Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July Daily Devotions


Monday, July 1, 2024


This meditation outline will not appear every day. If you like to use it, please copy it for future use. Read the scripture and meditate on the verse using these questions:

T - (Thanks) What in these verses makes me thankful?

R - (Regret) What do these verses reveal that show my need to confess my sin?

I - (Intercession) What do I need to ask God for in prayer for others and myself?

P - (Purpose/Plan) What action or purpose do these verses encourage me to take?


**Thoughts to Ponder by Pastor Larry Sydow, Prayers by Pastor Bruce Freeman.**



2 Kings 6:16 — Elisha replied to his servant, “Do not be afraid, for there are more with us than there are with them.”


1 Peter 1:5 — You are being protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.



I stood in the moon shadow of a giant fir tree in Minnesota, watching some Jr. High boys who had “escaped” from their cabin. The delusion that they had “escaped” made them giddy with joy. They started a bonfire, but the unusual night-time breeze kept fanning the flames and sending sparks into dry leaves, starting a small fire near the trees they did not see. I stepped out to stomp out the fire and then helped them put out their fire. Using water from the lake, we made sure both fires were out. As we started back to the cabin, one of the boys said he was glad I was there to stop it from becoming a forest fire. Ah! Jr. High! That crazy, confusing, mixed-up age when we were invincible, indestructible, and nearly god-like! We weren’t called “Jr. High” in country school. We were just the “big kids.” It was the age when I had given up on Roy Rogers; my African safaris into head-hunters’ territory in our grove of trees had lost their glamor, and numerous excellent bloody wars faded into distant memories. “Juniorhighitis” seems to hit at an earlier age, now but the one common symptom that flows into senior high school is the inability to admit that we are mortal. Death happened to others. Pictures of children being victims of abuse, shootings, stabbings, and wars are slowly dispelling that lie. We don’t always have a parent, teacher, pastor, or guardian standing by to keep us from danger, but God “neither slumbers nor sleeps.” We must learn to hear God’s warning voice and pay attention to the “guardian of our souls.” Is your faith growing through worship and study of God’s Word so that you can benefit from the power of God’s protection? 


I realize there are so many dangers in the world, heavenly Father. I pray that You stay with me and protect me throughout this day. Strengthen me through worshiping You and the study of Your Word. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Tuesday, July 2, 2024



Psalm 91:9 — You have made the Lord your refuge.


2 Corinthians 3:11-12 — And if what was fading away came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts! Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.



I love children, especially little children. They are so honest and trusting. They can be a challenge. More than once, they have wiped out many brilliant ideas I had for a children’s sermon and remolded them into something I hadn’t intended. It worries me when I hear them refer to me as God or Jesus. I know they like me, but those are such lofty titles and difficult pedestals to try living on! Sometimes, they come running when they see me as if I were their best friend. Then, as if they remember who I am, shyness sets in, and they quickly “take refuge” behind Mom or Dad, unable even to “give me five.” Gradually, they lose their shyness and we are friends again. God longs for that kind of trust and love from us. Yes, God wants us to respect and love Him with reverent awe. But God’s great desire is for us to hide ourselves in the protection His loving arms provide. Like our mighty, loving Parent, God’s great joy comes when we take refuge in Him, in good times and in bad. Have you become so familiar with God that you feel comfortable taking refuge in the Lord? 



O dear Father, take me into Your loving arms and surround me with Your care. I pray that I will know You are enfolding me at the very times that I feel the weakest and also at the times I feel self-sufficient and in need of no one. Thank You for loving me so much. In Jesus’ name. Amen.







Wednesday, July 3, 2024



Psalm 147:14 — The Lord grants peace within your borders.


Ephesians 5:1-2 — Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love.



Imitating others can be a good way to learn new things, but can also be dangerous. Part of the learning curve of growing up in a country school was learning who to imitate and when! Imitating Marilyn’s style of art got me a compliment from the teacher. Trying to imitate the “big kids” to be funny got me a smack in the head, and tripped by one of them. Trying to jump over a strand of barbed wire like my uncle did landed me flat on my back, bleeding profusely, and in the doctor’s office for stitches. The authors of scripture encourage their readers to be careful who they imitate. True peace comes from imitating the Lord God, not the lawlessness of humans with power. The competitive, me-centered life of the majority is a bad thing. Imitating God as a beloved child is a good thing! As you live in the world, who do you imitate? Would it be good for others, especially your children, to imitate how you love God and others? Do you imitate the Lord? 



Forgive me when I imitate and follow the example of others instead of being an imitator of You, dear God. Lead me and let my actions today be God-like, following Your example. I pray that others will see Your love for them through me. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.



Thursday, July 4, 2024



Malachi 3:6 — For I the Lord do no change.


1 Corinthians 3:11 — For no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid; that foundation is Jesus Christ.



I love the Fourth of July! As a kid, it was the one time when Mom would let us have firecrackers and sparklers. Aside from the burn I got stepping on a spent sparkler with bare feet, we survived with only a few close calls. We blew up mountains and monuments. We defeated numerous armies of bad guys with our arsenal of megaton “Ladyfingers.” We even blew out the obstructions from a raging river. It was fun and easy to destroy things. Humankind has done that with God’s creation. We are blowing holes in the ozone layer, killing wildlife, and making vast areas of land uninhabitable with pollution. Building and rebuilding what we destroy is the problem. The One who created all things weeps over such “fireworks, but He also rejoices at each new creation. The physical world can be seen as an example of our spiritual world. Consider what those analogies might be for your spiritual life. The good news is that we become a new creation in Jesus through His forgiveness as we prepare for His ultimate “fireworks” display on the Day He chooses. Are you content to blow things up and destroy God’s perfect creation, or are you laying your foundations on Him? 



When I view fireworks in the evening sky, let them remind me of the spectacular new creation You have made in me through the forgiveness of Your Son, O Father. Use me to protect what You have made and not destroy what is good. I pray this in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Friday, July 5, 2024



Psalm 60:11 — O grant us help against the foe, for human help is worthless.


Mark 4:39 — Jesus woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm.



We can control some storms or at least manage to deal with them. We always found a way to deal with the thousands of vicious, cut-throat Zulus and zombies occasionally attempting to storm our fort. We survived several angry, stampeding buffalo, rhinos, and elephants storming through the pastures of our farm in Nebraska. We even weathered the storms of relatives angry about how some other relative treated them. I’ve survived physical storms (a couple of blizzards and a tornado or two) and spiritual storms (times of doubt, depression, or disappointment), but there is more to life than mere survival. Jesus was able to do what humans could never duplicate. Jesus calmed the storms of illness, disease, demon possession, sin, death, and the devil. Jesus also calmed the physical storms at sea and the spiritual storms raging in the hearts of the weak and powerless. His “Peace! Be Still!” is His gift to all who will receive and believe it. What are the storms that blow through your life? Are you so convinced you can handle them yourself that you don’t need Him, or are you willing to let Jesus deal with them? Why wait until your boat is about to sink? He waits to hear from you! 



O Mighty One, calm the storms that are raging through me. Bring Your words of comfort and stillness through Your Word and others. Let me speak to others so that the storms that have control over them might be stilled with the knowledge of Your love. In the name of the One who stilled the storm. Amen.




Saturday, July 6, 2024



Psalm 25:12 — Who are they that fear the Lord? He will teach them the way that they should choose.


Mark 3:14-15 — Jesus appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority to cast out demons.



I always admired some of the pastors in my “growing-up” years. The first pastor I knew who had a children’s sermon was one. He used lots of good illustrations. You might say I was in awe of him. When he left to accept a call to the college, I could think of no other college I wanted to attend. Without realizing it, I became one of his disciples. He was eventually replaced by other pastors with many other good qualities. As I went off to the college of my “hero” pastor, another amazing pastor came to our church. Like John the Baptist’s disciples becoming Jesus’ disciples, it was an easy transition to looking up to him and learning from him. I’m sure these pastors had their faults, but I can’t remember or imagine what they were. I can tell you that their love of the Lord, commitment to discipleship, and willingness to strive for excellence in ministry have inspired me to be an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. As imperfect as I feel, I follow their example in proclaiming the message of Christ. As the original apostles discovered, I know we have the authority to cast out demons in His name! Has Jesus sent disciples into your life to encourage you to share the good news of God’s love - not necessarily as a pastor, but wherever you are and in whatever you do? Have you been paying attention? 



Thank You for calling and inviting me to be one of Your disciples, dear Lord. Use all of my skills and abilities to work for the building up of Your kingdom. Thank You for my pastor. Bless their ministry as we work together for Your good. In Your name, I pray, O Jesus. Amen.




Sunday, July 7, 2024



Psalm 36:9 — For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light.


John 5:7-8 — The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am making my way, someone else steps down ahead of me.” Jesus said to him, “Stand up, take your mat and walk.”



After driving around for at least a half hour, I finally stopped at a gas station to get directions. Unfortunately, the person I asked was not very good at giving directions. When she finished, I was as confused, maybe even more confused, than wandering around in the dark looking for street signs. Fortunately, a person from the neighborhood overheard the conversation and spoke up, giving me clear, easy-to-follow instructions. Following his “map,” we found the place we were looking for without problems. As a student, I had teachers like both types of people. Some could take the simplest task and make it sound confusing. Others could take a difficult task and make it simple to accomplish. The man who had been sick for 38 years waited by the pool, following ancient instructions to be the first in the pool when it started to move. When you can’t move fast enough, that is a difficult task. Jesus made it simple. “Get up and walk!” he said. And the man did! It may seem like too simple a solution, but the Word of God is the “fountain of life” - the “light in the darkness” - the “map” to lead us where He wants us to be. Are you ready and willing to leave the confusion behind and ask the One who can help you “get up and walk”? 



O Holy One who is the light of the world, shine Your light upon my path that I might walk faithfully with You. Show me the way so that I might avoid the pitfalls and things that might trip me. Use me to shine Your light on others who are searching. In the name of Christ who shines through me. Amen.




Monday, July 8, 2024



1 Kings 8:60 — All the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God; there is no other.


1 Timothy 6:16 — It is the Lord of lords alone who has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see; to him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen.



Marlin climbed to the top of “Mt. Higher-than-any Mountain-on-Earth” (the roof of an old horse barn near our country school that had fallen). He carefully balanced an old chair so that two legs were on each side of the peak, donned a towel for a cape, and a one-pound coffee can for a crown. Then, with a mighty roar, he raised his fist to the sky and declared himself King and Ruler of the Universe! Two innocent kindergartners were his loyal guards. It was a challenge. Even though he was bigger than the rest of us, we accepted the challenge to knock him down to size. With determination and glee, we attacked. His “loyal” guards saw us coming, slid to the ground, and ran for their lives. The “King of the Universe” lost his crown and almost broke his neck when he fell off his “throne.” God, the Creator and rightful Ruler of His creation, cannot be “put down.” God truly is the “Ruler of the Universe”! How comical it must be for God to hear the claims of earthly rulers proclaiming their power and those who have allowed “things” to become their gods make claims for them! Who or what rules your life? Have you given 100% of your loyalty and commitment to the Lord of earthly lords, the King of earthly kings, the immortal and eternal Ruler of all that exists?



Almighty One. You created the heavens and the earth, and I stand in awe of You. I put my allegiance and trust in You that You will rule my life. I denounce those earthly things that try to make me loyal to them. Rule in my heart forever. I pray this in the name of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.




Tuesday, July 9, 2024



Isaiah 58:7 — Bring the homeless poor into your house.


1 Peter 4:9 — Be hospitable to one another without complaining.



We experienced an amazingly warm hospitality in the home of a youth worker in Lublin, Poland. He,  his wife, and his infant daughter share a tiny room and a half-apartment in his parent’s home. The “half” room was a small inside balcony they shared with the parents. They barely survived on his meager salary but were happy and generous. They gave us tea and cookies for a snack. We both noted that neither of them took a cookie. I’m sure it was because they feared they might not have enough for us. In ancient days and in many places worldwide, such hospitality was and is considered a sacred obligation. Those invited into the home are treated like the holy angels Abraham welcomed. The host and hostess provide their very best and will die protecting their guests. Sadly, we have lost some of that sacredness due to fear of strangers in our country and our time. There are still people with special needs I am not prepared or equipped to welcome. I thank God for Rescue Missions, the Kitchen, and numerous other organizations who are. What is important is that we who cannot welcome and entertain strangers need to financially support those who do so in our name - in the name of our church or community of churches. Have your gifts brought “the homeless poor” into a place of shelter? Have you helped others welcome and entertain strangers needing encouragement and hope? 



Thank You, O God, for those organizations that bring generous hospitality to those who welcome the poor, the homeless, and those searching for a loving home. Bless their ministry and sustain them. I pray that You will use my resources of time and money to support them. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.




Wednesday, July 10, 2024



Isaiah 45:22 — Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.


Matthew 18:3 — Unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.



A friend returned to college and took an algebra class. After years away from the books, it is a challenge. I understand because I did the same thing several years ago. She has one advantage I didn’t have. Her daughter is in high school and is a whiz at algebra. After struggling to help her mother, she threw up her hands in frustration and declared, “You’re making it too complicated!” To the daughter, it was simple. To the mother, it was confusing. No wonder Jesus loved the little children! They can keep it simple and uncomplicated. They can turn from a curious-looking but dangerous snake, taking simple orders that will save them. They can accept at face value what the Lord has to say without trying to make it complicated. “Jesus loves me, this I know....” They don’t have to know all the details of the doctrines. They don’t need answers to all the complicated questions raised by the incarnation, the virgin birth, the resurrection, or the ascension. Too many adults complicate faith, trying to earn their way into heaven. A child will tell you, “Jesus loves me, this I know....” Jesus has already prepared a place for me in heaven. That’s all anyone needs to know. Because Jesus loves me, I love others. How hard and complicated is that? That’s the secret to living with a child-like faith. Why not try it on for size, or is it too complicated? 



Jesus loves me this I know. How simple are those words of the children’s song, are O Jesus. Make my heart accept them as a child’s. Help me to show Your love to others by my actions and words today. Let them know that You also love them. Amen.




Thursday, July 11, 2024



Genesis 1:27 — God created humankind in his image. In the image of God, he created them.


Ephesians 4:24 — Clothe yourselves with the new self, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.



Dressing up was fun to do. In our house at the farm, we had a “junk room” where things we didn’t need or weren’t used often were stored. That included out-of-season clothes. During winter’s cold and dreary days, my sister and I enjoyed digging through our parents’ old clothes and dressing up. Hats were still “in,” and they made a great addition to our costumes. We “became” new people and tried to act the part. Mom and Dad got quite a chuckle out of what we became. When God created us in “the image of God,” our outward “costumes” varied greatly. From infancy to old age, our outward “costume” changes daily. That is normal. The one thing we have in common is God’s image - inwardly. We came from God, and we shall return to God. While our outward image is unimportant to God, our reflection of His glory is! St. Paul urges his friends to take off the old sinful inward rags we have accumulated in this world and replace them with our original “God-given” clothes so that we will be fit to enter the kingdom. God has provided the “costume,” but we can’t put it on until we let go of the old. Are you ready for your “virtual makeover”? 



Give me a makeover and help me remove my old clothes of sin which dwell within me, dear God. Put on those beautiful clothes that reflect Your glory. Fit and prepare me for Your kingdom. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Friday, July 12, 2024



Nehemiah 8:10 — Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.


Matthew 13:44 — Jesus says, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”



Auctions are fun to watch, but I am the world’s worst when buying anything. I usually let the spirit of the auctioneer and the competition of other bidders drive me up. I purchased a used wheelbarrow once (I still have it.), which I could have bought new for several dollars less. One friend goes to a lot of auctions and knows all the tricks. He bought a box of what looked like junk to me. But buried in the junk was an antique I would have thrown away. When another antique dealer saw it, he offered ten times as much for just that one item! God has buried within each of us His unique treasure. If we were wise, we’d go to any expense and every effort to keep that treasure for eternity. Sadly, we sell ourselves too cheaply for the baubles of this world. We don’t patiently polish that treasure through worship, Bible study, and prayer. We have not made a habit of keeping our heavenly treasure safe from those who want to “buy” our time with God cheap! Have you discovered the strength of the Lord, the treasure already buried in you? How well are you caring for it? 



Help me to find the treasures that You have placed inside me, heavenly Father. When I have discovered it, give me the perseverance I need to polish it and make it shine through my worship, Bible study, and prayer. I pray this in the name of the Christ. Amen.




Saturday, July 13, 2024



Daniel 2:22 — He reveals deep and hidden things.


Mark 16:14 — Later, he appeared to the eleven themselves as they were sitting at the table, and he upbraided them for their lack of faith and stubbornness because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen.



My sister and I walked the four blocks from my city grandparents to the Rialto Theater for a Sunday afternoon movie. It was a bitterly cold afternoon that threatened snow at any time. We arrived just as the projectionist arrived - an hour early. We had the time wrong! Rather than sending us back or making us stand in the freezing wind, he invited us in. Then, to our delight, he took us up to the projection booth. We knew no kids who had ever been into that secret inner sanctum. We had to be the first! He showed us how he prepared the film and the enormous projector and divulged many “secrets” we were to tell no one. We were in awe! Jesus appeared to the apostles and revealed the truth of the “hidden secrets” he had been teaching them for three years, secrets they were given a commission to share. Some people they shared with came to believe, while others couldn’t believe their ears. How could this possibly be?! Jesus encourages us to believe what the apostles and their disciples through the ages have passed on: God loves the world enough to send the Son into the world, and when He died with our sins on Him, He rose from the dead to be with us always as His Spirit lives in us. Can you grasp these “deep and hidden things” and share them? 



Increase my faith, Lord, that I might come to grasp and believe those “deep and hidden things.” I stand in awe for Your love and care for me and for keeping me close beside You as You share the mystery of Your love. Open my mouth to others so they might also know those “secrets.” In the name of the One who revealed God’s great love. Amen.




Sunday, July 14, 2024



Ezekiel 36:36 — The nations that are left all around you shall know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruined places and replanted that which was desolate.


1 Corinthians 3:9 — For we are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building.



A story is told about a traveler stopping to compliment a farmer on his fields. “The Lord has sure blessed this land,” the stranger declared. “Yeh,” replied the farmer, “but you should have seen it when He was trying to do it alone!” It took the teacher and our entire country school to build an award-winning float for the Halloween parade. It took the Lord and the people of God to rebuild the ruins of Jerusalem. It took the Spirit of God and the witness of the Apostles to create a vibrant young church. Is it any wonder God still uses those He created to be His servants and His body to enter His fields?! We are not God’s after-thoughts. We are the people of God with a purpose. Our purpose is to use the gifts and talents God has given us to bring in the harvest of souls and to prepare them for entering the House of God for worship and praise. What a privilege it is to be instruments of the living God wherever we are and wherever we go! 



I give You thanks, O God, for choosing me to be Your partner, planting Your field, and bringing in the harvest of souls. What an incredible privilege! Use me and my abilities as Your instrument every day of my existence. I pray this in the name of the living Christ. Amen.




Monday, July 15, 2024



Proverbs 16:32 — One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and one whose temper is controlled than one who captures a city.


James 1:3 — Know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.



While in college, I worked for a man who had the patience of Job. It took a lot to make him angry. Perhaps I should say it took a lot for anyone to notice that he was angry. He didn’t say much, but when he did, it carried weight because it contained constructive, well-thought-out criticism on which we could act. Another person in the same business had a “short fuse.” When angry, he exploded, often with unrepeatable, cutting words. After he cooled down, we were left wounded without the ability or the desire to do anything to correct whatever needed fixing. The first man followed God’s example. If God were like the second man, we would probably not be here. But God is “slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” With that love, God gave His Son to be our mentor and model for faith. When we model God’s love, patience, and “slowness to anger,” we discover that God increases our endurance in all tests and trials. Aren’t you glad God has been slow to anger with you? Have you practiced following the example of Jesus? 



Thank You for being slow to be angry with me, O God. I am so sorry for those times when my anger and temper have been quick and sharp. I pray that You increase in me love and patience so that others might see You through me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Tuesday, July 16, 2024



Psalm 16:1 — Protect me, O God, for in You I take refuge.


2 Thessalonians 3:3 — The Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.


Entering the bottomless dungeon where the worst of our monsters hid was a frightening challenge for me when I was five or six. The horror stories told by my city cousins contributed significantly to my fears. When Mom sent me out to get some potatoes we stored in the cave, none of my excuses worked, and I didn’t want to admit that I, almost grown up in my own eyes, was terrified! I cautiously approached the cellar door, lest they grab my leg and pull me in before the light chased them deeper. I threw back the door with a shout and was pretty sure I saw one of them scurrying into the shadows. The long descent with a bowl for the potatoes, which doubled as a shield, was at least a mile and a half, or maybe ten miles down into the monsters’ lair. I was startled by the voice behind me. “Need some help?” It was Dad!!! I knew Dad could wipe out the worst monsters with one hand tied behind his back - and they knew it because not one of them attacked while we picked our potatoes from the storage pile. I am older now, and I face various scary monsters. Dad has gone ahead of me to heaven, but I am not alone. God is always with me, no matter where I am. No matter the monster, I have the strength and refuge of the Lord to guard me against all evil. How about you? 



What a wonderful God You are, O mighty One! Thank You for being with me each day. Thank You that I do not have to face the monsters of this world alone. Give me strength and courage to encounter everything that might come my way this day. In the name of Immanuel, I pray. Amen.




Wednesday, July 17, 2024



Genesis 18:14 — Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?


Philippians 4:13 — I can do all things through him who strengthens me.



Our hearts ached when the doctor informed us that we probably would not be able to have children. For a time, we grieved, even as we filled out adoption papers for a process we were told could take a year or two. Because of distance, we could do two interviews at a time. After several trips from western to eastern Nebraska for the interviews, we asked our case worker when we would know if we had been approved for adoption. We were happily surprised to hear, “You have been approved ...  and here is a picture of your child!” Our hearts soared! We had to wait until the following day to receive our bundle of joy. All the way back to western Nebraska, we marveled and thanked God that He had a child just for us. That child is now a young man of 50 who lives in Seattle, has a college degree, and a company of his own. What we could not do, God did, not in the way we had hoped for or expected, but in God’s way and in God’s time. God has been the source of great joy, great struggle, and tremendous pride in this miracle we call Dane. God can do all things! If I were to tell about all of those my wife and I have experienced, this page would not be long enough. I’d need a book. What I can say is an answer to the angel’s question in Genesis, “Nothing is too wonderful for the Lord!!!” Are you willing to trust in God’s power in your life? 



When I genuinely look upon all that You have done for me throughout my life, O Lord, I can only praise You and give You thanks. Help me to put my trust in the future in Your hands, knowing that nothing is impossible for You and that nothing will separate me from Your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.




Thursday, July 18, 2024



Provers 30:8 — Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that I need.


John 6:35 — Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”



I grew up believing that unless I cleaned my plate, some poor Chinese kid was going to starve. I’m sure it came from efforts to get me to eat. I was a “picky” eater in my younger years and decided there were some things I would rather not eat. In the interest of keeping me healthy, my parents gave me numerous encouragements, some of which must have stuck because now I have the bad habit of overeating everything. However, there are those times when I can stand at the refrigerator door searching for “something.” I’m hungry, but I don’t know what I want. That kind of hunger best describes the spiritual hunger many people experience. They want something, but they don’t know what. Jesus offers to fill that hunger with Bread, which will be genuinely satisfying - His body and  His blood - which will take away our thirst for something thirst-quenching. Jesus is the only One who answers the description of the wise man who wanted neither poverty nor riches. He provides not necessarily what we thought we wanted but what we truly need for our eternal life. Are you hungry and thirsty for Him yet? All He needs is an invitation! 



O Gracious Lord, I often hunger and thirst for the spiritual things in life and can’t find them. I am sorry that, at those times, I neglected to come to You. Fill me with Your Word and Your love. Satisfy me with Your body and blood so that I will thirst and hunger no more for spiritual food. In the name of Jesus who comes to me. Amen.




Friday, July 19, 2024



Deuteronomy 10:21 — He is your praise; he is your God.


1 Corinthians 3:21 — So let no one boast about human leaders.



One of the men Dad hired during harvest before I was old enough to help was a man who could tell amazing stories of the war. He told us he was a World War II veteran and of waking up in a cold sweat from nightmares of the dead bodies he was ordered to bury with a large bulldozer. He told of feats of bravery my young mind marveled at. I pictured him in a uniform with medals to his knees. He was my hero for the month or two he was with us. Roy Rogers was only in comics and movies. Jordan was a real, live hero! He promised to take me fishing, but he disappeared the morning we were to go. He asked my Dad for his pay and left. We later learned he was a big-time liar who was in prison and never even went to war. It’s hard to have your hero prove to be a phony. Trusting in human leaders and rulers often leads to disaster. It did for God’s children in the Bible. They were full of promises but had no human way of following through. On the other hand, God has a proven track record for keeping promises and backing them with His power. The problem of God’s people at every age is learning to always look to God for guidance and following it, even when (especially when) it contradicts human wisdom and logic. Human leaders are sure to let us down. God never will. Who will you worship and follow? 



Forgive me for those times when I have placed more of my faith in leaders of government and business than in You, O God. I ask that You help and guide them so that all of their decisions will be pleasing to You. I also pray that I look to Your thoughts so that all of my actions will be Your will. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.




Saturday, July 20, 2024



Job 9:10 — God does great things beyond understanding and marvelous things without number.


Matthew 15:30 — Great crowds came to Jesus, bringing with them the lame, the maimed, the blind, the mute, and many others. They put them at his feet, and he cured them.



We could have complained about many things when I was growing up. As a kid, I did my best to list those complaints, but they usually triggered a sermon on “How good you have it!” By the time the litany was over, I didn’t feel any better about what I didn’t like or didn’t have. However, I did recognize that I had food to eat when thousands of kids my age didn’t. I had a roof over my head and a family who loved me. I had clothes, toys, everything I really needed, and the possibility of one day making enough money to get what I didn’t have. Every time it rained, I was reminded to look at how God washed everything off and watered it so we would have a good crop. I was encouraged to look at the rainbows, not the muddy barnyard. The birth of farm animals, the ripening of the seed, and the produce from the garden were all reminders of the marvelous gifts of God. All that emphasis on the wonderful works of God probably turned me into the incurable optimist I am today. There is no problem too big, no situation too hopeless, no crisis too severe for God to use to amaze us and cause us to stand in reverent awe! What do you have to complain about? Why not try looking, instead, at the wonders of God’s creation? Why not think about what God has done for others? Jesus declared, “These things and even greater shall you do in my name.” God is willing! Are you? 



I often look in awe at Your creation and the many wonderful things You have done, O Lord. I am sorry for my dissatisfaction with what You have given me. Make my heart new so that I will share what You have given me with others instead. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Sunday, July 21, 2024



Psalm 18:49 — For this, I will extol You, O Lord, among the nations, and sing praises to Your name.


Acts 16:10 — When Paul had seen the vision, we immediately tried to cross over to Macedonia, being convinced that God had called us to proclaim the good news to them.



A young man whose parents belonged to my congregation in Illinois was halfway through medical school when he changed majors and entered seminary because he felt the call of God. I know of other people who have changed occupations entirely - second-career people. Most of them discovered incredible joy when they finally discovered their “passion” and their purpose in God’s plan. I found my passion for pastoral ministry when I left it for a short time to do counseling. For me, counseling was the detour that helped me discover what I wanted to do and enjoyed - the road God wanted me to take. Restlessness and searching are not bad. Sometimes, they are God’s nudge, God’s urge to go somewhere and do something different. I had an offer to do counseling, and then I received a call to return to what I really love. Paul had a vision. How does God speak to you? Are you where God wants you? Has God been leading you to your “passion”? When you discover the answer, you too will rejoice with me and the Psalmist, singing praises to the name of the Lord! 



Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening. What would You have me do? Where would You have me go? Let my life be for Your purpose. Use me in any way You like, and give me the passion to do Your will. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.




Monday, July 22, 2024



Jeremiah 5:24 — Let us fear the Lord our God, who gives the rain in its season, the autumn rain and the spring rain, and keeps for us the weeks appointed for the harvest.


Acts 14:17 — God has not left himself without a witness in doing good - giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, and filling you with food and your hearts with joy.



I love summer rains, especially those that come at the right time and in the right amounts. It’s the old farmer in me. When I was about five or six, I remember one hot July day, sifting through dust left behind by a setting hen who found an excellent place to nest in the shade. (For you city kids, there is no better dust to play in than that left by a setting hen!) I wondered if it would ever rain. There were large cracks in the ground. I was pretty sure some of them went down halfway to China. The crops looked pretty sad, and meal-time chatter by Mom and Dad was not its usual cheerfulness. We prayed for rain every time we thought of it, and that was a lot. Then, one afternoon, the sky turned dark, and the breeze picked up and carried the delicious smell of moisture. Thunder rumbled in the distance, coming closer and closer. We watched the southwest for signs of a tornado, as usual, but the rain clouds kept coming. When Mom herded us into the house, we were all sopping wet but as happy as larks. “Thank you, God,” Mom declared, and we all responded, “Thank you, God!” Again and again, as the rain fell, we chanted our little litany. Dad came in from the field, even wetter than we were, if that was possible, beaming from ear to ear, and joined in the thanksgiving chant. I do not fear the thunder or the lightning. I rejoice! How about you? 



Thank You for the life-giving rain You send to us. When I hear the rumble of thunder, let me rejoice in Your goodness. Be with those who till the land and give them just the right amount of rain for a bountiful harvest. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Psalm 138:6 — For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly; but the haughty he perceives from far away.


1 Corinthians 1:28 — God chose what is low and despised in the world, things that are not, to reduce to nothing things that are.



I grew up in a poor rural area. All of our neighbors were about as poor as we were. As my universe expanded beyond our country school district, I realized some people had more land, more animals, and newer and better equipment that didn’t have to be held together with baling wire. They seemed to be a little “better” than us ordinary folk. Grandpa Roenfeldt was as common as the day is long but was elected county commissioner over people with more money and more social standing, probably because he could talk to everyday people who were just like him. David wasn’t the oldest son when God anointed him. He was a lowly shepherd boy. Jeremiah wasn’t even an adult when God called him. Mary was a humble virgin, a female in a male-dominated society when God chose her. The fishermen, the tax collector, the Samaritan woman, the Roman soldier, and the thieves on the cross would not have found their names on the society page. And then there are you and me. I don’t know about you, but I am brought to tears at times, thinking of how unworthy I am to be adopted by God in baptism, anointed by God in confirmation, commissioned by God in ordination, forgiven by the cross on which He died, nourished by His body and blood, and blessed by God so many times a day I lose track. Have you considered how blessed you are to be who you are, with your gifts and the opportunities to serve Him? 



O gracious God, I am humbled to think that You chose me to do Your work and that You have given me gifts to use. Thank You for the many blessings You have given and the opportunities You will send to me. In Christ’s name. Amen.




Wednesday, July 24, 2024



Psalm 106:6 — Both we and our ancestors have sinned; we have committed iniquity, have done wickedly.


Mark 2:17 — Jesus said, “I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.”



One of the neighbors hired me to disk a field for him. I had done other field work for Dad, but not discing, so our neighbor told me how he wanted it done. When I finished, he thanked me for a job well done. I went home feeling pretty good about myself. The next day, Dad decided that since I knew how to do it, I should also disk one of our fields. I was proud - and happy. It was better than picking up hay bales! However, when Dad came out to inspect, he stopped me and told me I was doing it wrong. He explained that if I kept on the way I was going, we’d have ridges we’d be bouncing over with the planter. When I looked at what he was telling me, he was right. I had to change my pattern. For the farmers: Dad was a contour farmer, but our neighbor was not. God’s people have gotten into a habit of doing things “the world’s way” rather than God’s way. God’s Word and God’s spokespeople call us back to following God’s purpose, God’s plan, and God’s pattern. We are sinners who have been “recalled” by God. Fortunately, God loves us enough to lead us back to His pattern. Are you stuck in your ways,  the way we’ve always done it, or are you willing to change directions for the sake of the Lord? 



Change isn’t bad, dear Lord unless it’s me that You want to change. Forgive me when I reject new ways because they have never been done. Open my heart and mind so I may be filled anew with Your Spirit. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.




Thursday, July 25, 2024



Psalm 51:15 — O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare Your praise.


Acts 4:20 — Peter and John said, “We cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard.”



We just came back from confirmation camp. It was a fantastic week. Several years ago, one of the campers wasn’t sure he wanted to go. I was later told that this ordinarily quiet kid hadn’t stopped talking about his experiences from the time he got home. Another of my young friends won a trip to Disney World recently. She was thrilled! I couldn’t remember the dates she and her family were going, but her face told it all when she returned. It was so much fun to see her pictures and hear her stories. The Samaritan woman at the well could not keep her good news to herself. The blind man who was healed and the person from whom a legion of demons was cast spread the good news everywhere. When great things happen in life, it is hard to keep them to ourselves. Does the fact that God loves you, the fact that Jesus died for you, and the fact that He already has a place prepared for you, when compared with Disney World, will make Disney World seem like a city dump - does any of that stir you up enough to make you want to tell the whole world?!! If not, why not? 



Have I heard the good news of Your fantastic love too many times, dear Lord? Forgive me when I take this fantastic, exciting news for granted, and do not share my excitement with a world that might not have heard it at all. Thrill me this day to the joy of Your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.




Friday, July 26, 2024



Jeremiah 16:19 — O Lord, my strength and my stronghold, my refuge in the day of trouble.


Mark 5:22-24 — Jairus came and, when he saw Jesus, fell at his feet and begged him repeatedly, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her so that she may be made well and live.” So he went with him.



Returning from a conference in Colorado, I took a shortcut to the small town where we lived in western Nebraska: Potter. Unfortunately, I missed one turn and ended on an unmaintained road with thawing snow. Before I knew what had happened, we were sliding sideways on the greasy road, and the front end of the car came to rest in the ditch, with the back wheels barely touching the road. I had to walk a mile and a half to a farm to beg the farmer to tow us out. I was so happy he did! No one was hurt (Well, my pride was pretty badly bruised, but that doesn’t count!), but it helps me imagine the relief, joy, and delight Jairus must have had when Jesus went with him to heal his daughter. Being stuck in a ditch is a pretty helpless feeling, but to have a child at the point of death is far worse. Jesus “knows our every weakness”. As with Jairus, He comes to us when we call on Him. He doesn’t always come in the way or the expected form. It may be as a farmer with a log chain. It may be as a nurse with a pill or a word. It may be in the words or the helping hand of anyone God sends - even you or me. But Jesus is there! That is His promise. Have you gone “off the road” a time or two? Why not call on Jesus to pull you back? 



Please hear me when I call to You, O God. I thank You for the many wonderful ways You have shown me in the past that You are listening; the people who have shown me kindness, who have nursed me to health, and who have had a willing ear. Pull me back into Your ways. In the name of my Savior. Amen.




Saturday, July 27, 2024



Exodus 20:14 — You shall not commit adultery.


John 8:10-11 — Jesus straightened up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, sir.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on, do not sin again.”



As I was growing up, we always used Farmall tractors on the farm. Some neighbors had John Deeres, but we were a Farmall farm. The thought of getting a John Deere was out of the question! To do so was to be unfaithful to the dear old red tractors. (That was even before “Big Red” was big in Nebraska!) We grew up Lutherans, and when a relative married and joined another denomination, it appeared to be like “spiritual adultery”! However, the Bible discusses something more serious than tractors, football teams, or denominationalism. It is talking about relationships. We are called to be faithful to our spouses “until death parts us.” Biblical adultery refers to one spouse having an intimate relationship with someone who is not their spouse. It is the same Word used to describe God’s people when they became intimate with or worshiped other gods. Faithfulness to God and faithfulness to spouse were, and are, held up for us as God’s plan and model. Failure in either breaks trust but is forgivable by God, provided we “go and do not sin again.” The good news we can celebrate is found in Jesus’ words: “Neither do I condemn you....” How faithful have you been - to your spouse? How faithful have you been to your God? 



When I am tempted to be untrue to either You or my spouse, dear God, remind me of Your commandments and will. Forgive me when my thoughts are not of You or the one whom You have sent to be my helpmate. Let me celebrate in Your undying love for me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Sunday, July 28, 2024



Job 42:5-6 — I had heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You; therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.


1 Corinthians 15:8 — Last of all Christ appeared also to me.



He was named after the early American songwriter Stephen Foster, so his name was familiar to me. I read two of his books on medicinal herbs, my other hobby, and I heard about him from other members of our herb club, but he was only another author with many impressive degrees. Then, I heard him speak at a symposium and was impressed with his thorough knowledge. But it was not until a later event, that I met him and could talk to him in the flesh that I began to appreciate him as a person. Job heard about God and may have even read about Him. Still, until he personally encountered God, God was just another disinterested Observer who made his life miserable. Paul had heard about Jesus. He may have even read about him on the ancient equivalent of a “wanted poster.” He even went about persecuting those who claimed to believe in Jesus as the Messiah. Still, until he met the risen Lord on the way to Damascus, Jesus was only a subject of heresy by misguided troublemakers making outlandish claims about His missing body. Have you heard about Jesus? Have you read his Book? Have you personally encountered Him? If not, He’d love to have you meet Him - up close and personal. If you have met Him, how has your life been changed as a result? 


Come, Lord Jesus, and be a part of my life. Let me know You as a friend and companion. Help me draw closer to You each day. Thank You that my life has been changed because of knowing You. In Your name. Amen.




Monday, July 29, 2024



Leviticus 22:32 — You shall not profane my holy name.


Philippians 2:9-10 — Therefore, God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.



He was said to be an excellent house painter when sober. He spent most of his time in the bar, and his kids practically lived there because their mother left them all. Mention the family name, and it could be seen in the eyes of those you were talking to that nothing good could come out of that family. I was in high school then, and our small church was short on Sunday School teachers, so I was given a class to teach in which one of the boys was a member. I was puzzled by the oldest boy because, with his name, I expected trouble. But he was a good kid. He was polite, paid attention, and tried his best in whatever we did for class projects. Other family names in our small town and community also gathered reputations for good or bad. In the days of the Bible, a person’s name and reputation were so important that the family could starve or be unable to do business if the name was tarnished. With that thought in mind, God demands that His name be held in the highest esteem. With that thought in mind, Jesus was given “the name above every name.” How well do you care for and respect the name of Jesus? Does your life as a member of His body give the name of Christ a spotless reputation? 



In Your name, I bow my head in humble service. It is so common to hear Your name misused, dear God, that I sometimes do not take heed of how it is used. I pray that I might always keep Your name holy and in the best regard. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.




Tuesday, July 30, 2024



Proverbs 11:24 — Some give freely, yet grow all the richer; others withhold what is due, and only suffer want.


1 Timothy 6:17 — As for those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.



When I was growing up, I often daydreamed about what it would be like to have a lot of money. I’d list everything I could buy for my family and myself. I plotted on an imaginary map all the places we would go and the things we would do. (We would have spent a lot of time at Disneyland!) I usually got tired of that little exercise, not because I thought it was a futile waste of time but because I ran out of things I thought I wanted or needed. I thought of others I could help who I believed needed it more than I did. In my mind, I even built our church, a new building with all the best and latest things in it. But even that made me think that being rich would be more hassle than it was worth. Isn’t it good to know that God has nothing against being financially wealthy? The warning still holds that “money is the root of all evil.” It is not evil, but it can lead to evil. Perhaps that was what I sensed in my younger days - the importance of the stewardship of whatever God gives us. One of the dangers associated with wealth is forgetting Who made it possible and Who it ultimately belongs to. I know several wealthy people who have developed a mission statement for their lives to help them remember, keep them humble, and always strive to serve their Lord. I don’t envy them their wealth. I admire their stewardship - their care-taking of God’s gifts. How well do you manage what God entrusts to you? 



Thank You for abundantly blessing me with money and riches, heavenly Father. All that I have belongs to You. Help me to use everything You have given me wisely and for Your service. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.




Wednesday, July 31, 2024



Psalm 103:12 — As far as the East is from the West, so far he removes our transgressions from us.


Ephesians 2:4-5 — But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.



I grew up in eastern Nebraska. When I was six or seven, I traveled as far west from our farm in Stanton as Albion (60 miles) to visit a cousin who was a doctor there. (For non-Nebraskans, that is about 130 miles west of Omaha.) But I didn’t travel any further west until years later. Then, I received a call to be the pastor of a wonderful church in western Nebraska - Potter. We learned how far the West is from the East in Nebraska every time we went home for a visit. It was a long way (400+ miles). I have been to Eastern Europe and discovered how far the East is from the West - in distance and culture! Thank God His love and forgiveness are not limited by distance but are encompassing! The woman caught in adultery was as shocked by Jesus’ lack of condemnation as the disciples. The Pharisees were outraged by the ease with which Jesus forgave the paralytic. The disciples were amazed at the mathematics of forgiving seventy times seven times (a number symbol for limitlessness). How thrilled the thief on the cross beside Jesus must have been to hear the undeserved words of forgiveness and the promise of paradise. But that is the heart of God’s grace! His dying words on the cross to the world should give us joy, too: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” How far will you reach out to receive His limitless grace? 



It is with great joy that I remember that You are not a distant God but are here with me in every breath I take. Thank You for Your great forgiveness and understanding that bridges the gap between me and the One who created me. Send me out into the world sharing Your grace. All this I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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