Wednesday, July 17, 2024

February Daily Devotions


Thursday, February 1, 2024 - Day 32

Point to Ponder: God deserves my best.

Scripture - 2 Timothy 2:15 - “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” 

Question: How can I best use what God has given me?


The afternoon of the blizzard, the tension in our one-room school grew by the hour. It was obvious some people were worried. I was five and too young to know the full dangers of a blizzard. One father came to school on foot, bundled up his three children, tied each to a long rope, and led them home through the blizzard. As I listened to the wind howling and watched the excitement grow, concentrating was hard. My artistic endeavors with crayons began to fail, and my usually calm teacher gave me a mini-lecture on concentrating, ending with, “Would you want to give that picture to your grandma?” That was a sobering thought! I took one look and knew it was sloppy, out of the lines, and not very pretty. Blizzard or not, Grandma deserved a lot better than that. Someone once said, “What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.” Every so often, it is essential to stop our busyness and examine what we are giving to God. God doesn’t expect more than He created us to be, but our question must always be, “Am I giving God the best I can?” Fortunately, I could color another picture that was a work of art I felt good about presenting to Grandma. Sadly, we don’t always have the time or opportunity to do a better job to give God the very best. Therefore, as St. Paul told young Pastor Timothy, “(Always) Do your best....” God never asks for more.” 


Forgive me, O Creator, for those times when I only gave You second best and thought You would be pleased with my effort. Thank You for giving me my varied gifts and abilities. Help me to see them clearly and to use them for Your glory. I pray this in the name of the one who gave his very best to me, Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.


Friday, February 2, 2024 - Day 33

Point to Ponder: I serve God by serving others.

Scripture - Matthew 10:42 - “If you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.” 

Question: Which of the six characteristics of real servants offers the greatest challenge to me?


Whenever a neighbor needed help, we dropped what we were doing to help. Once we were in the middle of harvest ourselves but took a day to join the neighbors in bringing in a crop for a family in which there had been a death. Another time, Dad sent my brothers and me to chop cockleburs in our neighbor’s field, putting our field on hold. The thought of getting paid was quickly squelched with, “Sometimes we need to help others because it’s the right thing to do.” I remember grumbling once that it seemed like we were doing a lot of “right things” for a lot of people for nothing. Mom was quick to say that someday, I’d discover the benefits of helping others. At various times, Mom and Dad served on the school board and as officers and leaders in the church. Even though my Dad seemed to be quiet in public, he was one of the top money raisers for the building of the Norfolk Regional Center. I greatly admire their serving, in and out of the church. They were great models to follow. If there is a spiritual benefit in serving others, it is in the knowledge that we are actually serving Christ. I chop weeds for Christ. I sing for Christ. I work for Christ. I visit Christ in the shut-in, in the nursing home, in the hospital, in the prison, in the lonely. I feed Christ in the soup kitchen, etc. How will you be a servant for the Servant King? 


I am sorry, dear King, for those times when I feel my work must be “paid back” by others, whether in money or a returned favor. Help me to serve You and others willingly and to be a model for others so that they, too, might see the importance of serving any and all people. Let me see that everything I do today is for You and in Christ’s name. Amen.


Saturday, February 3, 2024 - Day 34

Point to Ponder: I must think like a servant to be a servant.

Scripture - Philippians 2:5 - “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” 

Question: Am I usually more concerned about being served or finding ways to serve others?


A friend of mine and I helped a college classmate cater a banquet. As the evening wore on, it became apparent that we were the slaves and he was the taskmaster. Since we were being paid by the hour, we didn’t think anything of it. We just did what needed to be done to the best of our ability. Our classmate flitted in and out, doing very little except checking on us. His game plan worked well until the hotel manager, who was the real taskmaster, caught him. After that, we had lots of help from him. He once again accepted the attitude of a fellow servant. After we served everyone and cleared the plates, the hotel manager offered us food and thanked us for a job well done. He then offered my friend and me jobs - working for the hotel if we were interested. Our classmate could read the writing on the wall and was glad my friend and I already had other jobs that kept us busy during the week. But, I felt a sense of pride for the job offer. Our Servant King, Jesus, never thought of Himself as being above the “dirty work” to the extent that he was willing to take the pain and violence of a crucifixion for us. He had the power and authority to “command stones to sing,” to “save Himself and us,” to call down fire, command a legion of angels to do His fighting for Him or turn stones into bread, but chose to be fully human, serving the needs of others, instead of being served. How well are you following His example? 


I give You thanks and praise, O Jesus, that You were willing to be a Servant King and to humble Yourself to live among us. Remember that I am not above doing the “dirty work” that might come my way today. Let me be up to the task and ever eager to serve You in the King’s name. Amen. 


Sunday, February 4, 2024 - Day 35

Point to Ponder: God works best when I admit my weakness.

Scripture - 2 Corinthians 12:9a - “My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness.” 

Question: Am I limiting God’s power in my life by trying to hide my weaknesses? What do I need to be honest about to help others?


I was ready to take the mower to the junkyard. It stalled for the fourth time. I pulled so hard and for so long that my arms and back ached. In desperation, I called a friend who came over to take a look. With two minor adjustments, he solved the problem. When my back pain didn’t respond to any of my home remedies, I gave up and got “professional” help. Today, I am free of that back pain. When I could not convince my computer to cooperate after loading a new program, I had to admit defeat so that someone with better skills than mine could fix what I had messed up. Is it any wonder that we “who have sinned and fallen short” must do the same before our Maker? Self-sufficiency and self-help can be valuable tools, but they can only go so far and can also be roadblocks to improvement - even salvation itself. God, who is gracious and merciful, already knows our weaknesses and failures but waits for us to lean on His expertise and wisdom finally. Like a parent watching a child put a toy together, waiting for them to ask for help, God waits. Are you ready to ask? 


I don’t like it, dear Lord, when I admit my weaknesses, even to You. Sometimes, I would rather muddle through life than ask others for help. Forgive me for those times. Thank You for sending Your help to me through the loving acts of others whose gifts You have granted. It is good that You have put me into community with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Monday, February 5, 2024 - Day 36

Point to Ponder: God made me for a mission.

Scripture - Matthew 28:19-20 - “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.” 

Question: What fears have kept me from fulfilling the mission God made me to accomplish? What keeps me from telling others the Good News?


We did not have good storage buildings for farm machinery. The best we could do was park them in groves of trees where they would get some protection from the elements. It would have been good to have a single piece of equipment that, with minor adjustments, could do everything. The tractors were the closest thing we had to that dream. But as it was, we had two mowers, one horse-drawn and the other mounted on the tractor. We had a hay rake, a corn picker, a bailer, a combine, a wind rower, and an odd assortment of parts for others. Sometimes, farmers had machines that neighbors would borrow, rent, or trade the use of with other neighbors. In essence, each machine had its own mission. The milking machine couldn’t plant corn. The feed grinder couldn’t be used to thresh oats. God gave you and me unique gifts, talents, and abilities nobody possesses. They are not coincidental gifts we were just “lucky” enough to have. God knew what He was doing when He gave them to us. When our equipment sat in the trees unused for several years, they rusted and corroded. They were good for nothing but scrap metal. Our gifts, physical and spiritual, are much the same. If we don’t use them for the purpose God gave them, we will be the losers, and God’s mission will not be carried out. The tremendous promise is that we don’t have to go into the “field” alone. Like a father riding “shotgun” through treacherous territory for his son, God promises to ride “shotgun” for us - He will always be with us. So, what’s keeping you from fulfilling your mission? 


Going sounds so easy, Lord, until You expect me to do it. My gifts sometimes seem inadequate, and you can’t expect me to use them. Take away all of my excuses for going, and help me use the gifts that You have given me. Keep reminding me that You are always with me, and use me this day. Thank You for my commissioning. In the name of Christ, my Immanuel. Amen. 


Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - Day 37

Point to Ponder: God wants to say something to the world through me.

Scripture - 1 Peter 3:15b-16 - “Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect.” 

Question: As I reflect on my personal story, who does God want me to share it with?


When our oldest son was in 4-H, his project for the fair was his dog, “Lady.” At the fair, the judge asked each owner to put their dog through the paces and check how they followed commands. But then the judge casually asked each child about their dog - breed, age, history, how they were fed, and much more. Dane had no problem answering the questions. He read books about dogs, asked questions of everyone who knew anything about dogs, knew “Lady” inside and out, and went into the show ring with absolute confidence. However, several kids had no idea how to answer the questions. They didn’t know their dogs except to play with them. God expects His children to know more than what’s on the surface of their faith. We need to know all we can know about God so that God is not just a subject for discussion but an intimate friend we know. We need to invest time and energy into continuing to study God’s Word so that we are never at a loss for words when “put on the spot” by those who want to know. It needs to be knowledge that is more than lecture notes. It must be something we have incorporated into our lives. It needs to be a personal matter - not just an intellectual retelling of what we learned in Sunday School. If an alien landed in your neighborhood, could you explain what you believe and know to be true of God and God’s love for all creatures? It is doubtful that an alien from another planet will land in your neighborhood (then again, I’m living in Roswell, New Mexico now, and you never know...!), but an alien from another country or culture just might. Is your faith base strong enough to tell the Good News lovingly without fear? 


My God, I regret not knowing You as well as I should. Forgive me for only thinking of You when I need You. I yearn to know You better. I pray that I might desire to study Your Word independently and with others. Let me be “put on the spot” today by sending someone who does not know You well into my life and giving me the words to say. I pray this in the name of Christ. Amen. 


Wednesday, February 7, 2024 - Day 38

Point to Ponder: The Great Commission is my commission.

Scripture - Psalm 67:2 - “Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind.” 

Question: What steps can I take to prepare to go on a short-term mission experience in the next year?


I was thirteen when I began to think seriously about becoming a pastor. Church camp made it exceptionally clear that God wanted me to go in that direction. Visiting missionaries fanned the flames of my fertile imagination. Through much of high school and college, I was pretty sure I would be heading for the “Dark Continent” to bring Christ to the “heathens.” Sometime during seminary, God must have remolded my thinking. I had a fantastic missionary pastor/teacher, home on furlough, teaching a mission class, but by then, I knew in my heart I was needed on the mission field of my own continent. What amazes me today is that some of the “sons and daughters,” the converts of the missionaries who worked in their villages, have begun to come to the American mission field. Their churches have grown and blossomed in their native lands, and now they have come to return the favor of sharing the gospel with those who have become dull of hearing. Everyone I know who has taken a mission trip comes back excited and enthused with a new sense of mission and a new appreciation for the Great Commission Christ gave us. It would be a great witness for every Christian to commit themselves to taking at least one mission trip. Opportunities abound in Guatemala, Romania, Tanzania, Russia, China, and America (Oaks Indian Center, Appalachian ministry, Inner City missions.....) How could Christ use you and your skills? 


O Lord, I am scared! I pray that I can commit to making a mission trip in the near future. I can think of so many reasons why I cannot go. I am too old. I am too young. I have children at home. I don’t have the skills. I ask that You see through these excuses and prepare me for Your work. In the name of Christ, whose love always surrounds me. Amen. 


Thursday, February 8, 2024 - Day 39

Point to Ponder: Blessed are the balanced.

Ephesians 5:15: “Live life with a due sense of responsibility, not as those who do not know the meaning of life but as those who do.” 

Question: Which of the four activities will I begin to stay on track and balance God’s five purposes for my life?


Talk, check, write, and pass are the four keys to balancing our lives. Before Sue and I were married, I had two high school friends I would bounce ideas off of. In college, I had roommates and then Sue to talk to. I continue to appreciate my helpmate’s wisdom when making decisions. In addition, God has often given me colleagues and partners in ministry who help me talk things through, see them in perspective, and keep my balance. The second thing I have found helpful is a yearly spiritual checkup. Via de Cristo was a wonderfully refreshing retreat that gave me time to do just that. Other opportunities are available where a person can get away for a few days to self-examine. Another help that I enjoy is journaling, which encourages me to write my thoughts down. Sometimes, I am convinced that God speaks more directly to me when I journal than at any other time. I just put my fingers on the keyboard and let the words fly onto the screen. In all honesty, many of these devotions take shape in that way. As I ponder the four activities and think of my life, I recognize them all as active parts of my life at one time or another. I also must confess that I become unbalanced when I let them slip. I ignore the signs God gives me, the words my helpmate and my friends share with me, and especially the WORD which God’s “still small voice” speaks to my soul. A better question is, “Which of the four activities could I live without and still be balanced?” 


I ask for Your help, O God, that my life might be balanced. Some of these keys are easy for me, and some are not. Give me the abilities and the desire to do all four. Thank You for friends and helpmates, resources for my spiritual well-being, and thoughts to write. Nudge me when I become “unbalanced” so I become “right” with You again. Amen.


Friday, February 9, 2024 - Day 40

Point to Ponder: Living with purpose is the only way to really live.

Scripture - Acts 13:36 - “For David ... served the purpose of God in his own generation.” 

Question: When will I take the time to write down my answers to life’s five great questions? When will I put my purpose on paper?


One of the most depressing jobs I ever had during college was “acting busy.” That wasn’t the job description, but after a few frustrating weeks, one of my co-workers explained that when there were no customers to serve, we stayed on the good side of the boss’s wife by “acting busy.” So we dusted. It was the cleanest store in all of eastern Nebraska! Doing something to “keep busy” does not a “purpose-driven life” make! On the other hand, some of the most interesting and exciting work I have ever done has been exhausting, difficult, sometimes painful, and often frustrating but incredibly fulfilling. I recognize what God has called me to do and make all the difference. When I was ten, I was trying to assemble a piece of machinery I had taken apart. I worked for an hour trying to make the nut go on the bolt, only to have my father pick up another nearby nut and twirl it on with ease. The wrong nut won’t go on the wrong bolt! So, I recognize that when I discover God’s plan for me, I am no longer a square peg trying to force my way into a round hole. I am a “God-given gift” shaped by God to fit perfectly into God’s divine plan! Why not put your pencil/pen to the paper (or your fingers to the keyboard) and ask God to guide you in putting your purpose on paper? 


Sometimes, I don’t like to make commitments, Heavenly Father, especially to You. After my prayer, help me write down my purpose on paper. Help me see Your plan for me and use the gifts You have given me for Your purpose. Thank You for giving me a purpose in my life, serving You in the name of Christ. Amen.

The 40-Day Challenge is over. Tomorrow, we will return to the scriptures suggested by the Moravian Daily Text.


Saturday, February 10, 2024


Isaiah 8:17 – I will wait for the Lord, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob, and I will hope in him.

2 Corinthians 5:7 – We walk by faith, not by sight. 


Two carloads of teens were going to the drive-in theater in Norfolk. Bob and Orville were driving. Bob arrived and had room for another, but I wanted to ride with Orville. He was late. Before taking off, Bob offered me the one last seat, but I chose to wait. I wanted to see the movie, but I wanted to see it with Orville and his friends. He said he’d swing by to pick me up, and I knew he would. Time passed. It looked like I was going to miss everything when I saw the cloud of dust coming over the big hill to the south. It was Orville! I was so glad I took the chance and waited. Waiting for the Lord can be a lot like that. It may seem God will never come, but the promises are sure. Many other “drivers” will offer us a “ride,” but only one Lord and Savior knows the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Only one Lord can take us to the Promised Land because He has already been there to prepare a place for us. Others may be temporarily enjoyable, but the Way of the Lord is eternal. JOY itself! We may not see it now. All we can do is wait patiently with the absolute certainty that God always keeps His Word! Who would you rather ride with into eternity? 


I know patience is a virtue, dear Lord, but sometimes I find it hard to wait. There are times when easier ways than Yours are available. Give me the patience that I need to wait for You, and give me the ability to say no to those easy ways that are not Your ways. Amen. 


Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Transfiguration of Our Lord


Daniel 12:2 – Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 

Mark 12:27 – God is God not of the dead but of the living. 


We had a Gurnsey cow that was a major “kicker.” She had a vicious streak in her that caused everyone in the milk barn to give her a wide berth. Her peripheral vision was terrific, and the aim of her kicking foot was incredible! Rocket scientists could have taken lessons from her. The football coach should have recruited her! We had to tie her kicking leg way back to get a milker close enough to do the milking. Even then, it was a dangerous position to be in. She didn’t give a lot of milk, but what she gave was rich in cream and worth the effort. When she got sick, I, for one, saw no reason to call the vet, other than to put her out of her misery - and ours. However, Mom made it clear she was more valuable to us alive than dead. Alive, she would give valuable milk for many years. Dead, her meat wouldn’t even be useable for food on the table. No doubt that’s God’s attitude about his rebellious people, too. While alive, there is always hope of repentance - of turning around to accomplish God’s plan and purpose. Dead - we are useless to God or anyone else in this world or the next. In this world and the next, God hopes we will stop “kicking” and start serving, fulfilling God’s original plan for our creation and salvation. How would you like to spend eternity - in celebration or contempt? 


Oh, the patience You have for me dear God! There are days in which I spend my time “kicking” and rebelling over Your control of my life. Thank You for Your incredible forbearance of my stubbornness. Let this day be one in which You use me for Your purpose and not my own as I seek to follow in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Monday, February 12, 2024


Isaiah 48:20 – Declare this with a shout of joy, proclaim it, send it forth to the end of the earth; say, “The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob!” 

Romans 3:24 – We are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 


It had been a long trip. We spent ten days in Israel, one day traveling to Jordan, and five days in Egypt. We were exhausted. Some, including Sue, had mild to severe cases of food poisoning. We waited in the airport in Cairo through two delays before boarding a plane to Jordan and our final flight home. The tension of living under the oppressive nature of being out of our element in a Muslim country and the smells of the 2nd filthiest city in the world brought us to appreciate our world so much that when we arrived back in the States, I was ready to give “a shout of joy.” I felt the heavy load begin to lift. I took many deep breaths and felt the blessings of living in a free land again! Those of us who are spiritually aware of what Christ has done for us should experience that joyful freedom each time we hear that our sins are forgiven, each time we pass the peace, and each time we receive the body and blood of the One who died to set us free from sin, death, and the power of the devil. What a load has been lifted from us on the Cross of Christ!!! Pay special attention to the Gifts you receive in worship each week. 


My heart sings with joy, dear Lord, knowing that You have lifted the world’s weight and my sins from me. Make me glad this day as I remember that You have washed me clean from my stench in the waters of my baptism and continue to renew and lift me through Your precious body and blood. I give You thanks for what You have done for me in Christ. Amen. 


Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Jeremiah 23:29 – “Is not my word like fire,” says the Lord, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?” 

2 Timothy 2:15 – Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth. 


Mrs. Anderson was my 6th-grade teacher. She is not high on my “best teachers” list. She had a voice that commanded attention and stimulated the fear of Anderson (if not of God). When she spoke, her voice penetrated even the sleepiest mood. We all sat up and took notice when she spoke, even to a kid in another class! She probably had the record for bringing more kids of all grades to tears than any teacher we had in country school. Her bark and her bite were equally painful. Imagine the power of God’s Word! God spoke, and creation took place. God spoke, and what God spoke WAS. With God’s Word, the sinful world was flooded, and Noah and his family were saved. The sea was parted with God’s Word, and the Hebrews escaped from Pharaoh. With God’s Word, the walls of Jericho fell. With God’s Word and a slingshot, little David made the mighty Goliath fall. With God’s Word, a more mature David united a divided nation. With God’s Word, Israel fell to the Assyrians, and Judah fell to the Babylonians. With confidence in God’s Word, Daniel survived the lion’s den unharmed. With God’s Word, the Babylonian captivity ended. With God’s Word, a Savior was born, and our salvation was sealed. Why would anyone be ashamed to speak God’s Word?!! Why not get to know God’s Word intimately so that you can speak it clearly and with the Power of God standing behind it?!!! 


Sometimes, I forget the power of Your Word, oh God, and the things You can do. Let me ever draw closer to You by studying Your Word so that its power may be a part of my very being. Thank You for Your Word, which became flesh in Jesus, the Christ. Amen. 


ASH WEDNESDAY, February 14, 2024



2 Chronicles 5:13-14 – When the song was raised, with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments, in praise to the Lord, “For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever”...the glory of the Lord filled the house of God. 

2 Peter 1:3 – His divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his glory and goodness. 


As early as I can remember, when I was happy, I sang or whistled. When we were all in the car on our way to the “huge city” of Omaha, always an exciting adventure for our family, Dad had to tell me to stop singing so he could hear if there were a police siren. I sang all the way to Columbus, Nebraska, when we went to pick up Aunt Liz at the train station on her annual visit from California. I whistled and sang all the way home from school the day I found out I would have a classmate. Some people may have thought Jesus exaggerated when He told His critics that the stones themselves would sing if His disciples stopped celebrating His entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. I never did. From personal experience, I understand what it is like to be so happy on the inside that I think even my toenails will sing songs if I don’t. I have been in large church gatherings when the Spirit of God is so alive that even those who can’t carry a tune in a bushel basket are encouraged to open their mouths and fill the house of the Lord with praise and thanksgiving. Once we recognize the glory of the Lord and the blessings God’s divine power bestows on us every day, we can’t help but shout for joy, for we know in our hearts, our minds, and our souls - yes, even in our toenails - “God is GOOD, and His steadfast love endures forever!” Are you ready to sing?!!! 


Let my heart be filled with the joy of a new song today, Heavenly Father, as I celebrate Your love and goodness in my life. As I count all the blessings You have given me, especially the gift of Your Son and Your grace, I cannot help but sing out with joy in praise of You. Amen!



Psalm 73:28 – But for me, it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, to tell of all your works. 

1 Timothy 3:13 – Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus. 


He has MS, with all of its difficulties and limitations. He wrote the most moving poem for his grandfather’s funeral about his memories of the times on the farm when Grandpa Obed would sit with him in the kitchen. Together, they would plan the day, and his grandfather would slowly and patiently walk with him in his braces into the farm yard so that he could “help” with the chores. But of most importance was to be together in the time that they had. How deeply his words reach down into my memories to help me think of those times, when all I needed to do was sit with someone - a grandparent, a parent, a spouse, a friend! In those quiet moments, all was and is well with the world. To be able to be near God is a lot like that, too. How God longs for us to sit with Him - to take the time to talk of the things to be done, to walk together so that He can help, encourage, and protect us. “These are the things I remember.” wrote Kevin. And these are the things I remember and treasure, too. It was not the big showy things. It was not things at all. It was the simple pleasure of the presence of love in the flesh. The Psalmist is right: “It is good to be near God....” Is it time for you to give God time to sit with you? Is it possible God is reminding you that there may be someone else who simply needs you to sit with them? 


Sit with me today, dear God, as we remember together all of Your grace, through pain and sorrow, through joy and gladness, when You have always been with me. As I go about my day, let me remember that You are always beside me to continue this conversation. Amen.


Friday, February 16, 2024


Proverbs 19:17 – He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done. 

Mark 10:21 – Jesus said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” 


Some friends of ours were incredibly generous. They were the kind of people who would literally “give you the shirt off their backs” if you asked! Family, friends, their church, and even strangers could depend on them when needed. Clothes, furniture, books, cookware, and cash were freely given. They were not wasteful, nor did they throw things away on a whim. But they could be depended on to help when there was a need. One night, they had a terrible fire that destroyed everything they had except the night clothes they wore. They were devastated. Then it happened. “The only things we saved,” they told us, “were the things we gave away!” Sure enough, people remembered to return the small treasures they had received from our friends. So much was lost, but so much was gained - and returned - as if their kindness to the poor was indeed “lending to the Lord.” Their reward was more than things. It was a reminder that they were loved and appreciated by those making returns and by the Lord to whom they had been generous. They lacked nothing. They said they could lose it all and still have what was precious to them - their Lord and His salvation, lives, family, and friends! What is really important to you? Is it time for you to lend something to the Lord? 


Forgive me, dear Lord, for when my heart is stingy and I do not want to give away the things You have given me. Open up my eyes so that I might see the needs of others and open up this heart of mine to give freely. Take what you have given me for Your use as I remember Jesus, who gave me everything of any eternal value. Amen.


Saturday, February 17, 2024


Lamentations 3:41 – Let us lift up our hearts as well as our hands to God in heaven. 

Acts 1:14 – They were constantly devoting themselves to prayer, together with certain women, including Mary, the mother of Jesus, as well as his brothers. 


When I was five, I started Sunday School. I already knew some of the stories because Mom had read them to my sister, brothers, and me at nap time. Our family also became more regular at worship, occupying the entire back pew at St. Luke’s. At that age, much of what went on in worship was a mystery. I was fascinated by the pump organ. I loved the singing, although I had to suppress giggles at the screeches of some of the older women. I was in awe of communion and the words, “This is my body. This is my blood....” I was not given anything to taste and see what that was all about. The pieces started falling into place as I grew up physically and spiritually. I can think of two major transitions in my thinking about worship. The first went from “I’ve got to....” to “I don’t know why, but I want to be because there is something I need.” That took place shortly after confirmation. Sometime in my high school years, another transition began taking place, which continues to grow in me, even to this day. “I want to worship to return my thanks and praise to God for what He has already done for me through Jesus!” Even as an ordained pastor, I have experienced those same transitions several times. As that second transition becomes increasingly a part of my life, I fully understand why the early disciples worshiped daily, “devoting themselves to prayer....” They had witnessed the crucifixion and resurrection or knew friends who had. They were so thankful they could think of nothing better to do. Why do you worship? Perhaps you need to make some changes in your thinking too. 


Let this prayer be only one of many that You will hear in my mind, which will come from my lips today, O God. Let these prayers not only ask of You but prayers of worship of You. You are my reason for living; help me reflect that in my worship. Amen.


Sunday, February 18, 2024


Psalm 89:15 – Happy are the people who know the festal shout, who walk, O Lord, in the light of your countenance. 

2 Corinthians 13:11 – Rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. 


Roy Rogers was always my cowboy hero. A few years ago, we visited his museum in California (later moved to Branson, Missouri, and sold), and a flood of great memories surfaced. When I was 10, I loved to play cowboys in the “ghost town” in the trees north of the house. I had a straw hat that wasn’t much like Roy’s, but once it was on my head, I didn’t notice. My problem was guns, a horse, and “Bullet.” The horse was a problem solved by one of our feeder calves. Tipper was our rat terrier, who didn’t look anything like Bullet. When I got a gun and holster set for my birthday, I thought I was in heaven! I was a Roy Rogers cowboy - hat, horse, dog, guns, and outlaws to catch! What would happen if every Christian made Jesus their hero and discovered that God had blessed them with every spiritual gift and every piece of costume needed to be a “Jesus Cowboy (disciple)” with outlaws (unbelievers and other sinners) to love, catch, and convert? Once we discover what God has done for us in Jesus, we should all be ready to “Whoop it up!” (Rejoice!) Undoubtedly, God will be happy to have us as his “partners and posse”! No doubt also, His smiling face will light up our lives with great joy! Ready to ride, partner? “Happy Trails” to you, too! 


I thank You for making me Yours through my baptism, O Lord. Thank You for giving me every spiritual gift and piece of costume that I need in this life. It is with great joy that I “ride” with You, and I am ready to “whoop it up” this day in the name of Jesus, my hero. Amen. 


Monday, February 19, 2024


Joshua 3:10 – You shall know that among you is the living God. 

Mark 15:39 – Now when the centurion, who stood facing him, saw that in this way he breathed his last, he said, “Truly this man was God’s Son!” 


I love music. So, when our new organist and music director in a previous church asked if I minded if she tried to gather some instrumentalists for special music during Advent, I was thrilled. I didn’t know of more than two or three people in the church who played instruments, so my expectations were not great. I thought I’d be happy with three or four instruments playing the simple melody line of Christmas carols. Imagine my happy delight and surprise when 15 musicians began to play incredible four-part harmonies! These gifted people were right there among us, and we didn’t even know it. (Thanks, Miriam!) What a tremendous blessing!!! What a mind-changing, mind-blowing experience it is when Christians discover that God is with us (Emmanuel)! God is not “pie in the sky, by and by!” God is not out there in space somewhere. God is here, in His Word and the Sacraments! God is here among the least of our neighbors! God is here feeling and experiencing our pain, needs, hopes, and dreams! And yes, God is also right here beside us when we sin, say things we shouldn’t, do things we shouldn’t, or think things we shouldn’t. God is here urging, nudging, hoping we will return to acknowledge our relationship with Him and no other. Have you been paying attention to God’s presence, or will you be shocked and surprised to find out God was the one you insulted, shook your fists at, cheated, ignored, etc.? God is with us at this very moment! Thank you, God! 


I give You thanks, O Lord, that You are with me, not only at this moment, during this prayer, but through this day and all my days. I pray that my words will be those of love for You. I ask that You nudge and remind me so I will grow in my relationship with You, my Emmanuel. Amen.


Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Isaiah 50:4 – The Lord God has given me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word. 

Ephesians 4:29 – Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear. 


We are told that the Word of God is like a two-edged sword, bringing both Law and Gospel. We sometimes fail to realize that our words are also like two-edged swords. The words of my parents could cut me down to size when I thought I could get away with being mean to my younger brothers or my sister. I discovered that I had to watch what I said because my own words often came back to hit me. Have you ever squeezed the toothpaste out of a tube and tried to put it all back? Once they are spoken, my words cannot be returned and put back in a tube. My parents’ words could also pick me up and make me feel like a million dollars when they encouraged me for the music I made or my work. When my words are not spoken, when I keep them bottled up inside, they can do no good to bring joy, encouragement, sympathy, or hope to someone who needs to hear them. What a powerful tool God has entrusted us with! Will we use it to sustain the weary with a word, or will we allow it to be used as “evil talk”? It is well for all of us to “watch our words” so that we speak the Word wisely. 


Help me to watch my tongue this day, O Lord. Let me use it to bring joy, hope, encouragement, or sympathy to one who needs those words. Help me be watchful and alert to the person I might encounter today in need of Your love in Jesus’ name. Amen.  


Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Ezekiel 39:7 – My holy name I will make known among my people. 

John 17:26 – Jesus prayed, “I made your name known to them, and I will make it known, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.” 


What’s in a name? My first name is Larry - not Lawrence. I have an uncle, Lawrence, but I have yet to hear him called by that name. Most people know him as “Beezy”. I do not know where that nickname came from, nor does he. I know numerous people who use their middle names instead of their first names for everything. Names in America are often chosen haphazardly because they are popular or cute. However, in many cultures, names are so important that only a priest or a specially chosen person is allowed to bestow a name on an infant. Some children don’t even receive their names for a year or two after birth. Names, in ancient cultures, meant something and conveyed power. The fact that Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, and Paul, to name a few, had their names changed signified that they were changed people. God’s name was so holy it was illegal to speak it, and even today, it is not printed on the scrolls in Jewish synagogues for fear that it might be spelled wrong or printed imperfectly and force the burning of the whole scroll. How valuable is God’s Name to you? Are you a name-dropper when it comes to God, Jesus, or Christ? Do you slip the Name in when angry or frustrated? Or do you, like me, cringe when the precious name of God is misused? May God’s name always be on your lips to give glory to the One who created you, died for you, and loves you with everlasting love, mercy, and grace! 


I give You thanks and praise, Heavenly Father, that You have given me the name of Christian. Forgive me for when I misuse Your name when I am angry or frustrated. I ask that You help me speak of the glory of Your name and my love for it, Holy One. Amen.


Thursday, February 22, 2024


1 Chronicles 28:9 – The Lord searches every mind and understands every plan and thought. 

1 Peter 1:17 – Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. 


I relax by reading science fantasy. One of the scariest ideas in some fantasy books is the idea of someone or a whole race of people who can read minds. They do it by touch or by sight, or in one case, simply by thinking about a person! The downside was that those with that ability had to block other people’s thoughts, or the bombardment of a crowd of thoughts would drive them crazy. In many ways, that fantasy describes the biblical use of the word “naked” – to be exposed. While it is science fantasy for most of us humans (I suspected a couple of my teachers of being mind-reading aliens), it is not science fantasy for God. It is a fact. God reads our deepest, most shameful thoughts, hidden thoughts, and desires. God reads beyond our words to what is in our hearts. We may be able to fake it with other people, but before God, we are utterly “naked”! Are your thoughts and words worthy of the One who loves you? Evil and unclean thoughts enter our minds daily - sometimes several times a day. Our task is not to dwell on them but to take them into our hearts’ depths. As Martin Luther said, “You can’t keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from making a nest in your hair.” May God read in your mind the thanksgiving, the joy, and the commitment to His plan. 


When I think of some of my thoughts, Heavenly Father, I can only fall on my knees in shame. Thank You for Your forgiveness and the cleansing of my heart. Help me not dwell on them and focus on Your wishes for me as I concentrate on Jesus’ name. Amen.


Friday, February 23, 2024


Deuteronomy 16:20 – Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue, so that you may live. 

1 Thessalonians 5:15 – See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all. 


They had battered our fort, torn down one of the walls, and scattered our treasures, not to mention driving us into the jungle! We re-grouped and swore we’d get even. It took most of the afternoon to plan, but when we attacked, the enemy wasn’t expecting it. In a short time, we toppled all of the walls of their fort, destroyed their weapons, and scattered their treasures. Unfortunately, among our treasures, there were some precious stones - marbles - without which we couldn’t play in the marble tournament at school. So, after the war, we were all on our hands and knees, digging in the dirt for the precious marbles. Several were never found. Revenge isn’t sweet. Revenge is destructive of others, and it is also self-destructive. Justice doesn’t demand revenge. Justice calls us to do only good for one another and to let God do the rest. As Luther explains in his explanation of each of the Commandments, there is a “You shall not!” and a “You shall!” The “You shall!” in each of the last seven commandments always encourages us to do what we can to help, protect, or serve our neighbor. Justice, like love, does not tear down but builds up. The good news is that Christ is with us and is willing to help us “seek to do good to one another....” He is willing. Are you? 


I am sorry, Heavenly Father, for those times I tear down those who disagree with me. Forgive my hurtful tongue. I ask that You enable me to build others up with my words and actions instead. Help Your church and our community to live in peace and love for one another, following the example of Jesus. Amen.


Saturday, February 24, 2024


1 Samuel 12:24 – Fear the Lord, and serve him faithfully with all your heart; for consider what great things he has done for you. 

Mark 5:19 – But Jesus refused and said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and what mercy he has shown you.” 


Before TV, one of my favorite night-time activities on the farm was gazing at the stars. Away from the city lights, the Nebraska sky was often a brilliant display of stars. The Milky Way looked like a highway of stalled cars with lights on. We would quickly find the North Star and the Big and Little Dippers. We didn’t know the names of the other constellations. We didn’t even know they had names, so we made up our own. When we tired of giving names to the most prominent stars, like we gave names to our cows, we always wondered how big God was, if He made all of us and all of those stars! It wasn’t until a high school science book described the vastness of space that I realized I had only seen a tiny portion of God’s grand creation. About that time, the connection between that Great Creator God and Jesus also came together for me. Yes, I knew it. But I didn’t know what it meant. God, more grand than my imagination ever dreamed, was also so personal and down-to-earth and cared so much for me that He died for me! I cannot fully describe what that did in me. I was awed. I was thrilled. I was indebted to Him beyond belief. My life purpose, already formulated from confirmation days, took on new meaning. Those words of Jesus to the healed demoniac were for me to: “Go, tell your friends how much the Lord has done....” Have you counted the stars lately? Have you considered how good God has been to you? Have you told anyone? 


O Creator, when I look up and see the vastness of the sky and the number of stars and think of Your greatness and magnitude, it boggles my mind. When I think of Your wonder and greatness, it is remarkable that You would humble Yourself to come to live among us. I thank You that You have and remain with me daily. Thank You for Your greatness and the great love I find in Jesus. Amen. 


Sunday, February 25, 2024


Psalm 77:2 – In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord; in the night my hand is stretched out without wearying. 

John 15:7 – If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 


I know little about computers - enough to get myself in trouble. I have. I’m not that brave in venturing into the realms of cyber science. I usually take a pretty conservative approach to what I do on the computer. We purchased a new printer for the church office several years ago. “No problem!” I thought. “I’ll just load the programs on the computer as I’ve done in the past.” I will not describe in gory detail the headaches, errors, and nightmares that decision brought me. I cannot count the times I had to turn off the computer and start over, losing anything I was working on! “In the day of trouble, I seek the Lord...” the Psalmist declared. I certainly did that, but God only reminded me to read the manual and call the support hotline. After a half hour of “prayer-like” maneuvers, I gave thanks to the tech support guy and an even bigger word of thanks to God! It was a reminder that it helps to have an “insider” who knows what needs to be done. Abiding in Christ provides “instant technical, spiritual support” once we remember to call on Him and follow His directions. We still need to read the instruction manual (the Bible) to understand the language Christ is trying to communicate. Not all problems have simple “computer” answers. Some involve far more complex solutions, and often other people, but the first step to the healing process is “asking whatever you wish” of the One who knows the solutions. Have you been asking the right Person? 


I wonder, dear God, why I go around and around so often, trying to figure out problems in my life, without coming to You. Help me to turn to You and Your manual for understanding. Help me realize that I may never completely understand, but You do, and You will provide. I pray this in the name of my Savior. Amen. 


Monday, February 26, 2024


Jeremiah 31:25 – I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. 

Mark 6:41-42 – Taking the five loaves and the two fish, Jesus looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and he divided the two fish among them all. And all ate and were filled. 


I didn’t like farm life when I was growing up on the farm. I lived it and took it for granted. I didn’t know how good I had it. One of the things I never thought I’d miss about farm life was the strenuous physical labor. Perhaps it wasn’t that so much as the way it was broken up by “lunch breaks.” We had a quick mid-morning break, a fantastic “dinner” break, a mid-afternoon break, and finally supper. These were times when we could rest our weary muscles, refresh our thirsty throats, and get charged up on carbohydrates again. It was also a time when Mom would catch us up on the latest neighborhood gossip, the mail, or telephone calls, and at the same time, we could give her a progress report on how many bales we had loaded, how many rows of corn we had weeded, or how productive the oats had been. In the heat of the summer, these breaks were a necessary blessing that encouraged us to “keep on keeping on.” If we look at our encounters with Jesus in prayer, in worship, and especially in the Word and the sacraments as God’s “lunch breaks,” we would begin to appreciate His presence in our lives as never before. In these events, He comes to us, refreshes us, and encourages us to “keep on keeping on” with the fulfillment of His plan for us. We may not need the empty carbs of junk food and may want more than bread and fish, but we could all benefit from the high-energy spiritual “carbs” that Jesus offers. Are you ready for a break today? 


Refresh me, dear Lord, with Your word and sacraments. Fill me with Your grace and love. Give me the strength that I will need today. Then send me out to refresh the lives of others who need Your spirit. Amen. 


Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Lamentations 3:22-23 – The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. 

Matthew 6:30 – But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you - you of little faith? 


“Skunk” was one of our best-giving milk cows. Other than the fact that she was a black and white Holstein, like most of our other cows, I can’t remember why we gave her that name. She had an enormous udder, which she often had to drag through the muck of the barnyard, and was subject to more cuts, scrapes, and infections than other cows. In addition to giving more milk than other cows, she was a very loving and protective mother at calving times. When her delivery date came near, we had to take extra efforts to ensure she didn’t hide, lest anyone take her calf away. When her calf arrived, she would attack any nearby dog and see to it that we kept our distance, too. Her protective mothering extended to other cows’ calves also. It was amazing to watch her push other cows away so that the newborn could be cared for by its mother. Like a protective mother, God cares for us. We only have to look to the beautifully clothed “grass of the field,” the protective mother animals, and the grace-filled love we have received from our parents to see what we mean to God. His steadfast love was so strong, and His desire to have us safe in His kingdom was so intense that He stepped in front of the raging bull called sin and allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross so that we could have eternal life. What more could we ask? 


I give You thanks for Your protection and love, Heavenly Father. Wrap me in Your love and grace this day. I am humbled by the thought of how much that love cost You. When I think of Your Son’s sacrifice for me, I marvel. Let me never diminish that love by my actions and words. Amen. 


Friday, February 28, 2024


Exodus 35:29 – All the Israelite men and women whose hearts made them willing to bring anything for the work that the Lord had commanded by Moses to be done brought it as a freewill offering to the Lord. 

1 Peter 2:5 – Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 


As a kid, I loved to build with Lincoln Logs and plastic building bricks. I often built such big buildings that I had to create additional logs to fill in the gaps. I built forts, houses, skyscrapers, and churches. It was like being a part of the creation itself! God and me, building something no one had ever seen before. I sometimes searched for the right building materials, returning to finish the grand design. Even in that short absence, my plans could change. There were times when the logs and the little white plastic bricks seemed to come alive. I’d arrange them, but I seldom knew until I was finished what magnificent wonder of the world would emerge. Perhaps I had a glimpse of what God feels when we allow ourselves to be used as the “living stones” in God’s creation. As “living stones,” we may have our idea of what we should be and how we should fit together, but we may have to sacrifice our pre-determined blueprint so that God can use us to create the spiritual house He wants. We need to be receptive so that God’s will can be molded and shaped in and through us. What surprises we may discover!! What joys will we experience as God’s plans and purposes unfold? Are you ready to build God’s way? 


What will You do with me today, O Creator? The future is unknown and a little scary, but I know that You have a master plan and that I am included. Use and mold me so I may do Your will and Your work. Help me not to be afraid, knowing that a glorious surprise awaits me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. 


Wednesday, February 29, 2024


2 Chronicles 16:9 – The eyes of the Lord range throughout the entire earth to strengthen those whose heart is true to him. 

Ephesians 1:18-20 – You may know... what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the working of his great power. God put this power to work in Christ. 


We built a “secret” tree house in the jungle north of the ranch. Scavenging piles of old wood and the remains of an old outhouse, we searched for the other equipment we needed. We found the nails and hammer in the tool shed, some left-over cake and Kool-aide in the refrigerator, and a pane-less window on the pile waiting to go to the dump. We didn’t have an actual drawing. We didn’t even have a single plan. We just started talking our way through an imaginary blueprint and nailed boards where it seemed right to us. We used one of Dad’s log chains and a good rope to haul things up the gigantic tree. After hours of hard work, we had a tree house, but the first person to step on it nearly fell to their death a thousand feet below (the tree leaned way over, so it was only about 4 feet)! About that time, Dad came looking for his chain. He offered to help, and we readily agreed. With some larger nails, a lot of adjusting of boards, and the addition of some well-placed braces, our “secret” tree house was fantastic! God looks out on the works of our hands, sees the problems, and offers to help. Those with a heart for the Lord readily accept, discovering the powerful work of Christ who leads us, corrects our errors, and even secures our home in heaven. Why not ask the master builder to help you plan and build your life? 


O Master Builder, thank You for seeing my mistakes and correcting them out of Your love. Guide me today so that what I do will be pleasing to You. Prepare me for my home with You, but on the way, use me according to Your blueprint, and seek to follow the example of the One who has taken all my wrongs away. Amen.

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