Wednesday, July 17, 2024

June Daily Devotions


Saturday, June 1, 2024


Read the scripture and meditate on the verse using these questions:

T - (Thanks) What in these verses makes me thankful?

R - (Regret) What do these verses reveal that show my need to confess my sin?

I - (Intercession) What do I need to ask God for in prayer for others and myself?

P - (Purpose/Plan) What action or purpose do these verses encourage me to take?

(Note: The meditation outline will not appear each day.  If you like to use it, save it.)



Isaiah11:4 — With righteousness, he shall judge the poor and decide with equity for the meek of the earth. 


Matthew 5:6 — Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” 



“What is your passion in life?” When I was five, I heard a story about a fireman. I wanted to be a fireman so bad that when we went to buy new shoes, I wanted the ones with the fireman’s hat on the tongue, even though they didn’t fit! A few years later, I was into Roy Rogers - big time - and decided to be a cowboy. Some time later, my Dad’s cousin, a doctor, came to visit, and my passion became medicine. I collected Look magazine articles and pictures about surgery and medicine and decided to become a surgeon. Looking back over my growing-up years, my passion changed almost as quickly as the wind. My passion at the time became the driving force in my life. It still does. I appreciated The Purpose Driven Life, but I may write a book called The Passion Driven Life. There is a danger that the title might be taken the wrong way! When I read the words of Jesus in the Beatitudes, I hear Jesus saying, “Blessed are those who are passionate for righteousness (rightness - with right thinking and right living) for and with God! How passionate are you for loving God more than anything or anyone else? How passionate are you for loving your neighbor - even people experiencing poverty and less fortunate - as much as you love yourself? So, what is your real passion in life? 



Make me passionate with my love for you, O Lord. When my spirit wanes, restore it. Guide my passion so that with all my being, I will work toward loving you and my neighbors. Thank you for being so passionate for me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.



Sunday, June 2, 2024



Isaiah 8:19 — When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spirits,” should not a people consult their God?


1 Corinthians 15:1 — I remind you, brothers and sisters, of the good news that I proclaimed to you, which you in turn received, in which also you stand.



I went to town to the implement dealer with Dad when I was about six. We looked at a shiny new piece of equipment, but I didn’t know what it did. We went around it and around it with the dealer, and Dad asked so many questions that I found myself a small tractor to pretend to drive while I waited. I often thought my Dad (and Mom, too, for that matter) spent way too much time talking to people. It never dawned on me that they were gathering information. From the information he gained at the implement dealer, Dad built a wind-rower out of scrap material he had on hand - and it worked! From information he gathered from an uncle, he found us a fishing place where we actually caught fish. From each person he “consulted,” Dad gathered information for being a better farmer. When it came to the important things in life, Dad and Mom spent time praying. Many of their significant decisions came in response to prayer. The “dead spirits” were a curiosity but nothing to be messed with. “What do they know that God doesn’t,” my Mom said, “and if God wants us to know it, He’ll tell us.” The Good News from the writers of scripture is not “hear-say.” It is “first-hand” wisdom and knowledge - the Word of the Lord. Who would you rather consult about your eternal life? 



O Omnipotent One, you know all that there is to know. Help me to be patient when you do not reveal those things I do not need to know myself. I pray that I might always come to you for answers in all the decisions of my life. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.






Monday, June 3, 2024



Psalm 127:1 — Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.


Acts 20:32 — I commend you to God and to the message of his grace, a message that is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all who are sanctified.



We worked near the Nile River, pulling up mud to make bricks for our fort. The headhunters were restless. (Didn’t know there were headhunters in Egypt, did you? There aren’t, but we didn’t know that.) We had to work fast. A surprise mid-summer storm was on the way. We just about had it all built when the rain started, and we raced for the “castle,” arriving drenched to the bone. After the rain, we returned to find that our “mighty fortress” had become a mud puddle! A lot of man-made projects are like that. We slave away furiously, trying to accomplish our own plans and projects without considering that the Lord may have a better idea. It happens in love and marriage. It occurs in career choices. It happens in our spiritual lives. We learn so slowly what God told Isaiah: “My plans are not your plans, and your ways are not my plans....” When our plans and projects fall apart and turn into “mush and mud,” it is time to back up and have a little chat with the Master Builder and Creator of all Plans. Perhaps God has ideas we have avoided or thoughts we never thought possible! After all, God does have an inheritance waiting, which is way beyond our imaginations. Who do you want to build your “house”? 



I pray, O Creator, that I might build my life on you and your plans for me. Show me the way that you have me go. Forgive me for the many times I tried to do things my way and failed. Thank you for the inheritance that awaits me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Tuesday, June 4, 2024



Isaiah 55:10-11 — For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth.


Mark 4:20 — Jesus said, “And these are the ones sown on the good soil: they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.



The cows came into the barn to be milked twice a day. Some of the younger ones took a little coaxing, but the older veterans often stood in line at the barn door anticipating the relief milking would give to their utters. The scoop of molasses-flavored grain may have been on their minds too, but they came to produce - some more than others. The hens were a lot the same but were limited to an egg a day. Some produced an egg every day. Some either hid their eggs or sat around pondering the second coming of Christ and, like some Christians, weren’t of much earthly good - except for the stew pot. God created each of us to produce something, too. God didn’t create us to produce ham steaks, hamburgers, or chicken strips - unless you’re into farming or cooking. The “produce” God created us to “produce” is souls, brought to God’s love, bathed in God’s grace, nurtured in God’s word, and committed to God’s plan of saving all in creation who will allow themselves to be saved. Like the seeds of the sower, we can’t make things happen. God will take care of that. Our task is to sow the seeds as best as we can with the tools God has given us. What kind of “producer” will you be? 



Dear God, let me not be a “stew-pot” Christian, but help me to produce as you have intended. Use me today to spread your Good News. Help me not be afraid to produce but to look forward with anticipation of your work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.




Wednesday, June 5, 2024



Psalm 50:2-3 — Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth. Our God comes and does not keep silence. 


John 1:15 — John testified to the light and cried out, “From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”



By age thirteen, I had witnessed many magnificent sunrises and sunsets. I had seen the incredible beauty of our rolling Nebraska hills. I had even experienced the stomach-flipping sensation of riding the “jet-propelled” elevator at the Omaha stockyards. I had read about Disneyland and seen pictures of its many delights, but I was not prepared for the awe-inspiring experience of the real thing. Our family took our one and only vacation trip together to visit relatives in California over Christmas that year. There were many great things to see and do on that trip, but if Frank Sinatra left his heart in San Francisco, mine got hooked on Disney Land. Sadly, it’s only a phony facade of fantasy. But, it does give me the tiniest hint of the REAL beauty of being in the presence of God, where the price of admission, the cost of all meals and all “rides” has already been paid in full on the Cross of Christ, even though the wages of our sin is death and we don’t deserve it. That is genuinely grace (an undeserved gift) upon grace, upon grace, upon grace....... What do you say? What do you do in response to such a lavish and extravagant gift? 



Heavenly Father, my heart leaps for joy knowing that your Son has paid my full admission into your presence. I can’t even imagine the true beauty and incredible sensation that will surround me. I pray that I might not take this wonderful grace-filled gift for granted but live out my life in grateful response to it. In the name of my Savior. Amen.




Thursday, June 6, 2024



Isaiah 42:1 — Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights.


Mark 9:7 — From the cloud, there came a voice, “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!”



We went to our youngest son’s graduation when he received his Master’s degree. The gymnasium where the ceremony took place was packed with several thousand friends, parents, and relatives of the graduates. It was evident that every spectator was watching to see their special person somewhere in that sea of bodies. “There! I see her!” someone shouted. Then, fingers pointed and hands waved. The lady beside us beamed, “That’s my son!” as she pointed with pride.” Not to be outdone, we did the same. Less than a year later, he joined the army, and we attended his graduation from basic training with the same responses and exclamations of great pride! “Doesn’t he look handsome!” one of the parents declared. (In truth, they all wore the same uniform and uniformly looked sharp and clean-cut from the bleachers. We couldn’t even pick our son out of all the “handsome” faces we saw until the ceremony was almost over.) God expressed that parental pride with Jesus - and with good reason! Jesus was indeed “a chip off the old block.” We adopted our son as an infant. And God adopted him - as God adopted you - at baptism. When we love God and others with the love of God, God looks at us and beams with pride: “That’s my kid! I am so proud! That is truly my beloved!” How will you live up to that amazing grace?



It is with pride and joy that I call you my Father. Thank you for making me yours in my baptism. I pray that my life today will make you proud to call me your’s. Use me to bring someone else into the family. In the name of your Son, Jesus, the Christ. Amen.




Friday, June 7, 2024



Psalm 33:17-18 — The war horse is a vain hope for victory, and by its great might it cannot save. Truly, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love.


Ephesians 6:16-17 — With all of these, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.



The Holstein bull that chased Mom into a quicksand patch had a mean streak that wouldn’t end. Except for Dad, he would charge anyone who came into “his” territory. He tried early in his career one day, but Dad happened to have a pitchfork in one hand and a 2X4 in the other. He whopped him across the snout and gave him a taste of the sharp tines. From that day on, all he had to see was Dad, and he would back off. Mom and everyone else kept their distance with a fence between them or walked with Dad to bring in the cows. The people of God have an enemy who attacks like that bull. The Bible says he is like a “prowling lion.” He attacked Jesus numerous times but felt the sting of defeat. His most significant defeat came when Jesus refused to save Himself on the cross, dying instead to give us the weapons - “the pitchforks” - that can defeat all enemies. How sad it is when we forget the weapons of faith in favor of human power, human armies, and human weapons. They are like a willow branch to a charging bull. But the weapons of faith can defeat the mightiest enemy of all - death itself - with one Word! How are you armed for your daily struggle with evil? May you discover the “shield of faith,” the helmet of salvation,” and “the sword of the Spirit!” 



Protect me, O Mighty One, from the enemy who charges at me, seemingly from every direction. Strengthen my shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit by guiding me with your Word. In this, I pray, in the name of my Protector, Jesus, the Christ. Amen.




Saturday, June 8, 2024



Isaiah 26:13 — O Lord our God, other lords besides you have ruled over us, but we acknowledge your name alone. 


Mark 10:42-43 — So Jesus said, “You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. But it is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant.”



I grew up in a “house divided” - politically. Mom was a Republican. Dad was a Democrat. So, I heard both sides of the argument, no matter which party was in power. I get upset by mudslinging and political jockeying because I’ve seen them as ways to waste money to avoid “speaking the truth in love.” No matter who is in power, only one POWER matters, and God plays by a different set of rules. Just saying “Lord, Lord!” isn’t enough. Token name-dropping isn’t enough. What counts is a willingness to serve - not just our own agendas, our own plans and goals, but God’s. Many “lords” are trying to get our vote, but only one Lord truly walked the walk of the Suffering Servant. He reminds us to keep our eyes on His agenda and plan - regardless of what political party expects us to vote for them. It is often hard to figure out who is lying or stretching the truth - more, so it is doubly important that we be well grounded in The TRUTH! Some may quote scripture in or out of context, so it is also essential that we learn to distinguish between the two. Servanthood is not always popular. However, in the end, that is what our Lord and Savior came for and what He calls us to do. Will you vote for Him? 



O Lord, Creator and master of the universe, I choose to follow you this day and every day. Thank you for choosing me to be in your party. Help me to discern who is speaking your truth and who is not. Let me vote for you by my actions and by doing those things that are pleasing to you. In your Son’s name. Amen.




Sunday, June 9, 2024



Psalm 119:41 — Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise.


Mark 9:22-23 — The father asked Jesus, “But if you are able to do anything, have pity on us and help us.” Jesus said to him, “If you are able? All things can be done for the one who believes.”



I am not a mathematics genius. I got decent grades in algebra and geometry only by working twice as hard on homework in those subjects as I worked on anything else. Don, on the other hand, seemed to be able to take one look at the problems and have the answers without struggle. I worked all weekend trying to solve one problem. On Monday morning, we compared notes, and sure enough, he spent half an hour solving all the problems. When I asked him how he did it, he said, “Easy!” and walked me through it step by step. He was right. Once he explained it, it was simple. I had left one simple step out of my equation. I wondered why I hadn’t figured it out. Obviously, my gift was/is not mathematics. We often leave one simple step out of the equation in our spiritual lives. We usually don’t have too much trouble asking, begging, pleading, or even bargaining with Jesus to come into our lives to bring healing or wholeness to a situation. The part we leave out is stepping aside so He can do what we ask. It is not just admitting that we can’t solve it ourselves. It also accepts a solution that may not be how “we’ve always done it before.” It may also be a willingness to accept help, counsel, wisdom, and guidance from someone we would rather not associate with - even a rival or someone who irritates us. Jesus makes it clear: “All things can be done for the one who believes.” Are you willing to step aside - to put aside your pride, prejudice, and preconceived ideas to let Jesus do what only Jesus can do? 



O Gracious Lord, you know how hard it is for me to step aside and be willing to let your answers be the correct ones for my life. Please forgive me and enable me to open my heart to your solutions. Guide me this day to do your will. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Monday, June 10, 2024



Genesis 15:6 — Abram believed the Lord and the Lord reckoned it to him as righteousness.


Galatians 3:9 — For this reason, those who believe are blessed with Abraham, who believed.



Dad was particular about how some of the fieldwork was to be done. He always took me with him to explain how he wanted me to do it. At age thirteen, I was in that phase in life when my parents seemed to get dumber every day, and I believed I was so much brighter. After one lesson in how he wanted a field disked, I explained to him how it would go a lot faster if we did it my way. Dad thought about it and said, “It might be faster, but it will leave ridges I don’t want to bounce over.” I thought it was stupid, but I did it his way. Later in the season, he took me over a small field disked the way I wanted to do it. “I’m glad we don’t have to bounce over fields like that,” he commented, and then we rode through a field disked his way. He was right! God thought of Abraham in that way. Abraham had many ideas about how to solve the problem of childlessness and a few other issues, but God continued to say, “Let’s do it my way.” Faith is trusting that God knows the better way. It believes that, despite what looks pleasing to our human eyes, God’s plan will turn out better for us if we do it God’s way. The devil tried to tempt Jesus to take a “better, more exciting, more profitable” path. Jesus chose to take God’s way, even if it meant the cross. What is your faith leading you to? How much do you trust the Creator, Savior, and Redeemer? 



I believe that you know a better way, O God, but I still think my way is even better. Forgive me for my lack of faith. Strengthen my trust in you and that you genuinely know what is best for me. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Tuesday, June 11, 2024



Psalm 32:5 — I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the guilt of my sin.


1 Timothy 1:15 — The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the foremost.



As a victim of physical and verbal abuse, he was acquainted with the words of confession. He had them memorized and believed them to the extreme. He believed the lie that he was so worthless that he was suicidal. No amount of counseling could convince him otherwise. The idea that God could love him was as difficult as believing cows could sprout wings and fly over the moon. That he was guilty of being the scum of the earth and, like Paul, the “foremost of sinners,” was easy be accept. But believing that anyone, especially God, could love and forgive him took a miracle. That miracle was the birth and baptism of a grandchild - pure, innocent, and beautiful, but born with original sin and subject to its wages - death. In the washing of water, he remembered his own baptism, and in some mysterious and wonderful way, God’s Spirit reached past his painful memories of the lies he had believed about himself. As his granddaughter joined the family of a loving God, he was healed! Long held back, tears burst their dam to mingle with the baptismal flood. He was healed! He was a new man in Christ. Are you willing to let Jesus enter your pain to love, forgive, and heal you? He awaits your invitation. 



O Father in heaven, reach into my past to be reminded of the beautiful gift you gave me at my baptism. The sweet words of grace can move me to tears, knowing how much you love me. You love me! What wonderful words! Thank you! In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.




Wednesday, June 12, 2024



Deuteronomy 10:12 — So now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? Only to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.


John 15:9 — As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love.



Years ago, at church camp, we sang “Pass My Love Around.” The melody still goes through my mind, bringing memories of campfires and crafts. We “passed Christ’s love around” by making small gifts for one another. At the time, I didn’t think about the ways my parents and Sunday School teachers had passed that love on to me or even that Jesus had started the ball rolling by loving us enough to live and die so that we might have the forgiveness of sins and the eternal life He came to pass on to us. There are physical and mental attributes that my parents passed on to me. We also received spiritual gifts from those who passed them on to us so that we could pass them on to others. God’s love was experienced from generation to generation. All God asks is that we return that love and pass it on to others. As a people of God and as children of God, we have the tremendous responsibility and the privilege of being “conduits” for passing on what we have first received. Our spiritual lives can stagnate when we keep it to ourselves, like an undrained swamp when water does not flow in and out. Have you blocked the flow of God’s love, or have you been passing it on?



Let your love flow through me this day, O Lord so that I might be a conduit of that love to others. I ask that I might be a blessing to others as I have been blessed through my parents and others. Thank you for the gift of your Son, in whose name I pray. Amen.




Thursday, June 13, 2024



Isaiah 31:1 — Alas for those who rely on horses, who trust in chariots because they are many but do not consult the Lord!


2 Corinthians 5:18 — God reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.



My grandfather relied on horses to do his fieldwork. He was the first farmer in Stanton County to have a tractor but never used it. I never saw him on it. He left the “new-fangled contraption” for my Dad to operate. The fact that it kicked when Dad tried to crank it one day and broke Dad’s arm probably confirmed Grandpa’s conviction that horses were just fine. He did drive a modern 1951 Ford “chariot” with “horses under the hood,” but that was different. God created a “new-fangled” way of working with His people, which beat the human and animal sacrifices of the past. It did not take horses and chariots. It did not even rely on armies. It was so simple that many people rejected the thought. God entered the battle for His people’s bodies, minds, and souls in the Person of Jesus. In Jesus, God made all things new, removing the rust and corrosion of sin and the damage it causes. In Christ, God bridged the gap between us and even renewed our relationship with His “new-fangled” agape (other-centered) love. Are you ready for something new and refreshing? 



O Giver of Life, thank you for making me anew and giving me a new spirit. I pray that I do not try to make the simplicity of your love so complex that I cannot understand or accept it. Instead, I surrender my entire life to you. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Friday, June 14, 2024



Proverbs 29:7 — The righteous know the rights of the poor.


2 Corinthians 8:13 — I do not mean that there should be relief for others and pressure on you, but it is a question of a fair balance.



When I was in country school and old enough to notice, it seemed like there was always an “underdog” - someone everyone picked on. In the small school and community we lived in, it was not always the same person. It became even more pronounced when I went to town as a freshman in high school. Some students were looked down on by reputation or how they dressed and often tormented by those who thought of themselves as “better.” Interestingly, it was not always those we thought of as financially poor who were among the “poor.” Some of our “poor” and “downtrodden” seemed to put themselves in that position by their actions and reactions. A lot of attention has been focused on such students, some of whom have struck back violently. While the problem seems to peak in public schools, it is no less a problem in the workplace and in public. As members of the body of Christ who have been made righteous - right with God - by what Jesus did for us, we are responsible for reaching out to those who have not had that grace-filled experience. Whenever possible, we need to ask ourselves how we can best reflect Jesus’ concern, His “compassion” for them, in every part of our lives. Have you become a part of His solution to the problem, or have you been guilty of being part of the problem? How well-balanced are you? 



Please forgive me, dear Lord, when I have been less than compassionate to others or looked down upon them. Change me and use me so that I might be concerned about the welfare and the rights of others. In the name of the righteous One, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Saturday, June 15, 2024



Ezekiel 18:4 — Know that all lives are mine.


Galatians 2:20 — Paul writes: It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.



What an advantage it is to grow up knowing you are part of a loving family! There may be times when they bugged the heck out of me. My sisters and brothers certainly did - hiding my favorite toy or being a tattle-tail. Sometimes, my parents upset me, too. If I were to be honest, I’d have to admit I did the same to them. Classmates could also embarrass or irritate us. Marlin’s jab in the ribs when the teacher wasn’t looking and the “accidental” locking of the outhouse door from the outside by...? sometimes sent some less-than-Christian thoughts of revenge passing through my mind. But a great deal of pride and strength was still gathered from knowing I was a family member and a student at District #35. I belonged! In an even more intense way, I appreciate being a member of the family of God and a member of the body of Christ. I belong to God! I am somebody related to Christ. No matter where I go or how far away I stray, I have a “Home” to return to and One who calls me Brother. No matter where I am and no matter what I become, “it is Christ who lives in me.” I belong! Have you considered how meaningful your relationship with your Lord is and what it means to belong to Him? 



Thank you, Heavenly Father, for placing me in a family and your family the church. Forgive us when we do not always get along. Use me to bring about reconciliation and love in my family. Thank you that I belong. In the name of Jesus, my Brother, I pray. Amen.




Sunday, June 16, 2024



Deuteronomy 28:12 — The Lord will open for you his rich storehouse, the heavens, to give the rain of your land in its season and to bless all your undertakings.


1 Corinthians 3:7 — So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.



When the long, hot summer days set in on the farm, our prayers for rain became a daily plea. In the clay hills of our part of Stanton County, cracks deep enough to drive a tractor or truck into (toy tractors and trucks) appeared in many places. The hard clay would turn to powdery dust that was fun to play in and could become a tremendous muddy landscape with a little water from the house. As we played in the shade of the mulberry grove, we would often watch the clouds pass by to the north or the south. We always hoped the wind would change to bring us the much-needed rains, only to be disappointed. It was pretty evident that we had no control over the weather. In those days before irrigation was possible on such hills, we depended on a Power greater than ourselves. We discovered again and again that God did know what He was doing. Life in the “real” world can be like a discouraging “dry spell” when it seems that nothing is going the way we planned or the way we wanted it to go. At those times, we are driven to our knees and admit we may not know all there is to know. We may have to acknowledge the One who does and has the Power to make things happen in His time and in His way. Who are you relying on in your life? 



O Sustainer of Life, I pray that you will water the crops and the land with just the right amount and at the right time for a bountiful harvest. I also pray that you water my soul when it thirsts so I might grow in my faith and love for you. Send me out into your world, watering others with your love so there might be a bountiful harvest of new believers. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Monday, June 17, 2024



Numbers 23:12 — Must I not take care to say what the Lord puts into my mouth?


1 Corinthians 9:16 — If I proclaim the gospel, this gives me no ground for boasting, for an obligation is laid on me, and woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel!



I have trouble taking a vacation from preaching. Ask my dear wife. I’m on vacation this week, and I’m not sure where we will be for worship on Sunday, but I know myself well enough to know that I will miss being in the pulpit. I’m unsure if I can explain it, except to say I understand what the prophet Jeremiah said when he claimed he tried to avoid preaching, but it built up in him like a fire, burning until he spoke. I don’t get that bad, but God’s word is like good news waiting to tumble out of a child’s mouth after an exciting adventure. God’s word is alive! It wants to be proclaimed. I thank the Lord for every opportunity to proclaim it, even when I’m tired, worn, or pulled in many directions. I am happy for a break from sermon preparation, but I am always so glad to return to preaching again. My great joy when I don’t preach is that I can listen and be filled myself. That takes another kind of discipline and brings another type of blessing. (It will be an ongoing struggle since I am retiring {again}.) How are you about passing on (preaching) God’s good news? It doesn’t have to be a sermon. It doesn’t have to be in front of a crowd. It could be to a single person who needs God’s love demonstrated with a single word or a smile. Anyone can do that and even use words when necessary. How about you? 



Give me the words, O Lord, to proclaim your love to those I meet today and throughout my life. Fill me with your Spirit through the words of others until I can no longer keep your words to myself. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.




Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Deuteronomy 6:11-12 — When you have eaten your fill, take care that you do not forget the Lord.


Matthew 6:11 — Give us this day our daily bread.



When I was five or six, I asked my father about the table prayers he learned as a kid. He rattled off one of the prayers in German and then said, “But that was the one we prayed after we ate.” He translated it for us and then prayed the “before meal” prayer in German, translating it for us. (Dad gave up speaking German; these two prayers, plus a bedtime prayer he taught me, were the only German I ever heard him speak.) The “before meal” prayer was very much like our own, and I have learned since then that the “after meal” prayer was like one Luther taught and may have been one Dad learned in confirmation. I’ve heard jokes about kids wanting to wait to thank God for food until they could taste it and see if they liked it. I wonder why we’ve stopped praying before and after eating. Maybe we should start something new: Ask God to bless the food we have to eat, the farmers who raised it, the people who processed it, and the hands that prepared it - before eating; and thank God for what we have received - after eating! It only makes sense. Are you willing to give it a try? 



Thank you, O Father, for the food that will nourish me this day. Bless the hands who have grown, processed, and prepared it. Use me to help feed a hungry world through my gifts of food, money, and those things you have blessed me with. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Ezekiel 36:29 —  I will save you from all your uncleannesses.


Matthew 15:18 — What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this is what defiles.



My wife found a tremendously funny greeting card for one of our relatives. On the outside was a stern-looking Moses with the Ten Commandments in one hand and his finger pointing out to the reader in his other hand. Inside, it simply said, “You gotta clean up your act!” It seemed perfect because she tended to use pretty spicy language and would be working in a church. Of course, the card might have fit many people, not just those planning to work in church. Foul language, like bad grammar, is a bad habit that “defiles” a person. Under stress or at times of conflict, what is inside spews out and contaminates everyone within hearing distance. God promises He will help us “clean up our act” if we ask. How is your language? Do you need to review the commandments again and review what it means to “take the Lord’s name in vain” or “bear false witness”? How well do you honor your Creator by the things that come from your mouth? 



I am sorry for my thoughts and language when things go wrong or I am stressed, dear Lord. I pray that I might be as concerned as much about the things that come out of my mouth as those things that go in. Let my words be sweet to the ears of all those whom I meet today. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Thursday, June 20, 2024



Psalm 37:4 — Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.


Mark 11:24 — Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.



We had neighbors who lived two or three miles from our farm who, to my knowledge, didn’t associate with others very much. They were quiet and “minded their own business.” As often happens, neighbor kids let it be known that it was no place they’d be caught dead in at night. “She might be a witch!” Rumors and gossip were vague, but they were good enough to keep us away. In high school, one of the groups I belonged to had a fund-raiser that involved selling small fire extinguishers. The top prize was a new jacket, and I wanted it. I covered the town and neighborhood well, and I knew I was close to the top sales. The only farm I hadn’t been to was “that” farm. So, gathering my courage, I knocked on the rickety screen door and waited. My fears were turned to joy as I came away without being turned into a frog and with not one but two sales! (There’s lots more to the story, but I’ll save it for another time. Ask me sometime.) When asked by one of my classmates how I could get “them” to buy, I said, “I just became their friend.” In truth, that’s what did it. Nobody else had shown any interest in them at all. I don’t recommend becoming friends with God so you can manipulate Him into “buying” what you want, but friends will help one another and do for one another what they may never do for strangers. What kind of friend are you with the Lord? 



Oh, what a friend I have in you, Lord Jesus. You have promised to be with me this day, and I pray that I might be aware of your nearness. I desire that I both talk to you and listen to you. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.




Friday, June 21, 2024



1 Kings 8:66 — They went to their tents, joyful and in good spirits because of all the goodness that the Lord had shown to his servant David and to his people Israel.


Luke 1:69 — He has raised up a mighty savior for us in the house of his servant David.



Assumptions are dangerous, but I assume everyone reading this went to worship last Sunday. If you didn’t, guess what you missed!!! The King of kings and Lord of lords, the One who died for your sins, was there - where two or more were gathered in His name!!! If you confessed your sins - You heard His words of forgiveness! If you listened to His Word - You heard Him! If you received communion - You received Him! If you offered prayers - You were heard by Him! If you greeted someone in His name (even the least among you) - You greeted Him! If you were paying attention to what was happening in worship - no matter how many mistakes the organist made, no matter how bad some hymns were, no matter how dull or boring the preacher was, no matter how screechy some singer was - you met Christ, the risen Lord! By the grace of God, you were healed by His touch in ways you have yet to discover! From the time you left worship and throughout this entire week, you may be glowing like Moses after meeting the Lord on Mt. Sinai! Today is your opportunity to tell the whole world “How good it is to be loved by God!” (If you missed last Sunday, don’t despair. He’ll also be there this Sunday. Why not take some friends with you?!) 



I thank you, dear Lord, for the opportunity to worship you each week and that you come to me in so many different ways within the service. Give me the words to say so I might invite others to join me in meeting you this next weekend. In the name of the risen Christ, I pray. Amen




Saturday, June 22, 2024



Psalm 63:3 — Your steadfast love is better than life.


1 Corinthians 15:43 — It is sown in dishonor. It is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness. It is raised in power.



In the spring of the year, we had to do spring cleaning in every building on the farm. That’s an excellent way of saying we had to haul manure. It was a dirty, smelly, disgusting, and difficult duty! The only positive part of the job was taking the manure spreader out to the field where we could get a breath of fresh air (unless the wind was in the wrong direction) as we spread the natural fertilizer over the barren fields. It was not unusual to find a dead chicken buried in the layers of filth that we deposited on the soil to be tilled in for plant food. Later in the season, we could always tell which fields we had spread manure on by the lush green crops that were nurtured by our labors. We saw first-hand what was “sown in dishonor and raised in glory” and what was “sown in weakness and raised in power.” These plants produced far more than those whose soil was not so blessed. That principle holds true for our human life, too. We die and are buried as weak, powerless, rotting corpses but are raised by God with new, glorified, and powerful bodies like the Savior who went before us through the cross and the grave to the presence of the steadfast love of the Father. We may cling to life in this world, but it is just so much fertilizer compared to the glory that will be revealed! Which would you rather have? 



I hate to say it, dear Lord, but thank you for the manure of the world that has been spread upon me at times. As unpleasant as the process is, I know you have grown and nourished me. Make me the person you would have me be so I will bear much fruit. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Sunday, June 23, 2024



Psalm 76:7 — May God continue to bless us; let all the ends of the earth revere him.


1 Peter 5:5 — And all of you must clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”



Farmers, like many others, are brought to their knees often enough to know “Who butters their bread!” I grew up on a “poor farm,” which didn’t always pay the bills. But every year, Dad planted the seeds and asked God to continue to bless us. We never had a lot, but we never starved either, and compared with many people around the world, we were blessed with a wealth of love, more valuable than anything a credit card could buy. We could not boast of the best soil. Without rain, it often became solid-as-rock clay. We could not boast of having the best and most luxurious house in the county, but it kept us warm in winter and sheltered us from the summer sun, even though it needed a lot of work. Our water smelled like rotten eggs if we let it sit out. We could not boast of the best cars or equipment either. Dad kept some of them running and working with baling wire “and a prayer.” But we were so richly blessed I can hardly describe the grace upon grace we experienced. The peace, patience, love, trust, honor, faith, and self-respect were beyond price. I admit I didn’t always appreciate those blessings at the time, but I wouldn’t trade them now for all the gold in Fort Knox. Have you spent time counting your blessings lately? 



I am sorry, Heavenly Father, that I often spend more time counting those things that are wrong in my life than rejoicing in the grace upon grace that you have blessed me with. I especially thank you for being a loving God and for having forgiven me all of my sins. I thank you in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Monday, June 24, 2024



Psalm 116:12 — What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me?


Mark 5:20 — And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him.



She doesn’t enjoy cooking, but my wife does an excellent job feeding me, especially when I’m tired and worn. She does the shopping, the cleaning, the washing, and ironing, and takes time to listen to me, encourage me, and lift my spirits. What my beloved help-mate would like to do is quilt, sew, and read. But she often sacrifices what she would rather do for what she does out of love for me. In so doing, she has reflected God’s love for me for more than 56 years. I am sometimes overwhelmed with appreciation and wonder how I can ever return such love to her. “That’s how it is with God’s love,” one of the camp songs declares. When I count my blessings from God, Sue is at the top of my list, and I ask the question the Psalmist asked: What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me? And like the man freed from a legion of demons, I can hardly contain myself! I look forward to every opportunity to share God’s love with others. Have you taken an inventory of what others have done for you? Have you expressed your appreciation to them? How about all the “bounty” with which God has blessed you? How will you show your thanks and praise to God? 



Sometimes, I take your great love for me for granted, dear Lord, and all you have done in my life. Thank you for all of the many things and blessings that you have given me. Most importantly, thank you for your great sacrifice so I might have a new life in you. In the name of my Savior. Amen.




Tuesday, June 25, 2024



Daniel 4:35 — He does what he wills with the host of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth. There is no one who can stay his hand or say to him, “What are you doing?”


Mark 4:41 — The disciples were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”



I laid on top of the sheets one hot summer night, looking out my window at the stars, thinking about the vastness of space and wondering if we could see the edge of it and if the edge of space was like a curtain separating heaven from earth. I imagined a six-year-old angel lying on his bed on the other side of the curtain, wondering what marvelous worlds God had created over here. A few years later, when I heard the story of the crucifixion and how the curtain in the temple was ripped apart when Jesus died, I wondered if it was like that curtain of stars. Could that angel see me now? Could I see him? Many years later, I miss those hot, steamy nights when open windows were our only air conditioning. I know more about the infinity of space. I know more about theology. But (I must admit), I lay in cool comfort, looking up at the dark ceiling, imagining that curtain of stars. I am still awed, maybe even more so, because I know how enormous God’s creation is and how vast space is. I still wonder at the wonder of it all and think about that angel who might still be trying to catch a glimpse of me as I am of him. Out of all the infinite number of planets, God sent His Son to my planet to die for me so that I might join Him on the other side. Maybe God will send an angel.... Have you glimpsed the night sky lately? 



As I gaze into the night sky today, Heavenly Father, I stand with awe at your greatness and the vastness of your love for your creation. Let your holy angel be with me so that the evil one may have no power over me. I pray this in the name of the Holy One, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Zechariah 12:10 — They will look on me, the one they have pierced.


John 19:5 — Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. And Pilate said to them, “Behold, the Man!”



I have been disappointed in most of our American presidents. Like the politicians that they are, they all make lots of promises. I genuinely think they intend to keep them, but the reality of the office, the nature of politics, and the full impact of facts they did not have before taking office prevented them from fulfilling all they hoped. Even knowing they are human doesn’t soften my disappointment in them. Jesus, on the other hand, came to His messianic office with all of the promises of heaven. He didn’t ask for anyone’s vote based on promises of political and military conquest, even though that’s what everyone in leadership wanted. He had no huge political party with enormous financial backing. He came proclaiming the simple message of God’s love for all, healing and wholeness for those who came to Him, a simplified Law Code: “Love God. Love your neighbor,” along with forgiveness, life, and salvation. Such “politics” eliminated the profits, neutralized the human power, and lifted “those of low degree.” Looking at what He offered, it was decided that this “Man” should die. So, the powers that were sentenced Him to death so they could wait for a politician and Messiah more to their liking. If you had been voting back then, how would you have voted? 



I thank you, dear Lord, for sending men and women willing to run for office. Help them to be your servants and do your will. I thank you even more for being my true king and lord over my life. I pray that my allegiance will always be to you. I pray this in the name of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Thursday, June 27, 2024



Psalm 16:2 — You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.


Mark 8:29 —  Peter answered Jesus, “You are the Messiah.”



Nothing could be accomplished on the playground at school until we found out what team we were on. Numerous methods were used to make those choices, but it boiled down to trying to even out the teams. It was fun to think of having all the outstanding players on one team, but when it happened, it wasn’t as much fun as we thought. When I was in eighth grade, Mom took me into town three days a week to play in the band. One day, I returned in the middle of a softball game, and one of the younger kids asked, “Whose team are you on?” It was a moment of decision. I had to decide. I could have joined the winning team (they were ahead by ten runs) or the losers, who had only brought in one runner. I chose the losing team, and we turned the game around. The bell rang before we could bring the score to a tie, but we all felt like winners anyway. God has chosen you for His team, but as Jesus did with Peter, God still lets you decide which team you want to be on. God’s team doesn’t always look like winners. After all, our Captain got arrested, badly beaten, and nailed to a cross. But He won anyway, defeating sin, death, and the devil. So, which team do you want to be on? 



Thank you for choosing me through my baptism to be on your winning team, dear Lord. When things look hopeless, remind me of your great victory over death. Use me this day to bring others onto your team. In the name of my Captain, Jesus the Christ. Amen.




Friday, June 28, 2024



Psalm 46:4-5 — There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. God is in the midst of the city; it shall not be moved.


John 14:2 — Christ says, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?”



Growing up in a family with two sisters and three brothers, shared rooms and shared beds were standard procedure. I can’t imagine where my grandparents tucked thirteen kids in this same house! On the other hand, my two city cousins had a brother or a sister each and had rooms all to themselves. That seemed like an unbelievable luxury to me. I attended a leadership conference in Philadelphia several years ago and stayed in an old mansion with so many rooms it was easy to get turned around. In Germany, we stayed in the last castle built there and discovered room after room, which are now used as guest rooms. Jesus offers His friends a special room prepared just for us - each of us. Like the unique name He has set aside just for each of us, Jesus has a place for each of us that is not crowded. It is a place close to the heart of the Father whose light provides all the light we will ever need and which never fails. In the Father’s house, Jesus offers us a Home for eternity. The rent has already been paid in full by His blood. The food and drink from His endless stream of blessings is always available. Who would want to spend eternity anywhere else? 



I can’t even imagine the fabulous mansion you have prepared for me, heavenly Father! Most importantly, thank you for the eternity I will live with you. Prepare me each day for living in your house. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.




Saturday, June 29, 2024



Psalm 117:1 — Praise the Lord, all you nations! Extol him, all you peoples!


Matthew 24:14 — And this good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world, as a testimony to the nations; and then the end will come.



I always loved the last day of school each year. In grade school, we had taken all of our tests, and all we had to do was finish up projects aimed at the county fair, turn in our old books, and clean out our desks. It was much the same in high school except for the fair projects. There was always such a relief in college and seminary as we cleaned out files, stored or sold the old books, and made plans for the future. All the hard work of writing papers was over. The tension of preparing for tests was gone. A sense of relief, verging on giddiness, flowed through the halls. Like people set free from bondage in Egypt, we were ready to begin a new thing! I look forward to the Day of the Lord in that way, too. With a joy that reaches down to my soul, I praise the Lord. With wild glee, I throw my minor crowns and victories into the air, like cadets and graduates throwing their caps. I rejoice that all the tests were passed by Christ, my Savior. All the tensions of the struggle are in the past. I look forward with joy to what lies ahead. What are you looking forward to? 



I shout with joy at the mere thought of the victory that has been won through you, O Lord! All the thoughts of all the tests and struggles grow dim when I think of what lies ahead of me. Thank you for passing the ultimate test for me, and I will have eternal life with you. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Sunday, June 30, 2024



Psalm 118:15-16 — There are glad songs of victory in the tents of the righteous: “The right hand of the Lord is exalted; the right hand of the Lord does valiantly.”


2 Corinthians 2:14 — Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads in every place the fragrance that comes from knowing him.



“Where have you been?” Mom asked. She took one sniff, and she knew without our having to answer. Different barns had different smells. Occasionally, my wife will do that too. “You’ve been to see so and so!” She knew, usually because of a strong smoke odor or the aroma of freshly baked rolls. Different homes have different aromas. We also give off different odors depending on the kind of work we are doing and where we are doing it. Working in the garden, cleaning garbage cans or the garage, or digging through a musty basement all leave their peculiar “incense” on our clothes. Perfume manufacturers pay good money to professional “sniffers” who can distinguish hundreds of different scents. God’s sense of smell is even more acute. When the Psalmist praises God, he does so with great joy and exaltation. He also declares, “Let my prayers rise before You as incense....” For God’s people, our prayers, praise, and thanksgivings rise before God as a pleasing incense, a pleasing aroma. But St. Paul reminds us that the “fragrance,” the “odor,” of our worship should cling to us so that everyone everywhere will be drawn to Christ and want to know Christ. What is the “fragrance of your life? 



Let this prayer and all my prayers rise up as a pleasant aroma to you, O God. I pray that this day might be fragrant to you because I have lived it for your purpose. May others smell your presence when I am with them by what I do and say so that they will glorify your name. In Christ’s name. Amen.

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