game we played, both inside and outside our country school. The rules were simple: “Follow the leader. You are out of the game if you don’t move or act exactly as the leader did.” Everyone could play, but not everyone followed the rules. When the younger kids were the leaders, they had fun getting the “big kids” to do silly things. It became more complicated when the “big kids” were in the lead. They made things difficult to eliminate as many people as possible. The shepherds of the Bible led their sheep to good water, good grazing, good rest, and safety. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, called disciples to follow Him. He led them through storms at sea. He led them through illness and disease. He led them through hunger and thirst. He led them through opposition and rejection. He even led them through denial, rejection, suffering, death, and the grave. Wherever Jesus led the way, His living example of love was to be the model and the command. He loved enough to forgive His betrayers, deniers, tormentors, accusers,  torturers, and even those who put Him to death on the cross. Are you ready to follow His example and model and love as He loved you?



Jesus, I proclaim that I am Your disciple. With Your help, I intend to follow You and do what You want me to do. Give me the ability to love as You love and to forgive those who do not follow Your lead. In Your name, Amen.




Wednesday, August 14, 2024



Isaiah 44:24 — Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb, “I am the Lord, who made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who by myself spread out the earth.”


1 Corinthians 8:6 — For us, there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.



After my grandmother died, we moved to the “home place” to live with Grandpa. I was seven then and didn’t understand what all that meant. Since Dad was doing most of the farming, it made sense for our family to be closer to the largest part of the farm. The problems came with three generations living under the same roof. Grandpa sometimes told us to do things one way, but Mom or Dad wanted them done another way. Since it was Grandpa’s house, he expected to rule. Battle lines were drawn when my parents had other ideas. It was sometimes confusing for us as children, pulled this way and that between the two forces. We can find ourselves in a similar dilemma living in this world with all its demands and expectations if we lose sight of Who our Creator, Father, and Lord is. Political parties didn’t cause us to exist. Even religious denominations are human constructs created by God for God’s purposes. It is essential to keep our priorities straight and remember that “rendering to Caesar” does not exempt us from “rendering to God” and giving God first place in our lives, decisions, and obedience. Who or what determines how you live your life?



Help me put my priorities in order of what is the most important to me, O Lord. I pledge to You my allegiance and promise to put You first above all things. Let me then love others as You have loved me and treat them as You have. Through Christ, my Lord. Amen.




Thursday, August 15, 2024



Exodus 15:11 — Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders?


1 Corinthians 12:6 — There are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.



It was early morning as I wrote. I was on vacation at the Lake. The evening before, we sat in lawn chairs watching the golden setting sun, making the lake appear like a sea of gold and casting shadows through the tree. Sitting in silence with Sue, I didn’t need a radio, a TV, or a telephone. With such glorious images etched in my mind from the day before, I listened to the morning sounds of crickets singing love songs to one another, of the gentle morning breeze rustling through the cottonwood trees, of the chirping of early birds waking one another, and of the faint sound of the distant water flowing over the dam. Each sight and each sound add to a symphony for which I gave God credit. Buffy, the happy hound from next door, joined us on our morning walks, romped through the dew-covered grass, splashed through the lake, exciting the lazy ducks bobbing there, and rushed to examine everything we stopped to admire. Little Daniel, with his Dad in tow, came to watch the gas man fill our propane tank and expressed his child-like joy at his own “magic” tricks. This morning, I marvel at all that God has done in creation. I marvel at all God continues to do through the love of my life, Sue, Buffy, Daniel, and sunsets and sunrises. It’s good to be on vacation and to notice the finger of God touching our senses. Why not take ten minutes sometime today to pay attention to what God is doing in your life?!



When I truly stop and pay attention, O God, I am at peace with all You have done for me. Help me to take time this day to discover all You have given me through Your creation and the love of others. In Jesus, I pray. Amen.



Friday, August 16, 2024



Psalm 95:7-8 — O that today you would listen to his voice! Do not harden your hearts.


John 10:27 — My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.



I have heard many times that sheep know the voice of their shepherd and follow it. But sheep aren’t the only ones who know the voice of their masters or parents. One of our friends in Iowa had a farm pond that he had stocked with catfish. Every day, he went out in his old pickup and fed them a special catfish food. Some of the fish were huge! When he drove along the shore, the fish would follow the sound of the pickup and gather wherever he stopped to feed them. Others could drive by the same area without getting the same swirling mass of catfish bobbing up, looking for feed. Somehow, they came to know the vibrations of his rickety old pickup. I have seen similar reactions in many animals on the farm. Clanging a milk bucket would bring one of Grandma’s cows to the barn to be milked. (The others ignored her music.) We had some pigs that would completely ignore any calls I tried to make but would come running when Dad said, “Soooie!” If catfish, sheep, pigs, and cows know their master’s voice, shouldn’t we know our Master’s voice too? These “dumb” animals weren’t born knowing the vibration of a pickup or the sound that brought them to their masters. It was something they learned from infancy. The sound of our Master’s voice is much the same. We need to learn to listen to it from infancy. How well attuned to it are you? Have you helped some younger people listen so that they will hear and follow the true Master?



Open my ears, Lord, so that I might truly hear the sound of Your voice and listen and then follow. Help me to ignore the words of those who are not of You and speak for You. Use me to help someone younger listen to Your voice so they might follow. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Sunday, August 17, 2024




Joshua 1:9 — I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous.


Acts 23:11 — The Lord stood near Paul and said, “Keep up your courage! For just as you have testified for me in Jerusalem, so you must bear witness also in Rome.”



“Be strong! Be bold! For the Lord your God is with you!” With the words of that song, church campers were encouraged to remember they were never alone. I wish I had that song when I started my first day in high school - in town. I knew some of the kids because I started playing in the band the year before, and my uncle was a senior when I was a freshman. However, it was a big school (probably 120 students, 9-12), and it was in town. I was out of my element. I knew that a lot of other “country hicks” were as nervous as I was, so I took a deep breath and entered the halls of higher education. I can only imagine how terrifying it must have been for missionary children to start school in a room where they were the obvious outsiders and had to learn to speak, read, and write an unfamiliar language to communicate! But “the Lord our God was with us!” as the song declared. Aside from the occasional “freshman hazing,” life went on. We grew up, learned, and became part of our new world. Each transition - from high school to junior college, from junior college to college, from college to seminary, from seminary to the parish, and even with each parish change, had its fears of the unknown. God doesn’t ask us to go bungling into the lion’s jaws, but He encourages us to meet each challenge with faith and confidence that He will never leave us without the resources we need. So... “Be strong! Be Bold! For the Lord your God is with you!”  Are you ready? 



Help me not to be afraid, heavenly Father, as I make new transitions through life and as I move toward my final life transition. The unknown and new are scary, and I don’t know what the future will bring. Thank You for being by my side through it all. In the name of Jesus the Immanuel. Amen.




Sunday, August 18, 2024



Daniel 6:26-27 — The living God delivers and rescues.


John 12:47 — Christ says, “I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.”



We were trapped in an abandoned mine shaft by a band of ruthless robbers, cutthroats, and murderers who wanted the gold we were delivering to the bank. They had ambushed us and would have killed us all had we not made it, wounded and bleeding, to the mine entrance. After three of them died trying to follow us in, they decided to wait us out. There was no way out except the way in. Our supplies were low. We had run out of sandwiches and juice an hour before the big battle. We had used up all of our hand grenades, and we weren’t sure how long our bullets would last. Fortunately for us, my uncle, who had been mortally wounded, had also made it into the mine shaft, and when the standard 15 minutes was up, his wounds were healed, and he came to the rescue. He discovered an unguarded exit (our mine shaft was his neighbor’s hay storage shed). We escaped the trap and arrived at headquarters before the enemy knew we were gone! The battles we fight in the real world may not be as dramatic and exciting, but some are ruthless, dishonest, cutthroats, murderers, liars, and/or any combination - people who do not have our best interests in mind. Moses had Pharaoh, David had Goliath, Daniel had the lions, and Christ had the cross. God allowed each to face their enemy and gave each the power to defeat them. That is God’s promise and God’s intention for each of us. Are you willing to trust God to lead you through the maze of traps and dangers of your world to the certain security of His? 



Defend me, gracious Lord, from those who wish to harm me by their gossip and words. Lead me through all this world’s mazes, traps, and dangers. Help me to be more like You so that I never become the one who harms others by my words or actions. In Jesus’ name. Amen.




Monday, August 19, 2024



Psalm 40:1 — I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry.


Mark 4:30-32 — Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when it is sown, it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches so that the birds of the air can make nest in its shade.”



One of my first jobs on the farm at planting time was to help Grandma Roenfeldt cut up potatoes for planting. She showed me how to cut them so there were at least two “eyes.” The puzzle to me at age five was that something that small could produce anything. Once the potatoes were cut and planted, we waited and watched. Sure enough, the plants came to the surface and, with a little more time, produced a bountiful harvest. At a later age, I was entrusted with planting even smaller seeds. My biggest mistake (even as an adult) is to plant the little buggers too close together. Given the space, I know they will increase their growing potential. Jesus understood gardeners and farmers. As a “Good Gardener,” He starts the Kingdom of God like a tiny seed in each of us. Jesus is aware of the different soils, kinds of weeds, amounts of moisture, and all of the other variables. But Jesus also knows that the seed He plants is an imperishable seed which, given any encouragement, will grow and produce a rich harvest of righteousness with God. Like the tiny seeds I plant in my garden, the seeds of the Kingdom take time to mature. Are you nurturing the seeds God has planted in you with worship, Bible study, and prayer? If you are, you are guaranteed a perfect harvest! If you are not, why not?



Grow the seed of faith that You have planted within me, O God, so that I may become a mature Christian. Nurture me when I raise my voice in worship, study Your word with others, and in my prayer time. Make me a rich harvest of Your love. In the name of my Christ, I pray. Amen.




Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Jeremiah 18:14-15 — Do cool waters from distant sources ever cease to flow? Yet my people have forgotten me.


2 Timothy 4:2-3 — Proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine.



One of the many lessons I learned growing up was that “persistence pays.” Waiting for root crops to mature got better results than constantly harvesting the immature plants. Waiting for one of the big kids to help me learn to ride his bicycle was far less painful than trying to do it myself. Persistently walking through the fields each year (before chemicals were the rage)  reduced the number of weeds we had to chop or pull each year. Teaching a 1200-pound animal to follow was far more effective with patience and daily doses than trying to give it a crash course on the subject. Teaching people is a lot the same. My seventh-grade teacher had the patience of Job in teaching me to diagram sentences! I have discovered the importance of watching for those “teaching moments” in working with younger people. I may have tried a dozen times to get the point across, but nothing seemed to sink in until that one “Aha!” moment when it all fell into place for them. When it does, we both rejoice! As God’s messengers and evangelists, every baptized Christian has been enlisted in the persistent and patient proclamation ministry. Missionaries tell of working for decades before Christianity finally took hold in some villages. In our instant society, it is hard to think of what God is asking us to do! “Hang in there!” “Don’t give up or water down the message!” The Word of God will produce the harvest God wants at the proper time. Are you ready to “Keep on keeping on!”? 



I know You will try my patience, dear Lord, so I become patient. I pray that I may develop patience so that Your word may be spread to those You have given me to teach. Let me be willing to wait for the harvest even if I don’t see it in my lifetime. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Wednesday, August 21, 2024



Exodus 13:18 — So God led the people by the roundabout way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea.


Mark 1:13-14 — Jesus was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him. Then Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.



My flight instructor told me the story of one of his previous students. The young man liked to take shortcuts and make up his own rules. Sadly, he was killed on his girlfriend’s birthday, right before her eyes, as he tried to show off. There is a reason for taking time to learn the basics of flying, math, scripture, and life. If anyone had a reason to want to jump right in and get busy, it was Jesus. He was already thirty - an older man in those days. He was God’s Son, after all. What more did He need to learn?!! But Jesus was obedient, taking the time to learn temptation firsthand! Then, when He had learned what it meant to be human, He began His work with humans as one of them, sharing the good news of God and knowing in His heart just how truly GOOD it is! There are no shortcuts to spiritual growth and maturity. The ingredients haven’t changed: regular worship, frequent communion, prayer without ceasing, and daily Bible study. If even Jesus needed these important ingredients, what about us? Are any of us better than Jesus? Can we get by without them? Are you ready to redouble your efforts? 



Thank You for the example of Your Son, O Father. Make me more like him by nurturing me through worship, Your body and blood, prayer, and studying Your word. I can only do these things with Your help and guidance. I pray this in His name. Amen.




Thursday, August 22, 2024



Psalm 12:5 — “Because the poor are despoiled, because the needy groan, I will now rise up,” says the Lord; “I will place them in the safety for which they long.”


Revelation 7:17 — John wrote: The Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.



Growing up, there weren’t many “poor” people around. In one sense, most of us were poor. We just didn’t know it. Many of the farm families in our area were “sharecroppers.” They did all the work of farming for a share of the crop. In a good year, that wasn’t so bad, but in a bad year, it was tough on the sharecroppers, driving them deeper into debt to pay for feed, fuel, and the necessities of life they couldn’t raise. In these days of travel and mass media, we discover rampant poverty from small towns to big cities in every state of the union, as well as in almost all developing countries. On the outside, some blame people experiencing poverty for their own condition, while others blame society as a whole. Both are right. Now that we know who to blame, the poor still go to bed hungry, die from exposure and disease, and cry for the bare necessities so many of us take for granted. God has provided a solution, but we don’t like hearing it. The simple solution is you and me. If we have one extra shirt, coat, or dime to our name, we cannot turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to the needs of people with low or no incomes. Jesus loves them as much as He loves us. He died for them as much as He died for us. When God wipes away their tears, will He be wiping away our tears also - tears shed because we feel their pain and poverty as much as they do? Will we share our wealth with them on that Day in Jesus’ name?



I am so sorry, Heavenly Father, that I have become so stingy with the marvelous wealth You have given me. I consider myself poor when I can’t afford new clothing, but my closet is full of things I couldn’t use. Open my heart so that I may willingly share with all my brothers and sisters. In the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.







Friday, August 23, 2024



1 Chronicles 22:19 — Now set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God.


Matthew 13:45-46 — The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.



Choices! Choices! Choices! Should I explore the darkest Africa or climb the tallest mountain in the world? Should I go fishing with my uncle (always a treat) or visit one of the neighbors (also a treat because they had kids my age)? Should I continue to play in the dirt by the side of the road or find out why Mom was calling for me? Should I major in music, sociology, or psychology? Should I become a professional musician, a farmer, or a pastor? Should I join the drinking crowd and party, or maintain a friendship with the good friends who had already proven to be friends? Should I stay out all night playing in a dance band or get to bed at a reasonable hour so that I could play the organ for church on Sunday? Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! As tough as some of those decisions may be, we are always forced, consciously or unconsciously, to ask what we really want. Our spiritual choices confront us every hour of every day. We may claim our ultimate goal, our ultimate purpose, and our ultimate desire is to be with the Lord and to inherit the Kingdom of God with Christ. However, are we willing to pay the price for that one pearl of great value? Are we willing to let go of some other interesting and exciting gods attempting to entertain us? Are you ready to set your mind and heart entirely on seeking the Lord your God?



I am sorry for my lack of strength and resolve, dear Lord. I sometimes make the right choices but then slip into a pattern of choosing wrongly. Give me the fortitude and the willingness to give up other things for this pearl of great price. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Saturday, August 24, 2024



Psalm 39:4 — Lord, let me know my end, and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is. 

Luke 12:20 — God said to the rich man, “You fool! This very night, your life is being demanded of you. And the things you have prepared, whose will they be?”



I grew up with the knowledge that death happens. People and things don’t live forever. Grass, trees, flowers, and weeds died in their season. Cows, pigs, and chickens died or were killed for food. Even people died. I knew that. I walked past a cemetery on my way to and from school. Older adults and grandparents died. I knew the pain of that loss, too. But it never really came home to me that death could happen to someone my age until Marlene Neitzke died. I heard about other young people dying, but those had been just stories until Marlene. She was one of the girls in my country school. She was always sick and missed a lot of school. I think she had leukemia, but no one talked about those kinds of things with kids back then. For me, it meant that people as young as me really could die - and do die! We will not live in this world forever! “So,” I asked myself, “what should I do with the rest of my life? I was healthy. I wasn’t accident-prone. But how long would I live? What did God want me to do with the time I had left!?” As happens all too often, I got busy with my busyness, and those thoughts faded into history. Now, as I write, I dredge them back to the surface. How about you? How long do you think you will live? What are you doing with the precious gift of time God has given you? Will you be rich in things of this world but poor in the spiritual and eternal things? May God help you know “how fleeting (your) life is.”



I don’t know how long until I meet You face-to-face, dear Lord. Let me live each day as my last and have a sense of urgency in my spiritual growth and serving You. I pray that I will be eager to be with You because I have felt You as a companion in my life. All this I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.




Sunday, August 25, 2024



Psalm 68:20 — Our God is a God of salvation, and to our God, the Lord, belongs escape from death.


2 Corinthians 5:1 — For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house  not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.



I was digging a tunnel to China. I was almost there when my shovel hit a dead chicken my Dad had buried. I took a closer look, seeing and smelling the effects of death. I didn’t finish digging to China that day. Instead, I re-buried the body and built a marker for the poor dead chicken. I didn’t bother with a funeral because I figured Dad had done that when he buried it the first time. Like many five or six-year-olds, I had a ton of questions for Mom and Dad about death and dying. They reminded me of Jesus and Easter. They told me about Lazarus rising from the dead. “But what about that chicken,” I asked. I remember being very worried about that chicken, which made me think about the cow that died the month before, the rabbit, and the people in the cemetery! Their answers were like salve on my wound and have stayed with me ever since. “Don’t worry about dead bodies. God will give them new bodies in heaven. Remember when you were sick at Grandma’s house and went to sleep in your dirty overalls, and when you woke up, you were in nice, clean clothes? That’s what it will be like for the dead. They don’t need that old skin and bones anymore. That’s why we bury them.” (As a five-year-old, I didn’t worry about the theology of animals in heaven. I just assumed it!)  If you know Jesus, He knows you, and He already has your new “tent” and your new rooms prepared. May you be prepared for Him!



Help me not to worry about death and dying, dear Father. Help me not to be needlessly concerned about my body growing older and that I am aging. In the meantime, prepare me for my new home and body, which are awaiting me. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Monday, August 26, 2024



Psalm 38:9 — O Lord, all my longing is known to You; my sighing is not hidden from You.


Luke 15:20 — While the son was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him.



I never really understood why my parents would get so upset if one of us didn’t come home at the appointed hour - until I had my children. Then I began to appreciate what my parents went through for me and, in a larger sense, what God, our Father, goes through for us, His sinful, wayward children. I have sat up past curfew time, waiting for a late arrival. I have waited impatiently for a telephone call or a note long overdue. I know the father’s feelings, “filled with compassion,” running to meet his son. No matter where he has been or what he has done, he is my son, and I love him! I may be angry with him, but he is my son! It is hard to believe, but that is truly God’s attitude toward us. If you read the whole story in Luke’s gospel, note how the father stands at the door waiting, scanning the horizon, hoping, longing, and praying for his son’s return. His past, separation, lifestyle, and differences are no longer important. All he cares about is his son’s return. Read on and discover that this son is not made a second-rate slave but returned to full son-ship. He is justified! (Just-as-if-I’d-never-sinned!) God wants - more than wants - God longs for that relationship with you and me so much. He came in the form of Jesus to absorb the full punishment for us so that we could return to Him - pure and holy. What are you waiting for? Have you returned HOME lately?



Forgive me, my Father, when I forget about You and Your love. Forgive me when I don’t constantly wish for Your presence and embrace. Thank You for the absolute grace You shower upon me, just as if I had never sinned. In the name of Your Son. Amen.




Tuesday, August 27, 2024



Psalm 38:22 — Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation.


John 11:21-23 — Martha said to Jesus, “Lord if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now, I know that God will give You whatever You ask of him.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”



I don’t remember my Uncle John very well. What I remember about him and admired was his slow, patient way of getting things done. He never seemed to be in a hurry. It was slow and deliberate, even when he talked as if he needed to measure every word. Every reply began with a slow vocal, which, as a kid, I thought sounded like a drawn-out “Meow.” Uncle John was not into the “instant age.” He seemed to take things slow and easy. Many of us could take a lesson from him. Often, our prayer is, “Give me patience, but do it NOW!” Amid troubles and problems, we fail to remember that the people Moses led out of slavery wanted to have their promised land NOW! God, in His infinite wisdom, knew they weren’t ready for it and kept them wandering for another 40 years. God’s wristwatch keeps time in a way that is different than ours. Like my Uncle John (or should it be the other way), God is patient and deliberate in all things. To us, that may mean SLOOOOW! But consider how much more of a miracle Jesus could perform and how much greater a lesson He could teach about resurrection by delaying His arrival!!! When we are in a hurry to have God answer our requests and demands, it may be good for us to consider “how much more” God is doing and has already started in His answer!



To You, dear Lord, a thousand years is but a day, yet for me, sometimes an hour is like a day. When You bring events or people into my life that try my patience, help me remember that You are patient with me. Thank You for working within me even when I don’t see it. In Your Son’s name, I pray. Amen.




Wednesday, August 28, 2024



2 Kings 19:30 — The surviving remnant of the house of Judah shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward.


2 Peter 3:15 — Regard the patience of our Lord as salvation.



I tried to transplant some wildflowers near a lake in the Nebraska Sandhills. Watering daily helped some, but they needed something besides sand in which to grow. One of my transplants looked as if it had already died. The only thing I could do was build up the sand so that it resembled soil where their roots could take hold; that takes time. God knows my frustration - literally. He took a wild bunch of Judeans out of slavery in Egypt and transplanted them into a very promising land. He watered and nurtured them, but many died before they took root in the land. Many who took root forgot their gardener, returned to their “wild, untamed” nature, and lost their usefulness in God’s garden plan. But God is so patient! He sent prophets and preachers to prune them and train them, to feed them and nurture them, to baptize (wash) them and cleanse them. If we wonder if God is answering our prayers of: “How long, O Lord!”, imagine God’s cry: “How long, shall I have patience, my children?!” We are the survivors - the remnant God has transplanted into this wild world. One Day, the Master Gardener will bring us back HOME! Until that day, may we have God’s patience and “Bloom where we are planted,” “producing the fruits of righteousness” in His name. How deep are your roots?



O, my creator, plant me where I am needed. Prune me with Your word, water me in the waters of my baptism, and nurture me at Your table. Help me to bloom into the wonderful creation You intended for me. In the name of Christ. Amen.




Thursday, August 29, 2024



Jeremiah 30:20 — Their congregation shall be established before me.


Acts 9:31 — Meanwhile, the church throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and was built up. Living in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.



I belonged to a club that grew in size and dedication. I was president of the group for several of those years as we grew. Then we had some growing pains, and some members started getting on one another’s nerves. Sadly, they didn’t keep it to themselves or attempt to create harmony but spread dissension in the group. Instead of continuing to grow, the group began to shrink and eventually died. I have seen the same thing happen in churches and other groups. The Devil loves dissension and fighting. But I have also been blessed to see people torn apart by dissension who refused to let the Devil have his way. Like the church in Gentile territory divided by many things, they removed the obstacles to peace and were built up. Peace does not just happen. It takes work and sacrifice on both sides. We can be confident the Devil is at work when there is no desire to reconcile or cooperate with those with whom we have differences. We can be sure that the Holy Spirit is at work when peace returns and there is an “increase in numbers.” We know what Jesus said about forgiveness - even on the cross. We know how much God was willing to suffer on our behalf so that “we might be one in Him.” We know what God wants. The question for us in whatever group or church we belong to is: “Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to nurture reconciliation, cooperation, peace, and growth?” or “Am I allowing the Devil to use me to foster unforgiveness, unrest, and dissension?”



I am sorry, dear Lord when my words and actions cause dissension between others and me. I pray that instead, I may be Your agent to work for peace, harmony, and growth. Stir Your Holy Spirit within me so that I may resist the Devil who would have Your church be torn apart. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.




Friday, August 30, 2024



Exodus 23:25 — You shall worship the Lord your God, and he will bless your bread and your water.


Mark 1:31 — He came and took Simon’s mother-in-law by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left her, and she began to serve them.



Dad fixed my coaster wagon. It had taken a nasty spill down our long lane, which was gouged with deep ruts. Fortunately, I had filled it with bricks to make a test run before getting in myself. Once it was fixed, Dad suggested a better and safer route, avoiding the deep ruts. Immediately, I had a sister and two brothers wanting to try it out. I wanted it all to myself, but Dad reminded me that he hadn’t fixed the wagon, so that I would be selfish. He fixed it so that we could all enjoy it. So, reluctantly, we all took turns, and I had a lot more fun than I would have by myself. Jesus healed Simon’s mother-in-law. She could have marveled at her healing and maybe even sat in an easy chair to let the neighbors see the new and improved “her.” But instead, she got up and began carrying out her household responsibilities - serving. God blesses us every day in so many ways. Moses saw the importance of remembering where those blessings came from when he urged his people to “worship the Lord your God.” That is our ultimate mission. We are blessed so that we may use all of our blessings to worship the Lord, and “he will bless your bread and your water.” In other words, “You will never be in need!” Blessings are appreciated and used as intended, opening the floodgates of more blessings! How have you been blessed? How have you shared those blessings? How have you worshiped the Lord?



Sometimes, I cannot help but shout Your praises, great God! You have blessed me in countless ways and numerous times. Thank You for creating me so I can worship You in everything I say and do. Bless me in Jesus’ name. Amen.




Saturday, August 31, 2024



Isaiah 48:18 — If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea.


1 Corinthians 14:33 — God is a God not of disorder but of peace.



I sat in the middle of a mess. The erector set I had gotten for Christmas was all over the living room floor. I wanted to build a windmill but couldn’t find all the parts. Dad told me to put all the parts that were alike in piles, but I was in a hurry. At nine, I had important things to do - I guess. Instead of following Dad’s advice, I tried to pick out the parts I needed and then build. Unfortunately, one of the legs was shorter than the others, one of the braces was missing, and I couldn’t find two fins for the wheel. Dad must have read Isaiah: “If you’d listen to me, you would not have a mess all over the floor, and your windmill would be pumping lots of water.” (OK! So I reworded what Isaiah said!) With Dad’s help, I sorted and then rebuilt my windmill. He was right! It worked! The truth Isaiah and my father proclaimed is valid in every area of our lives, even today. God is not a God of disorder. In the beginning, there was chaos and disorder. God put it in order and brought unity and peace. When there is disorder, we often use the wrong ingredients or parts, blame the wrong person or thing, and spend more time and energy searching for the correct answers in all the wrong places. How do the pieces of your erector set (your life, family, work, community, or even friendships) fit together? Do you need to invite God to help you sort them to bring order out of disorder? God can take the pieces and make peace flow “like a river” for you, too.



I must admit, dear Lord, that there are many times when I do not listen to You, and I try to do things my way. Forgive me for those times, and help me listen more carefully to Your instructions. Help me to study Your word and then to live by them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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