Wednesday, July 17, 2024

October Daily Devotions


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Thoughts to Ponder by Pastor Sydow, Prayers by Pastor Freeman



Isaiah 48:21 — They did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made water flow for them from the rock.


Revelation 22:17 — Let everyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift.



I have been thirsty and even thought I was dying of thirst, but in all honesty, I must admit, I’ve never been that desperate. I’ve needed a drink and wanted something to drink, but I’ve never really known a thirst so bad I had no saliva to moisten my throat or tears to lubricate my eyelids. I’ve come close when I walked through tall corn, chopping weeds on a hot summer day. I’ve been slightly dehydrated because I didn’t feel the need to drink the water I already had in abundance. But real, desperate, dying thirst is something I’ve only read about. The prophet Isaiah described the journey of Moses and the Israelites through the wilderness in that way. The Israelites did get thirsty, but whenever they called on God, God provided for their thirst, even when it meant squeezing water out of a rock. God does not leave the faithful desperate and dying from hunger and thirst. Yes, faithful people are dropping like flies because we, God’s answer to their prayers, have become like unsqueezeable rocks. We have plenty of water and food to share, but the pleas of the dying go unanswered - by us. How can we, the body of Christ, read the words of Jesus inviting us and all who are thirsty to come to Him and drink if we, His ambassadors, won’t let Him squeeze us and use us to answer their cries?! Why not fill a couple of grocery bags for the food pantry - today?! May your spiritual hunger and thirst match the physical hunger and thirst of those desperate and dying so that you, too, will accept His invitation!



Thank You, O Father, for filling me with all good things. Now, use me to help others so they may enjoy the food and nourishment I take for granted. Fill us all with Your love, life-giving waters, and good food and drink. In the name of the Living Water, Jesus Christ. Amen.

10 Symbolic Rosh Hashanah Foods (Simanim)DAILY DEVOTIONS

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

A Jewish holiday: Rosh HaShanah – October 2-4


Isaiah 40:6, 8 — All people are grass. Their constancy is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.


1 Peter 1:23 — You have been born anew, not of perishable but of imperishable seed, through God’s living and enduring word.



I thought I had made it to the “big time” when I graduated from crayons to colored pencils! Granted, the colors weren’t as bright, but the pencils would last a year. Or, so I thought. Each time I sharpened them, they became shorter. By Christmas, I was back to my faithful crayons. They broke and became stubby, but at least I could use the broken pieces if I could tell what color they were. The early grades at country school helped to rub the edges off my crayons and at least some of my edges and thinking. I learned that nothing we make with our hands will last forever - not even plaster casts of our hands. The mortality of all things “man-made,” even “made in America,” became obvious by looking at the pile of junk we hauled off to our “dumping ditch.”  Animals and people alike lived, died, and were buried. So, what was there to look forward to? I watched a caterpillar turn into a butterfly. I observed dead stubble fields come alive with new plants. I saw animals born, full of life. I heard the Word of the Lord - “Jesus lives forever, and those who believe in Him will never die!”  Crayons and colored pencils, insects, and grass will all fade and die, but Jesus lives forever! Does Jesus live in you? Have you made room for His Word in your life? May you discover the joy of eternity - even now!



I know that this body of mine will eventually grow old and wear out or that it will fail me with sickness and disease. Help me care for it, but put my trust in You. Live in me, O Jesus so that I may live forever with You! In Your name, I pray. Amen.






Thursday, October 3, 2024



Hosea 13:5 — I cared for you in the desert, in the land of burning heat.


1 Corinthians 10:16 — The bread that we break, is it not a sharing in the body of Christ?



Deserts are fascinating places. I live and drive in the High Plains Desert daily in the American Southwest often. On paved roads, I rode an air-conditioned tour bus through a desert in Jordan and Egypt. From my safe, cool, and comfortable seat, the desert was a place of desolation and beauty. Aside from the armed guards on our bus and in the jeeps ahead and behind us, we were perfectly safe on our journey through the Negev. I could only imagine people walking through the rugged terrain, shimmering with dry, dusty heat. We were cared for by God, who provided us with a vehicle, a driver, and guards. God’s children found the way in the wilderness hard but also discovered God’s hand, helping them in every crisis. Jesus, too, offers the total resources of His presence for those who receive Him. We may not see it, but His presence is with us. He is the “guard” armed with His mighty arm and outstretched hand. He is the Source of our life and guarantees our Way, Life, and Salvation. Has your life become a desert? Be assured when you receive Him in communion, His promise is true. He will care for you in your desert, too!



As I receive You in the bread and the wine, help me to remember that You are truly present in these elements. Thank You for living in me and protecting me through life’s travels. I praise You for Your promises, which I know are true. In Your Holy Name, I pray. Amen.




Friday, October 4, 2024

(Theodor Fliedner, renewer of society, 1864)



 Exodus 20:2 — I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.


2 Corinthians 3:17 — Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.



I grew up taking freedom for granted. My grandparents did not. They had lived under an oppressive government in Prussia. I often wonder if some of my grandfather’s eccentric ways didn’t come from the first twelve years of his childhood before he experienced real freedom. Even as I write, I am reminded of the days we spent with a family in the former East Germany, only three years after the infamous wall came down. They still looked over their shoulders to see if the Stassi was watching them. Some of their cautions reminded me of Grandpa, although I didn’t make the connection then. The Hebrews, after 400 years of slavery, took freedom to its extreme and needed some fences to protect them from themselves. We are no different. We, too, need laws to guide us to be free. However, what our friends in Germany taught us is that even under the oppression of godless communism, they found a different kind of freedom - freedom from sin, death, and the devil, which they found in Christ. They lived in difficult times, but God’s Spirit freed them in ways no government could regulate. They knew the stories of God’s saving Israel from slavery in Egypt. They were witnesses to God’s power to save them from communism. They relished and treasured their freedom in Christ. How much do you appreciate your freedom - from an oppressive government and the tyranny of sin?



Thank You, O Gracious One, for freeing me from sin and death. Because of Your great love for me, I do not have to bear the burden and consequences of my sin. Free me so that I will live obediently under Your care. I pray this in the name of the Christ. Amen.




Saturday, October 5, 2024



Psalm 111:2 — Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them.


Acts 6:7 — The word of God continued to spread; the number of the disciples increased greatly in Jerusalem.



Some childhood illnesses spread quite rapidly in our family. Colds, flu, chickenpox, and measles usually went from one kid to the next until Mom and Dad caught them, too, if they hadn’t already had them. Looking back, I’m not sure how my parents survived weeks, and sometimes months, of being cooped up with sick kids, especially when they got sick themselves. On the positive side, our family’s enthusiasm and excitement were also contagious. When certain relatives came to visit, a kind of ripple effect took place, spreading the anticipation to the whole farm. It seemed as if even the animals could tell something was about to take place. The Word of the Lord is not a dead black-and-white word on a page. It is a living, breathing Word conveying the voice of God to us. When that Word sinks in and gets past our sin and our resistance, it is contagious. It spreads like the healthiest, most wholesome, and infectious joy ever shared. Those forgiven, healed, and relieved of demons could not keep silent. Those who witnessed the risen Lord picked up their sagging spirits and ran to the upper room to spread the Word. Have you allowed yourself to become gloriously infected with that Word? Why not keep the ripples rolling!!? If you do, the same thing will happen to you, your family, and your church as it happened in Jerusalem and the world!



Infect me with the excitement of Your Word, O God, and let my enthusiasm spread to my family, church, and everyone I meet. Let me not be afraid or reluctant to spread the joy You have given me through Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.




Sunday, October 6, 2024

(William Tyndale, translator, martyr, 1536)



Psalm 56:8 — Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your record?


Mark 14:72 — Peter remembered that Jesus had said to him, “Before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.” And he broke down and wept.



I’ve been told that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” It was usually aimed at those who procrastinate or don’t complete their tasks. However, some make promises they cannot keep and, like Peter, weep with regret. There are also those who, like Judas Iscariot, are so zealous about a cause or their way of thinking that they will act on their judgments and regret their actions later. William Tyndale translated the New Testament into English and was arrested as a heretic in 1535. His last words before he was strangled and burned at the stake were, “Lord, open the king of England’s eyes.” No doubt, the king thought he was doing the right thing by ordering Tyndale’s execution, but history tells us it was not the right thing in God’s eyes. We, too, must be sure that we are doing what God wants us to do, not just what “feels right” or what others say. The psalmist’s prayer must always be ours: “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O God....”  If not, our good intentions may be leading us on the path to our destruction.



I want to serve and follow You and to do what is right. Give me a discerning mind, O God, that I can see whether my actions and deeds are truly Your will. Help me listen to Your voice through Your word and the words of others who might have ideas contrary to mine. Amen.




Monday, October 7, 2024

(Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, missionary to America, 1787)



Numbers 21:7 — The people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned by speaking against the Lord and against You; pray to the Lord to take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed for the people.


Colossians 1:9 — For this reason, since the day we heard it, we have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.



There is power in prayer! I grew up believing that. We were not the most praying family in the country, but prayer was an important part of meals, bedtime, and quiet time. We prayed about everything. Some theological types might argue that many of our prayers were a frivolous waste of God’s time, but we always figured God was wise enough to decide for Himself what needed His attention and what didn’t. Moses prayed for plagues, the parting of water, food, water in the wilderness, and even snake bites. Jesus and the disciples prayed for everything under the sun, also. The early Americans prayed for pastors in the 1700s. God sent Henry Melchior Muhlenberg from Germany, and he spent 45 years traveling continually, preaching, writing, organizing churches, and establishing the first “synod” in America to help Lutherans transition from the state churches of Europe to the independent churches of America. God answered prayer then, and God answers prayer now. God often waits for us to ask so He can speak to us and help us know His will. How is your prayer life? Have you been spending time sharing your hopes, dreams, wants and needs with God? Have you spent equal time listening to hear God speak to you?



I thank You for the opportunity to come to You in prayer, O Lord. Knowing that You listen to my thoughts, desires, pains, and sorrows is wonderful. Help me also to be quiet while in Your presence, listening for Your word to me. Speak to me now. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.




Tuesday, October 8, 2024



Job 12:10 — In God’s hand is the life of every living things.


Mark 8:36 — For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life?



Each October, we butchered a pig and a steer for meat for the winter. It was an exciting and noisy time on the farm. As a kid, I watched in fascination as the lifeblood flowed from the animals Dad butchered for meat. The struggle to live, the twitching of muscles, and the final breath seemed to be almost holy moments in time. As an adult, I have been privileged to be at the bedside of members of my congregations as they breathed their last. These were indeed holy moments as we prayerfully released them to the mighty hand of their Lord. What is so painfully obvious in those moments is that not one single earthly treasure and not one single earthly accomplishment can be carried by that breath of life as it returns to its Creator. The only “thing” that will survive is our relationship with our Creator as we look forward to hearing Him say, “Welcome home, good and faithful servant! Now enter into the joy of the Kingdom you have inherited because my Son has paid for your admission and prepared a place for you!” What more could anyone hope for in this life or the next?!!!



Dear Lord, let me count life as your precious gift and use it as Your faithful servant. With each breath I take, remind me of Your Spirit filling me. Prepare me so that when I breathe my last, I look forward to Your welcoming words. In the name of Your Son. Amen.




Wednesday, October 9, 2024



Isaiah 51:12-13 — Who are you that you have forgotten the Lord your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth?


Ephesians 1:22 — And he has put all things under Christ’s feet and has made him the head over all things for the church.



It is good to have roots, to know your family, and to know where you came from. I grew up with a large extended family, knowing my ancestors were born in Prussia or present-day Germany. Even though my grandparents were reluctant to discuss the “old country,” I knew where my family tree originated. That was made even more evident by a relative who traced our family tree back to the 700s. It would be fantastic if the “paper trail” could be traced back beyond the occasional musician, preacher, thief, knight, and peasant. It probably can’t officially, but my mind can weave a path back through the age of the apostles, the time of Jesus, the days of the kings and prophets, the wandering Moses,  the time of the patriarchs, the sailing of Noah, and the formation of our first parents in Eden. When I discover my Creator, my family tree is finally complete! I am not a “self-made man.” I am a God-created man, the product of generation after generation of molding and refinement by the One who loved me enough to use a cross to bridge the gap between us. God, not I, is the head of all things - even the minutest detail of my life. How far back can you - are you willing to - trace your family tree? Who is the “head” of your life?



It is fantastic when I imagine my lineage that I finally come to the source of all life, dear Creator, and that source is You. Thank You for the long line of faithful believers who have put You at the forefront of their lives. I pray that I might be faithful in passing Your great love on to future generations in the name of Your Son. Amen.



Thursday, October 10, 2024



Psalm 102:27 — You are the same, and Your years have no end.


1 Timothy 1:17 — To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.



The words spoken to me by relatives who lived far away have now become my words to my nieces, nephews, and many of the kids I baptized years ago: “My, but you have grown so much!” I watched animals mature from birth to old age. I noted changes in grandparents when they aged and became “ancient” when they turned sixty. By now, I’ve come to appreciate that everyone and everything grows older and changes. Some fade and die. Others become wiser or enter the category of “antique.”  It is impressive to see some of the structures in Europe and the Holy Land that are thousands of years old - and, like aging people, have all seen better days! It isn’t easy to imagine anything or anyone who doesn’t. On the other hand, to God, whose loving, gracious holiness never changes, “...a thousand years is but a day.”  Time is our human limitation, and our limitations do not box God in or put limits on Him. From the perspective of infinity, our lives are but a blink of God’s eye. Isn’t it amazing that God still loves us enough to give His Son for us so that we can share His eternity with Him?!!! How will you use the time you have been given?



Oh, Ancient of Days, You were before time and will continue after time is gone. I pray that I will use my short days to worship and praise You. Help me to center my life on You. Thank You for loving me enough to want to include me in Your here and now and in Your future. In Christ, I pray. Amen.




Jewish Celebration: Day of Atonement—Yom Kippur begins at sunset

Friday, October 11, 2024



Jonah 2:7 — As my life was ebbing away, I remembered the Lord; and my prayer came to You.


2 Timothy 4:17 — The Lord stood by me and gave me strength.



Mr. Wacker was our music teacher/choir director/band director when I was in high school. He was good. He challenged me to play a sousaphone solo for our regional contest. The solo looked impossible, with a fantastic amount of black notes on the page! I worked for two months on it before I could even get to the end without messing up - with the music! I had to perform it with an accompanist and without music. Two hours before I was to face the judges, I told him I couldn’t do it. He insisted that I could and I would, no matter what. Numerous other students were being judged simultaneously, but he met us at the door and said, “I’ll be right there with you. You’ll do fine!” I got lost in a coda (a part of the solo without accompaniment) and saw him close his eyes as if he were praying for me, and I somehow found my way out of the coda and into the heart of the solo. (I don’t know if he was praying, but it helped me focus.)  The judge gave me an A+, the highest rating, and complimented me on my unusual interpretation of the coda! Mr. Wacker never left me or deserted me. In fact, his calm, silent prayer reminded me that God was right there with me, too. The Bible contains many stories of people who endured difficult trials but found great strength and confidence when they remembered the Lord was with them - “at one with them.” The Day of Atonement is the day to remember that we are forgiven and returned to oneness with God in Christ. He is with you, too, always and everywhere! Have you forgotten to look in God’s direction?



When I am lost and lose my focus, bring me back to You, O God. I am so thankful You never leave me and are always at my side. Thank You for those many people who keep me in their prayers. Let me always be mindful of others in need of mine. In the name of Jesus. Amen.





Saturday, October 12, 2024



Psalm 143:6 — I stretch out my hands to You; my soul thirsts for You like a parched land.


Matthew 6:25 — Jesus says, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?”



I’ve fallen in love several times. My first fall was not hard. It was a gentle “puppy love” that was not meant to be. She was an older woman and was already married. I only recognize it as “puppy love” now, years later. I’d have denied it at the time because I was still in that “I hate girls” phase of my fourth-grade year. Had I been older and more mature, perhaps I could have spoken the words of the Psalmist. As it was, I idolized my teacher from afar. Years later, I discovered true love and haven’t recovered since! We’ve had “lovers spats” from time to time, but when we are apart, “my soul thirsts for (her) like a parched land.”  I must confess I have discovered that I have two loves now, one who has been my faithful helpmate through “better or worse.” The other is the One who brought us together, held us together like glue, and provided every earthly need we have ever had. We have never been apart, aside from when I have taken Him for granted or forgotten to include Him in my life. I thank God that He has helped my “thirsty soul” return again and again to be quenched. Is there something missing in your life? It may not be just a helpmate. It may well be the Helper, the Counselor, the Spirit of God calling you back to His Love. All your other loves will fail if that Love is not quenched! Why not give your thirsty soul a treat? The Love of your life (your eternal life) is courting you.



My soul thirsts for Your love, O God, and it can only be quenched by You. Fill me with You and Your Spirit. I pray that I may always be true to You and keep my life centered on You. I pray this in the name of Jesus, the water of life. Amen.




Sunday, October 13, 2024

(Columbus Day)



Daniel 2:21 — He changes times and seasons, deposes kings, and sets up kings.


2 Corinthians 10:18 — For it is not those who commend themselves that are approved, but those whom the Lord commends.



I climbed the ranks - from lowly private to general. I did the “grunt work” of the lowliest soldier and led vast armies into fierce battles with the most deadly enemy. I was promoted by some generals and deposed by others. The games of my childhood provided an education in humility. Even the “King of the Mountain” could be brought down and replaced by someone faster or more sure-footed. History lessons offer further examples of people like the Pharaoh of Egypt, Hitler in Germany, and Hussein in Iraq. Only One stands All Powerful and Eternal - the Lord God Almighty! Our great God creates, sustains, protects, and provides for us, demanding first place in our lives. Our God put Pharaoh, the “god” of Egypt, down in the mud of the Red Sea. Our God brought mighty King David to his knees and rulers, potentates, dictators, tyrants, and presidents to the dust of death. Our great God Almighty has also raised up a lowly virgin to be the mother of His Son and a band of relative “nobodies” to be His body in the world. We have nothing about which to brag in ourselves, but in the Lord, we have much for which to rejoice. May we be brought low so the Lord may commend us as “good and faithful servants.”



O Almighty One, You are indeed the Creator and ruler of the universe. Sometimes, I forget about Your great power and reduce You only to my imagination’s ability. Forgive me for doubting what You can do and mold me into one of Your faithful servants. In the name of the King, Jesus. Amen.




Monday, October 14, 2024



Proverbs 16:3 — Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.


1 Corinthians 3:6 — Paul wrote: I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.



My first “paid job” was helping a farmer put up hay. I was too young to have a driver’s license, so Dad let me drive the tractor he wasn’t using. I was excited about getting paid but a little uneasy about the job. I put up hay bales with Dad yearly, but this farmer was into hay stacks. I had seen it done but never actually participated. I didn’t know what to expect. I just offered to do whatever he wanted. The first job he gave me was to turn the hay over into rows - using an old John Deere tractor. I was a Farmall man myself, so it took some practice, but I got the hang of it. Then he put me on the “sweep,” collecting the rows of hay. I moved the hay into place so the stacking equipment could pick it up and throw it on the stack. After lunch, I became a stacker, using a three-tined fork to shape the stack and stomp down the hay dumped on it (and sometimes me). As a novice, I had to listen carefully to every direction. Clarence knew what he was doing even though I didn’t. To my amazement and satisfaction, at the end of the day, we stood back and admired our handiwork. “That stack,” he declared, “will settle in nice and straight. Good job!” The work and mission of the church is a lot like that. We often don’t know what to do or even how to do it, but God sends those who do to give us direction. God knows what He is doing, even when we don’t. Are you willing to submit to others so that God’s Kingdom may be built - God’s way?



I thank You, Lord, that the power of Your church to do Your will is not only up to me and my abilities. Use my gifts as You see fit. Help me listen to others who might be using the knowledge and gifts You have given them. I praise You for putting me into a body of believers. In the name of Your Son. Amen.




Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Teresa of Avila, teacher, renewer of the Church



Isaiah 53:12 — He was numbered with the transgressors, yet he bore the sin of many.


Mark 8:31 — Jesus began to teach his disciples that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.



Of all the students who attended our country school, the one who surprised me most was Bobby Darr. Bobby’s parents were renting a farm a couple of miles from school. He had a warm, welcoming smile but was so quiet and shy that he hardly spoke to anyone. His desk was in front of mine. The sand table (a card table with four-inch rails to hold the sand) was a favorite place to play when all our assignments were done. One day, several of us got carried away. Sand flew almost to the tall ceiling. Someone bumped a leg, and the table fell, spilling everything to the floor. Needless to say, Mt. Vesuvius erupted from the teacher, and she demanded to know who did it. When no one spoke, she declared we would lose recess and stay after school. To our shock, Bobby spoke clearly, something none of us had heard before. “I did it! “he declared. Even the teacher was struck speechless for a minute. Knowing he was innocent, we all confessed and accepted our punishment. Jesus took the punishment for us all, even though we were the ones with guilt written all over us. How do you respond to the One who suffered for you? Are you willing to live for Him?



When I think of the suffering that Your Son did on my behalf, it shames me, O Father. I know that because of them, an innocent one died. It leaves me speechless that He was willing to do that for me. I praise his Holy Name. Amen.  




Wednesday, October 16, 2024



Isaiah 53:7 — He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; like a lamb that is led to slaughter.


Mark 14:36 — Jesus said, “Abba, Father, for You all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want, but what You want.”



I watched silently as Sam, my first 4-H steer, was led away to be slaughtered. My halter was removed and returned to me, and “Sam” was herded down a chute and into a waiting truck. I helped load a lot of cattle and pigs onto trucks to be sold to slaughterhouses, but this was different. I raised Sam from a yearling calf, fed him, washed him, let him teach me who was boss before he let me lead him, and showed him at the county fair. He was a friend who, without a sound, headed for the meat market. I can’t say I was overly emotional about Sam, but I must admit a moment of regret. Jesus was the “Friend” who could have called down fire and brimstone on His enemies but quietly asked that all the power to do “all things” be focused on what God wanted, not on what He wanted. How hard it must have been for the human nature of Jesus to utter those words. Humanly, Jesus wanted what we all want selfishly - release from pain and suffering and an end to persecution by those who did not understand. But, putting aside His selfish need, Jesus accepted the will of His Father - no matter how hard it would be - so that we might receive the benefits. Do you follow the example of Jesus to ask that God’s will be done - no matter what?



I hate to admit, dear Father, that many times when I say, “Your will be done” I mean that I want You to make things happen like I want them to. Please forgive me for my stubbornness and selfishness. Help me quietly and obediently follow Your authority. I pray this in the name of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.




Thursday, October 17, 2024

(Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, martyr, c. 115)



Genesis 39:20-21 — Joseph remained there in prison. But the Lord was with Joseph.


Acts 12:6-7 — Peter, bound with two chains, was sleeping between two soldiers while guards in front of the door were keeping watch over the prison. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared, and a light shone in the cell. He tapped Peter on the side and woke him, saying, “Get up quickly.”  And the chains fell off his wrists.



According to tradition, Ignatius was the bishop of Antioch in Syria during a time of severe persecution. He refused to worship the emperor as a god and was sentenced to be torn apart by wild animals in the arena in Rome. Ignatius went to his death, confessing and worshiping Christ and believing without question that in Christ, no chains or prison bars, not even death, could defeat him. He was a free man in Christ! We may not face prison bars, beatings, or the death of martyrdom. However, many people are imprisoned in addictions, bad habits, bad relationships, and numerous other harmful situations. Those who are “in Christ” discover what Joseph did in the Old Testament, what Paul did in the New Testament, and what Ignatius and many other martyrs did in the early church. Victory is in the hands of Christ, who lives in us. As Paul wrote in Romans, “...nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God which is ours in Christ Jesus.” In any and all circumstances, we can lift our heads and praise God for the victory He has already achieved on our behalf.



I know that I am never alone, O Victorious One. Thank You for never leaving me. I pray that You will loosen the bonds of those things that hold me and keep me from being the disciple You wish me to be. In the name of Immanuel, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Friday, October 18, 2024

(St. Luke, Evangelist)

St. Luke was a Gentile physician, a follower of Christ, and a companion of Paul.

The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts are attributed to him.



Jeremiah 2:27 — They have turned their back to me and not their faces. But in the time of their trouble, they say, “Come and save us!”


Romans 2:4 — Do you not realize that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?



It was fun to watch baby chickens and pigs. They loved to scurry here, there, and everywhere, giving the appearance of being brave. But one unusual noise or strange face, and they would race back to the protection of their mothers. Occasionally, we would find one who ventured too far and was killed by a passing vehicle or dog. (For the most part, our dogs learned to leave baby animals alone and sometimes even protected them. It was the stray dogs we had to worry about.) People are much like baby animals in their curiosity and desire to stray from God’s protection. Turning their backs on the Word and worship, they strike out bravely, falsely believing they can “do it themselves” and be “self-made” people. As a veteran of the Korean War once told me, “When bombs start dropping, there are no atheists in the trenches!” Sadly, it often takes a crisis to get some people’s attention so they will turn back to God, and by then, they’ve just about forgotten how to talk to Him. Does it take a crisis in your life to draw you back to your real Savior? Why not stop right now to invite Him to lead you through the rest of today?



I thank You, Heavenly Father, for always being there when I have called on You in times of crisis. I ask You to gently remind me of Your presence when things are going well, calling me to a healthy relationship with You. Lead that I may follow. In the name of Your Son. Amen.




Saturday, October 19, 2024




Lamentations 3:25 — The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him.


Mark 6:56 — And wherever he went, into villages or cities or farms, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed.



My cousin and I dug a swimming hole in the trees north of our grandparents’ house. The first obvious problem with digging a hole in a grove of trees is the roots, which pose a major problem. Neither of us was very handy with an ax, so after the first big root we encountered, we decided our two-foot-deep “lake” was just fine. The other obvious problem came when we tried to fill it with water. It never did fill up! After a couple of hours of hard labor, we gave up and turned our muddy hole over to the ducks, who didn’t think much of it either. We didn’t have the patience or perseverance to keep digging or to fill it with water. We gave up. Patient waiting is not my best quality. I’m not a fanatic, but I like to be on time and appreciate when people and programs are on time. God knows (boy, does He!) that I tend to pray: “Lord, give me patience, but do it NOW!” However, age and experience have convinced me that some things take time. They don’t always happen as “instantly” as instant pudding. Relationships, especially with the Lord, take time. Healing occurs on God’s timetable - not ours - whether God heals with His touch or through medicine, a doctor, or a nurse. But those who wait on the Lord, trusting His love to heal, discover true joy. How patient are you in waiting for the Lord to answer?



O, my Lord, I tremble at praying that You make me a more patient follower. I know that when I pray for patience, You will put me in situations that will make me grow in patience. But I know that all things are possible with Your guidance and help. Make me patient. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.



Sunday, October 20, 2024



Genesis 1:1 — In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.


Mark 13:31 — Jesus says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”



Many people who read these devotions wonder how I can remember so much from my early childhood. I sometimes wonder, too. But the more I write about it, the clearer it becomes, often dredging up thoughts and feelings long forgotten. I can only thank God for His help! My perspective as an older, wiser(?) adult is much different; sometimes, my family remembers things a little differently. (They even accuse me of exaggerating sometimes! Can you imagine that!?) It is hard to think back and remember life objectively. God knows how hard it was to get His people to think back and remember their “beginnings.” How simple and utterly humbling it is to confess: “In the beginning God created...” it all - including us. The only part we humans have played in the drama is to mess up God’s good creation repeatedly. And God “who is faithful and just” has repeatedly forgiven and renewed His creation with a word - with THE WORD made flesh! Thankfully, God loves His creation enough to bless us with this imperishable WORD forever. How far back in your childhood can you remember? Can you remember WHO created you? That’s a good starting point!



I do not remember the time of my conception, O Creator, but I know that You have been there since my beginning. When I remember my past, forgive me for when I have done wrong to others, and help me forgive the sins of those who have hurt me. I thank You most of all for making me Yours. In Jesus’ name. Amen.




Monday, October 21, 2024



Joel 2:28 — Then afterward, I will pour out my spirit on all flesh.


Titus 3:4-6 — But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of any works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy, through the water of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. This Spirit he poured out on us richly.



One of the roads leading to our farm was not graveled. When it rained, the hilly road became a slick, greasy nightmare. The steepest of the hills was especially treacherous. While I was in town, a cloud burst drenched that hill. The first half mile was damp but passable, but by the time I reached the middle of the hill, I knew I was in trouble. The car started sliding backward down the hill, and no matter what I did, the car seemed to be magnetically attracted to a deep gully. It stopped just inches from the edge. All I could do was wait for the now-hot sun to dry it. Fortunately, a friend with a 4-wheel drive pickup and a chain came by and pulled me out. Once out of the rut and up the hill, I was fine. The sun had dried the rest of the road already. That’s what Jesus did for us, isn’t it? When we were on the greasy slope created by our sinful nature and headed for destruction, God’s great mercy was poured out on us as “Son-shine” to lead us back to Life with God.



Thank You for Your “Son shining” on me, Heavenly Father. I pray that I will follow You all the days of my life. Please hear me when I call out to You when I am in trouble. I can only praise You for Your great mercy and love for me. In the name of Your Son, I pray. Amen.




Tuesday, October 22, 2024



Psalm 36:5 — Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the clouds.


2 Corinthians 6:2 — See, now is the acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation!



As a child, my travels were pretty limited. When I was five, the big adventure was a trip to Norfolk, 12 miles from our farm. Far-away places were only in the movies or on the radio. We went to Omaha, 120 miles from the farm, when I was eight! That was exciting. When I was 14, our whole family went to California! I thought we had made it to the edge of heaven! From college on, I have been privileged to travel to numerous states and other countries on other continents. No matter where I traveled, I discovered the love and grace of God in the people I met. I genuinely believe that if there are people God created on other planets, and if I could ever travel there (in real life) and meet them, I would encounter the love and grace of God - even there. There is nowhere God is not. The traveling patriarchs and apostles alike came to that same conclusion. Everywhere and every time belongs to the Creator of all lands and all times. Therefore, St. Paul could declare that “...NOW is the acceptable time ...the day of salvation!” We don’t have to wait for the world to end to reach heaven! We can experience God’s steadfast love wherever we are! Are you worried about traveling? God has every leg of your journey Home covered. There is no time like this moment to begin your journey.



Whenever I encounter You in other people’s lives, I am sometimes surprised, dear Lord. Thank You for showing me Your face no matter where I go and no matter who I meet. Help me not fear the travel ahead since I know You will be there with me. In Christ’s name. Amen.




Wednesday, October 23, 2024

(James of Jerusalem, martyr)



1 Samuel 10:6 — The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power, and you will be changed into a different person.


2 Corinthians 5:21 — For our sake, he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.



Thankfully, I am not the same person I was when I was growing up. As a country hick, I was not very well coordinated and not athletic. Like many other young people, I was committed to making “me” happy. Over the years, my purpose and passion have become more Christ-centered and other-centered. A similar transition took place in James of Jerusalem. James was “a brother of our Lord” who did not believe in Jesus as the Christ until after the resurrection when Jesus appeared to him. James became a different person from an unbeliever to a passionate believer, a church leader, and one willing to die for the faith. Once Jesus becomes real in our lives - not just a fictional character in a story, but a real and intimate Friend - we too experience the life-changing power of the Spirit of the Lord! We take what Jesus, our Friend, did on the cross very personally. He did it for US! We will never be the same again. May we welcome the power of the Spirit and the change He can make in our lives!



Holy Jesus, dear friend, and constant companion, let your Spirit dwell within me and change me. Change me into one who thinks of you more often. Change me into one who thinks of others more than myself. Help me see You as more real each day that I grow older. In Your name, I ask these things. Amen.




Thursday, October 23, 2024



Proverbs 28:13 — No one who conceals transgressions will prosper, but one who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.


Matthew 23:12 — All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.



He was a fugitive, a hardened criminal by age five. Bobby Hansen, our neighbor across the creek, told me he could never return home. He had broken his mother’s chair, which could never be fixed again! He had crossed the creek, found my sister and me cleaning one of the calf pens, and insisted that we go to the secret fort he and his brother helped us build. He was sure his mother would kill him or send him to jail. He would live in our fort for the rest of his life! (Never mind that it had no roof, door, or solid walls.) He was shaking and in tears, as he unrolled his favorite blanket to reveal a sea shell, a broken old watch, a matchbox with GI Joe figures, 15 cents, and a cheese and bologna sandwich. After he calmed down and finished his sandwich, my sister and I offered to walk him home. When we got there, his mother came running to meet him with worried relief written on her face. She had missed him. He hung his head in shame, and all he could say was, “I broke your chair!” and started to cry. She held him and told him it was already broken. “You just finished the job!” she laughed. She wanted a new one anyway! Not all confessions have such happy endings, but with God, they have an even happier ending. Jesus already paid the penalty for our sins with his death on the cross. Only those who confess and make a sincere effort to turn around (repent) can benefit from His gift. Have you been “hiding out” from God? Why not come clean and let God clean you up?



Thank You for letting me come “clean” with You, O Lord, so that I can confess my sins and know that You are a caring God who continually wraps Your loving arms around me. Help me forgive the sins of others just like I have been forgiven. In the name of Jesus, who enables me to pray. Amen.




Friday, October 25, 2024



Jeremiah 50:20 — In those days and at that time, says the Lord, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought, and there shall be none, and the sins of Judah, and none shall be found; for I will pardon the remnant that I have spared.


Romans 11:22 — Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness toward you, provided you continue in his kindness.



Computers can be a blessing or a curse. They are a blessing when they work, a curse when they seem to have a mind of their own! One helpful feature I’ve used twice already while writing these “Thoughts” is the “delete” key. It is wonderful! Delete anything, and it’s gone! I have made the mistake of deleting something and wanting it back, so there is also an “undelete” feature that can undo the delete if you catch it in time. I wonder if God inspired the creation of these features?! God knows we need them. After all, when we confess our sins, we confess “...things we have done, and those we have left undone....” Looking beyond the impending Babylonian exile about to swallow up his nation, Jeremiah declares that God will highlight their sins and hit the delete key. Their sins will be gone forever. The sad history of God’s people - the bad news - is that we keep hitting the “undelete” button and go back to sinning the way we were before. The Good News is that God is so full of kindness that He repeatedly “deletes” our sins from His book. For those who “continue in God’s kindness,” there is the assurance that God will prevail in totally and permanently deleting sin so that we may live with Him forever! Are you ready to stop “undoing” God’s “delete” so that you can continue in His kindness?



Thank You for hitting the “delete” key regarding my sins, dear Father. I pray that You give me the ability to turn back from doing the same sins repeatedly. Help me walk in Your kindness, putting You first in my life. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Saturday, October 26, 2024

(Philipp Nicolai, 1608; Johann Heermann, 1647; Paul Gerhardt, 1676; hymn writers)



Isaiah 45:12 — I made the earth and created humankind upon it.


John 17:9 — I am asking on behalf of those whom You gave me because they are Yours.



Zeke, one of the “big kids,” got permission to come to my desk during study time. By February, I was already a seasoned kindergartener, so my first reaction was to cringe when he knelt by my desk. He told me not to worry; he just wanted me to do something for him. He was sure I was one of Miss Shierlow’s “pets,” and she would be more likely to listen to my request for a recess activity than him. He was mean to most younger kids and usually on the teacher’s blacklist. I preferred another game, but I took his “suggestion” to avoid flying rubber bands or spit wads in the back of my head. I went to her desk at the appropriate time and made the request. It was as easy as that. Zeke was happy. The rest of the “big kids” were happy. And I was glad to be on their good side - at least for a few days. Jesus was, and is, more than God’s “pet.” Jesus is the very heart of God, speaking on behalf of all God’s created children. He approaches the throne of the Father to speak of our needs in person. We don’t need to go through the saints or even Mary, His mother. Jesus takes our concerns directly to the throne of grace. Those who believe in Him and trust His grace are His “favored ones” - His “pets.” Isn’t it great to know that you’ve got a Friend in the Highest Place possible?!



Dearest Jesus, trusted friend, thank You for listening to my requests and pleas and taking them to the very heart of God. It is good to know that You will listen when I call. I pray that I may trust in You to answer my prayers so that Your will and not mine be done. In Your name, I pray. Amen.





Reformation Sunday, October 27, 2024



Ezekiel 34:28 — They shall live in safety, and no one shall make them afraid.


Hebrews 12:13 — Make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed.



I was blessed to have parents who gave me a safe and loving home in a free and secure land with all the benefits of modern medicine! The hymn writers remembered today were not so fortunate. Philipp Nicolai had to lead worship in secret in one community and, in another, bury 1300 of his parishioners who died of the plague. In the middle of the heartbreak, he wrote: “Wake, Awake for Night is Flying.” Johann Heermann, a pastor in Poland suffering from tuberculosis, looked beyond his own need to write with deep emotion about the suffering of our Lord: “Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended.” Paul Gerhardt, probably the greatest Lutheran hymn-writer, combined his deep piety and trust in God with a love of nature when he penned the words: “O Sacred Head Now Wounded.” Ezekiel speaks of these hymn writers and many faithful saints, past and present. Despite their hardships and tribulations: “They shall live in safety, and no one shall make them afraid.”  Trials and tribulations either “make us or break us.” Those who seek their strength in the Lord discover the One who can make the lame walk and heal every illness - eternally. Would you like your weeping turned to song like these three men? Jesus stands at the door, waiting for you to open it.



So many times, I pity myself, dear Lord, instead of rejoicing that You are keeping me safe in Your loving arms. Forgive me for my self-pity and strengthen my heart to live in courage. Thank You for those saints who have given us the gift of music so that our hearts may sing in the glory of You. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Monday, October 28, 2024

(St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles)

            Tradition says that Simon (a Zealot) and Jude (the brother of James the Younger) labored together in Persia (Iraq) and were martyred there on the same day.



Isaiah 38:14 — O Lord, I am oppressed; be my security!


Romans 8:26 — The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.



Dealing with the “big kids” was a source of irritation in my younger years. It wasn’t a daily concern. Sometimes, they could be downright helpful, especially when the teacher got on our case and became the common “enemy.” Dealing with seemingly impossible assignments in college made me feel like I was in a tightening vise. The weight of peer pressure and the stress of dealing with teachers, bosses, co-workers, neighbors, and a host of other things can make us feel oppressed! The good news is that God sends relief to us when we call on Him, sometimes in the most unexpected ways and people. Paul discovered that even when he was so down and out he couldn’t find the words to pray, the Spirit offered up prayers on his behalf with “sighs too deep for words.” Paul’s discovery is our blessing also. No matter how oppressed, no matter how depressed, no matter how put down we feel, the Spirit of the Lord dwelling within us feels and acts on our turmoil and our pain-filled emotions. Even when we can’t formulate the words ourselves, The Spirit of God speaks to the Heart of God. I often think of the arrow pulled back in the bow. At its most stressed position, it is nearest the Ear of God, who directs that arrow where it needs to go to bring us the peace we need. Thank God for the stresses in your life! Thank God that His Spirit thrives on speaking to the heart of God at those times “...with sighs too deep for words!”



Sometimes, in my hurt and pain, I no longer have the words to say to You, Heavenly Father. Knowing You know my deepest thoughts and desires, I can only cry out to You. Thank You for Your deep love for me. I pray this in the name of the Christ. Amen.




Tuesday, October 29, 2024



Genesis 35:3 — Jacob said, “Let us go up to Bethel, that I may make an altar there to the God who answered me in the day of my distress and has been with me wherever I have gone.”


1 Timothy 1:12 — I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because he judged me faithful and appointed me to his service.



When I was young, going to town - even Stanton six miles away - was a BIG thing. It was something that happened on Saturday afternoon or evening and Sunday morning. Saturday was for shopping. Sunday was for church. We didn’t just “hop in the car” and go. Granted, even by the time I was in high school, that practice began to change. But I remember when going to town was a treat, and going to church was something I looked forward to. Jacob must have considered going to Bethel to worship in the same way. Only for him, it would have been an uncomfortable day’s journey. And Jacob thought thanking the Lord was well worth the extra effort. How grateful are you for all the good things God has done for you - from giving you the breath of life to making you who you are, over and above giving His own Son to die on the cross so that you could have a place in heaven with God? Are you willing to sacrifice and put in extra hours, miles, sweat, and energy to show God you appreciate what He has done for you? The road of servanthood is often difficult, often requires making tough choices, and often proves to be costly. It is not a walk through rose petals without thorns. The real question for each of us is: Is God worth it?



I am embarrassed when I am unwilling to sacrifice anything for You, O God. Forgive me for complaining, neglecting to serve, and putting You down at the bottom of my list of things to do rather than at the top. I pray that You will be number one this and every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.




Wednesday, October 30, 2024



Isaiah 59:2 — ...Your sins have hidden (God’s) face from you so that he does not hear.


Acts 3:19 — Repent, therefore, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out.



Years too late, we learned a neat trick from a young mother we watched grow up from a loud and noisy child into the graceful and loving mother that she is. She now has a child of her own (actually three of them), and when her child is using a loud voice at the table, Julie quietly says, “I can’t hear you when you use your outside voice.” She then ignores all demands until the voice is quiet. To our amazement, it only took one or two deep breaths, and the small voice inside quietly asked for more salad, “...please.” Our sins are like that loud outside voice to God, who turns His back and stops listening to our “demands.” It is not God who must change. It is us. We must repent and change our direction so that God can once again listen to our “inside voice,” wipe away our sins, and return to communicating with us. It is almost too simple. But I’ve seen the effects on a small, strong-willed child. Why shouldn’t it work on us, God’s stiff-necked, strong-willed, wayward children? If it seems God isn’t listening to you, consider taking a different approach. Confess your sins, as great or small as they may be; repent and change your ways; and return to the Lord with your “inside voice.” God considers that “inside voice” music to His ears.



Forgive me for my loud, obnoxious demands. I am a stubborn person at times, dear Lord, and refuse to admit the sins I have done toward You and others. I repent of them and ask for Your grace upon me. I am bold to pray this because of Jesus’ love for me. Amen.




Reformation Day – Thursday, October 31, 2024



Isaiah 60:10 — For in my wrath I struck you down, but in my favor, I have had mercy on you.


2 Corinthians 4:17 — This slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure.



I was elected president of the FFA (Future Farmers of America) in high school. One of the challenges our instructor gave us was participating in a state parliamentary procedure contest. We were assigned the book of Robert’s Rules of Order, and the officers were instructed to practice making motions. In our first session, we failed miserably. There were large gaps of unused time. We failed to offer proper motions, and as president, I failed to handle them properly. We were sentenced to endless hours of after-school practice as the contest date approached. At times, it seemed like “cruel and unusual punishment.” At other times, it felt like a hopeless and worthless exercise in futility. But as the date crept closer, we gained knowledge and experience. We arrived late and missed the contest because of a blizzard. However, our instructor declared our team the best he had seen compete! The trials and tribulations, the struggles and the strains of living can be discouraging and lead us to want to give up. But God knows that the mighty oak only grew strong when it was whipped about by the wind and dumped on by adverse weather. Paul prayed three times to be relieved of his “thorn in the flesh,” only to have God encourage him to rely on the sufficient grace of God. The Reformation was all about acknowledging the freely given gift of God, which is dependent only on God’s love, not on our efforts or good works. God’s grace is often seen in the challenges He uses to make us stronger and better able to live as His people. How has God been encouraging you to become strong in your faith?



As I look back on my life, dear Father, I can see that it has been through the trials, challenges, hurts, and pains that I have grown stronger in my faith and discipleship. It is hard for me to say thank You for those periods of hardship, but I praise You for being at my side and strengthening me. In the name of Jesus, my Savior. Amen

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