Wednesday, July 17, 2024

March Daily Devotions


Friday, March 1, 2024


Meditation Outline

Read the scripture and meditate on the verse using these questions:

T - (Thanks) What in these verses makes me thankful?

R - (Regret) What do these verses reveal that show my need to confess my sin?

I - (Intercession) What do I need to ask God for in prayer for others and myself?

P - (Purpose/Plan) What action or purpose do these verses encourage me to take?

Note: The Meditation Outline will not appear daily. Please copy it if you use it.



1 Kings 18:37 — Answer me, O Lord, answer me, so that this people may know that you, O Lord, are God, and that you have turned their hearts back.


1 Peter 2:21 — For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you should follow in his steps.



There is a certain thrill I get when recognized by someone I admire. When I was a high school freshman, my uncle was a cool senior! He was captain of the football team and known as an all-around great guy. When he introduced me to his “inner circle,” I grew a foot taller. In college, I worked in a music store where local bands bought their supplies. At a dance, the guitar-playing lead singer recognized me from the stage and gave the impression we were old friends. I felt really important at that moment. (For a part-time “go-fer” and “Jack of all Trades” clerk, that’s big stuff!)  Imagine the thrill we will feel when the Lord acknowledges our personal friendship with Him!!! In my imagining, I think of standing before a judge and jury who have already made up their minds that I am guilty and only want to determine how painfully they can torture and execute me. At that moment, Christ says, “As Lord of lords and King of kings, I declare Larry acquitted and innocent. Any debt he has incurred has been paid in full by Me on the cross! He is my friend and under my protection!” Now that is the kind of Friend we all need! Why not deepen your relationship with Him today?



O Christ, my friend, I thank You for acknowledging me and will acknowledge me when I stand before the judgment throne. I pray that I will always confess that You are my friend who is always with me. Thank You for Your protection and for dying for me on the cross. I pray this in Your Holy Name. Amen.


Saturday, March 2, 2024



Psalm 25:10 — All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his decrees.


1 John 5:2 — By this, we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his commandments. 



My senior year in seminary, we lived in St. Paul, Minnesota. There were no direct routes to our apartment from anywhere, but as long as you were going in the right direction, you could find the major connecting streets. We sent directions when my parents came for my graduation, but they got lost anyway. Because we drove it every day, what seemed so simple to us was extremely confusing to them. They took one wrong turn and ended up in the wrong part of St. Paul. We had to find them and lead them to our home when they called. I also experienced that recently on my travels. I misread a passing billboard and drove around several blocks to find a well-known restaurant. All roads led there. I wasn’t following the correct map. God’s road map was written to lead us Home to Him. No matter where we are on the path, we can reach our heavenly destination by God’s grace. Keeping God’s covenant - God’s directions - is the only sure way to find our Way. As Robert Frost tells us: Two roads diverged in the woods, and I... I took the one less traveled by.... It is not always the easiest or most popular road, but the only sure road to our Creator. As God’s children, we have the map and the directions. Will you follow them?



The map You have laid out for me is often just within my reach, dear Lord. Forgive me when I forget to use Your word to find the direction You would have me go. Even though it may not be the easiest road, help me this day and each day to travel on Your road so I might arrive at my destination safely. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.




Sunday, March 3, 2024




Psalm 78:4 — We will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.


1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 — We were gentle among you like a nurse tenderly caring for her own children. So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves because you have become very dear to us.



In my growing-up years, my parents and grandparents did their best to pass on their spiritual roots to me so I could build on a foundation. I am thankful that my father didn’t follow the typical European pattern of many German men who seemed to “leave the religion to the women.” According to rather sketchy stories, his teen years were not incredibly “spiritual” in nature, but by the time I was on the scene, his influence helped me relate to the many pastors who came and went in our little church. “Little ears make big pitchers,” I’ve been told, and it was true. Along with all the good I “overheard.” there was also the “roast preacher” for lunch. One, in particular, got served up frequently. That information lay in my mind when I started a confirmation class with him. I sometimes had trouble distinguishing the “roasting” from the truth. I discovered the authentic “Pastor” for myself in those classes and on our trip to church camp. He shared the gospel in ways that prepared me for my decision to become a pastor. Best of all, he shared himself with us. He became real and convinced me that Jesus is real, too-Jesus is more than a story. Jesus lives! How well do you share the gospel? Someone has said it is the responsibility of every Christian to share the gospel and even use words, if necessary. Why not try sharing the gospel by sharing yourself with someone who may not understand the words?



There are times, Heavenly Father when my words get the better of me, and I do not spread Your Good News by them. Forgive me. Help me to show the gospel this day by my actions. Use me for Your good, giving forgiveness and grace to those in need. I pray that I might say good words to those who serve You today and that they might recognize the love of Your family. All this I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.



Monday, March 4, 2024



Psalm 19:8 — The commandment of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes.


John 14:21 — They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me, and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.



Our country’s legislative process always boggles my mind. Recently, gun legislation was tacked on to a budget bill and passed without debate. At other times, the strangest laws slip onto the books on the shirt-tails of totally unrelated laws. I won’t even go into the issue of our tax codes. No wonder we need lawyers to figure it all out! We have a Christian friend who is an excellent young lawyer. Tad never shares confidences but has explained how the laws can and are bent out of shape by how they are interpreted. Even speeding tickets, which seem black and white, can be dismissed with suitable logic and the right judge. The laws of God are clear, clean, and straightforward. “Religious” people like to play with them, bend them out of shape, and re-interpret God’s original version, but our righteous JUDGE knows firsthand the letter of the Law and the intent of the Law, as well as the intent of our hearts. We may be able to write human laws or interpret them in a way that gives us “license” to do things our way, but “the commandments of the Lord are clear.” Those who stop kidding themselves and live by God’s command are rewarded with a Friendship and a Friend who will testify on their behalf in the Court that counts! Who do you plan to call for your first witness?



O God, Your commandments are clear; I am to love You above all others and love my neighbor as myself. If I have not put You first in everything, forgive me. If I have not shown love for others, forgive me. Turn my heart and mind so that I am not fooling myself into thinking that everything I do is as You wish for me. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.




Wednesday, March 5, 2024



Isaiah 11:2 — The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.


Mark 1:9-11 — Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”



When my sister was nine, and I was ten, we sang a duet for a 4-H talent contest. Afterward, I overheard my mother talking to a stranger and pointing with pride to her son and daughter. Our parent’s pride in each of their children was expressed freely. After I was ordained, my father introduced me to someone as, “This is my son. He’s a pastor!” Even in the last month of her life, when my mother introduced me to one of her nurses, she proudly added, “he’s a pastor!” As I write, I smile but realize I do the same thing with my children. “This is Dane. He’s an instructor and maintenance supervisor for a large apartment complex.” “This is Dan, and he works for Microsoft.”  I admit, I’m proud of them. So sue me! I know, but only dimly, how proud God was of Jesus. It makes the heart swell with pride. Have you considered that God has that same pride because of you?! In baptism, God adopted you as His precious child. In the same way that my children have not always been perfect and have not always walked the walk I would have chosen for them, all of God’s children can be thankful that God is “slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love;” and that God still claims us and proudly declares us His “beloved”! Knowing how proud God is of us, let us do our best to live a life whose purpose is to please God. 



I am humbled, Heavenly Father when I am reminded of how proud You are of me and to claim me as Your own. Thank You for adopting me through my baptism. It is comforting to know that You will always love me. Help me to live with others so that You are never ashamed of me. In the name of Christ, I call You my Father. Amen.




Wednesday, March 6, 2024



2 Chronicles 30:8 — Do not now be stiff-necked, but yield yourselves to the Lord and come to his sanctuary.


Acts 19:11 — God did extraordinary miracles through Paul.



We had some “stiff-necked” chickens who were bound and determined to roost in the trees instead of the safety of their shed. If we couldn’t catch them and put them in the shed, we’d usually find only their feathers and bones the next day. We had some “stiff-necked” cows who insisted on crawling through barbed wire fences to get better grass, cutting their udders. We also had some “stiff-necked” dogs under the fatal delusion that they could catch the tires of passing trucks. I’ve also known a few “stiff-necked” Christians who insist that the way we’ve always done it is the only way to do it. Working with people who can bend a little and “think outside of the box” is a thrill. Grounded in the Word and supported by their faith in Christ, they can consider possibilities not yet explored. One gracious saint recently declared, “I don’t particularly like some of these changes, but if they encourage some younger people to come to the Lord, I’m willing to live with them.” Paul, “thinking “outside of the box,” allowed God to use him to perform extraordinary miracles. Perhaps God is waiting for all of us to bend a little so that He can do the same through us! Grounded in the Word and firm in our faith, we have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Thanks be to God! 



I ask for Your forgiveness, O God, when I think of others as the ones who are “stiff-necked” and forget that many times, it is I who fails to bend. I thank You for Your grace and love. Mold me and shape me with Your love and understanding. I pray this in the name of my Savior. Amen.



Thursday, March 7, 2024



Isaiah 40:15 — Even the nations are like a drop from a bucket and are accounted as dust on the scales.


Ephesians 3:19 — Know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.



Sometimes, we major in minors and forget to keep the main thing the main thing. I know I have. When I went fishing with my uncle at age seven, I lost interest in the bobber and followed the trail of a four-legged creature I never found. The tiny sunfish would have escaped if my uncle had not been nearby. At the beginning of my senior year in college, I worked two jobs while trying to keep my grades up. At times, one or the other job took longer than I could afford to take from my studies. One of my bosses saw the problem before I did. He reminded me what my “main thing” was and let me reduce my hours. The church makes the same mistake when we forget our divine purpose as the “body of Christ.” We can become so busy with programs that we forget people. We can become more concerned about following the rules of tradition or following the likes and dislikes of society. At the same time, we forget our mission and the importance of discovering the best way to carry it out. When we listen to the Word and hear the Voice of the Lord, we are called back to the major things, and we encourage one another to remember the “Main Thing!” Isaiah knew that great nations were not the main thing - they were mere dust. St. Paul knew the only “Main Thing” that matters is the love of Christ. What is the “main thing” in your life? 



Call me back, dear God, to what should be the “main thing” in my life - which is You. I pray that I might not get so busy today that I miss out on the opportunities You give me to love You and others. Help me focus on loving Your children, especially those with whom I am having difficulties. In the name of Jesus. Amen.



Friday, March 8, 2024



Deuteronomy 23:5 — The Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you because the Lord your God loved you.


Mark 5:34 — Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your disease.”



The blizzard of 1950, when I had to stay overnight in school, could have been a curse, but I saw it as a blessing because we got to use colored chalk on the blackboard. We had a feast when a farmer brought us food, and I got to stay with my grandparents the next day. The accident in which a large truck sideswiped us while my son was driving, sending our car into a 360-degree spin on a busy highway before ending in a ditch 50 feet away from a steep mountain drop-off, could have been a fatal disaster, but thanks be to God, we walked away with minor injuries. The curse was that it totaled our car when we could not afford to buy a new one, but the blessings flowed in abundance as it drew us closer to our son, and we found friends who came to help in our time of need. Every bad thing that happens in our lives can be seen as a curse, but it can also be a source of great blessing. Joseph declared God turned the curse of being sold by his brothers into slavery into the blessing of being able to save his family from famine. Moses declared that God turned the curse Balaam spoke against God’s children into a blessing. Jesus turned a woman’s constant bleeding into the blessing of wholeness. In the same way, Jesus waits for us to turn our “curses” over to Him so that He can turn them into blessings. Would you rather hold on to them, or are you ready to give them up to Jesus so He can fill you with joy again? 



There are many times when I only see the things happening to me as a curse, Heavenly Father. Open my eyes to see that you are still active and at work in me and my world during those times. I give all of these negative things to You and pray that You will make them into blessings. In your Son’s name, I pray. Amen.



Saturday, March 9, 2024



Malachi 3:2 — But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears?


Mark 13:35 — Therefore, keep awake - for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or at dawn.



Our college band director warned us that a very important friend of his who had survived the Titanic was coming to visit and would be playing with our band. He told us all about his friend’s many awards and achievements. Then he encouraged us to practice, practice, practice! As the date approached, we felt somewhat intimidated and wondered if we could meet his standards. When the day arrived, we were as ready as possible, and our guest trumpeter was incredibly skilled but equally gracious and encouraging. We were not put down. We were lifted up and left the experience feeling good about ourselves. The day of the Lord will be like that. The Lord doesn’t expect us to do anything; He has not given us the gifts to do. He expects us to practice using those gifts to be (play) in harmony with Him whenever He comes. Our only reason for being nervous or uptight about the Day of the Lord is that we have been too busy doing our own thing to practice doing God’s thing and fulfilling God’s purpose for us. May the joyful expectation of that great Day fill you and bless you. 



I praise You with all my heart and soul, dear Lord, for Your graciousness and love for me. Thank You for the many gifts that You have given me. Help me see them, practice with them, and then use them to serve You. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Sunday, March 10, 2024



Joshua 24:18 — We also will serve the Lord, for he is our God.


1 Corinthians 4:1 — Think of us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries.



Tom Sawyer got his friends to pay him to do his work. I’ve often admired Tom for that. I never convinced my sister or brothers that my chores were “fun.” It could have been because I wasn’t a good actor and didn’t enjoy doing them myself. As a pastor, I suppose that is what I’m supposed to do - get church members so convinced that being servants of Christ is so exciting that they’d happily pay to do the work of Christ in the world. Of course, that is what every Christian, not just pastors or church councils, are supposed to do - convince the world that living the life of a servant of the Lord is the greatest, most exciting, most challenging, and most rewarding opportunity anyone could hope for. Sadly, we’re not ready to join Joshua like the Israelites were when he challenged them: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” They all jumped on the bandwagon, ready to die for the Lord and serve His cause. We can become complacent, and the church can become weak and weary when we forget our purpose and the reward already deposited by Christ in Heaven’s bank! Are you ready to re-enlist? Are you prepared to get excited enough to encourage others? 



 I am sorry that I let other things keep me from that joy of serving You, dear Lord. Fill me with great joy, excitement, and a desire to serve you. Stir your Spirit within me and help me share that excitement with others. In the name of the Christ, I pray. Amen.



Monday, March 11, 2024



Isaiah 41:16 — Then you shall rejoice in the Lord; in the Holy One of Israel you shall glory.


1 Peter 1:8 — Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy.



When I was ten, one of my best friends was Roy Rogers. He and I rode together, caught many bad guys, saved many people from death, and talked about all sorts of things. Of course, I never actually saw him with my eyes, but my greatest cowboy hero was never far away when my imagination kicked in. I was thrilled when we got our first black and white TV, even though reception was usually very poor. My friend Roy had his own show, which I hated to miss. Knowing “our” show would be on would spur me to get my chores done quickly and efficiently because I knew I couldn’t watch unless they were done. Even today, the song “Happy Trails” brings up good feelings and makes me smile. Though I’ve only seen him on TV and in the movies, he was a boy’s best human friend. Now that I’m a man, I’ve put away “childish” things (sort of!) and know that Jesus has always been my best friend. I’ve only seen Him in my heart, the love I have found in my beloved’s eyes, the helping hand of my friends on earth, and the happy glow of children. But I rejoice when I can share communion with Jesus and Ione, Margaret and Harlan, Paul, Elenora, Ardyth, Bill and Rhoda, and....! What a thrill to know that Jesus will not ride away into the sunset but will create new sunsets and the Great Sunset that will turn into a Great Sunrise. 



You are my hero, dear Lord. I give praise and thanks that You are always by my side. As I ride into the sunset of life, I know You will always be with me. Each time I take Your body and blood in the bread and wine of communion, remind me that You are present, along with Your other saints, living and dead, who surround me. I pray this in your name, O Christ. Amen.




Tuesday, March 12, 2024



Psalm 51:1 — Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy, blot out my transgressions.


John 3:16 — For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.



Bankruptcy is a horrible experience for anyone to have to go through. I know some wonderful people who have had that experience. The farm crisis brought it to some when the land they bought for a high price on credit dropped to a fraction of its value. Poor planning and budgeting were the cause for others. Regardless of the reason, financial bankruptcy results in an admission that the person is worth nothing! Emotions peak with anger, fear, resentment, and depression, followed or accompanied by a feeling of incredible emptiness. For some who have experienced it, there comes a moment of acceptance and relief that it is finally over. Life can begin again, even from the bottom of the pit. We can also experience “spiritual bankruptcy” in our lives. Many people live in misery or moral corruption their whole lives, never seeing the true Light. Only when we finally confess that we need God’s steadfast love and mercy can we accept God’s grace, the sacrifice of Christ, and the blessings He offers. Lenten worship is designed to help us discover our spiritual bankruptcy so that we can look to the cross and embrace the Bank of Heaven, where our salvation - our true treasure - was deposited by Christ the Lord. Need a spiritual lift? Why not let the Lord do what you cannot do for yourself? 



I come to You on my knees, Heavenly Father, knowing that only through Your grace can I accomplish anything worthwhile. Please help me in those times of sorrow, sadness, and depression. Help lift me out of the pit that I sometimes fall into. Into Your hands, I place my body and soul. In the name of my Savior, I pray. Amen.



Wednesday, March 13, 2024



Isaiah 25:5 — The song of the ruthless was stilled.


Luke 1:51-52 — He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly.



They were cut-throats who had viciously destroyed our snow fort. We spent all morning building the fort, stocking it with snow bombs, and preparing for the battle scheduled for the afternoon war. My uncle and his gang were convinced we could stand against anyone or anything! We scattered for lunch, leaving our fortress unprotected, believing the other gang would do the same, but when we returned, all we found was a mass of scattered snow. When we found the other gang to call them “cheats,” they mocked us and bombarded us with some of our own “snow bombs.” We retreated, huddled, planned our attack, and armed ourselves for a surprise head-on offensive. Pretending to have given up, we approached but charged when we were within “artillery” range. The result wasn’t pretty, but the proud and the mighty were brought down and utterly defeated! Sin and evil seem to get the upper hand in our lives occasionally. Rulers and terrorists alike make claims of supremacy. They may even be ruthless in their actions. The good news comes to us from a lowly teenage girl that a child, still unborn, will bring the mighty down from their powerful positions. We may be alarmed by how the rich and powerful wield their earthly power, but their days are numbered, and the One who has the real Power will set things right. Whose side will you be on? 



I look around and see that things are not as they should be, that it would appear Your enemies are winning. At those times, I forget Your incredible power and might, dear Lord. Let me trust in Your might and eagerly await Your day. I pray that I might bring hope and justice to those I meet this day. In the name of Christ, the King, I pray. Amen.




Thursday, March 14, 2024



2 Samuel 12:9 — Why have you despised the word of the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight?


Romans 7:18-19 — I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do.



My computer and I are friends again. We have not always gotten along. I had some problems with a program that messed up several other programs. The more I worked with it, the more frustrated I became and the further from a solution I seemed to be. I knew what needed to happen, but I could not make it happen. Enter the computer doctor! With the practiced skill of a brain surgeon, he discovered the problem and fixed it! Sometimes, our spiritual lives are like that. They are off-center, and despite our best intentions or our best resolutions, we can’t fix them ourselves. St. Paul wasn’t a computer programmer, but he knew the human condition inside and out and the wages of sin. From Adam and Eve to the disciples closest to Jesus, the sinful nature of humankind could not be overcome. St. Paul also knew the only solution to that condition - the grace and mercy of a loving God. Are you struggling to do what seems totally out of your capability? Why not trust the One who loved you enough to die for you and who has the Power and Authority to set things right? 



There are many times when I struggle with You, O God. When I acknowledge my inadequacies, my Creator, You come to me, make everything new, and set things right again. I give You thanks for fixing what is wrong between You and me. Take care of whatever I need so that I might be spiritually healthy once more. In the name of Christ. Amen.



Friday, March 15, 2024



Psalm 130:1-2 — Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.  Lord, hear my voice!


Mark 10:48, 51 — Bartimaeus cried out, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” ...Then, Jesus said to him, “What do you want me to do for you?”  The blind man said to him, “My teacher, let me see again.”



King David hit the depths of depression. He was a wanted man, a hunted man. King Saul had even left his palace to hunt David down. The future looked darker than the cold, dirty cave he was hiding in. He had no place else to go. Out of these depths, he cried to the only One who had not deserted him. Blind Bartimaeus had tried all the cures, but nothing worked. He, too, had hit the pits of depression and cried out to the only glimmer of hope he could. I know their desperation, having been there myself on several occasions, once due to “burnout,” once due to tight finances, and twice due to health problems. Out of the depths of despair and out of the depths of our beings, we finally look up because there is no further down we can go. It is here that even those with addictions discover their need and desire for help beyond themselves. It is sad when we have to be so far down before we call out to the only One who has the power and grace to lift us up and save us. God did that for Abraham, Moses, the children of Israel, David, and many of the prophets. Jesus did that for a blind man, a woman caught in adultery, lepers with living death, Peter sinking beneath the waves and later wracked with guilt for his denials, and for me time and time again. When will we ever learn not to wait? May we begin each day by asking our Lord to walk with us, to talk with us, to heal us, and to bless us so that we may bless others! 



I lift up my eyes and hands to You, Heavenly Father. Save me from the depths that I find myself in. Open my eyes so that I might see the light of Your grace. Help me not to despair but to trust in You. Walk beside me and lead me, teaching me the way You would have me go. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.




Saturday, March 16, 2024



Psalm 38:18 — I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin.


Luke 19:8 — Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, “Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.”



He had wrecked the family car. It wasn’t his fault, but since he was driving, he accepted the responsibility like a man. He suffered the consequences that went along with the loss of a car, including having to ride the infamous school bus, on which no one in his class would be caught dead. Because of the additional expenses involved, he gave up the thought of attending a camp he really wanted to participate in. When his parents showed him the signed camp registration to which the check was attached, he was near tears and declared, “I don’t deserve to go! You don’t have to do this!” “No,” they agreed, “we don’t, but we want to.” In the same way, the Psalmist discovered the outrageous goodness of God and confessed his sins, and Zacchaeus was driven to respond to Jesus’ coming to his house. Both acknowledged their unworthiness in response to what God was doing in their lives. That’s what worship is all about. It is our response to the overwhelming goodness of God. Have you discovered God’s goodness in your life? How will you respond? 



My mind is boggled at Your terrific love for me, Heavenly Father. I know my treatment of others is far from what You want; I know there are many times when I think of my own needs and do not put You first above everything else. There are even times when I think I’m pretty darn good and have no need of redemption. Forgive me. Come to my house today and bless me with Your presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen




Sunday, March 17, 2024



Isaiah 49:3 — The Lord said to me, “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified.”


John 4:22 — Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.



In the “ancient of days” when I went to country school, we had several teachers who graduated from high school with a “teacher’s certificate”. That certificate allowed them to teach school while attending college classes in the evenings or during the summer while working on a degree. Several of them made it very clear that our grades, standardized test scores, and behavior when the county superintendent came to visit would reflect on her. Therefore, she expected us to study especially hard so that she would get good grades, too. To some extent, it worked, and to some extent it was true. The Lord expressed a similar attitude through the prophet Isaiah. As servants of the Lord, we reflect God’s glory to the world around us, especially unbelievers. The Samaritan woman is told the same thing by Jesus, declaring that the Jews do so by worshiping what (Whom) they know. What does failure to worship say to or reflect to the world? Better yet, do the unbelieving world and our inactive friends see God’s glory reflected in us when we glorify God? Serving God and serving God’s children in need lights a fire that shatters the darkness. May God be glorified in you today and every day! 



Shine in me today, O Christ, through the Spirit You have placed within me. Let others see You in me by my words and be supported by my actions. Let them know what a wonderful and gracious God You are by helping me to forgive others as You have forgiven me. Help me to be a beacon in the darkness that might surround them. In Your Holy Name, I pray. Amen.




Monday, March 18, 2024



Jonah 2:2 — I called to the Lord out of my distress, and he answered me.


Mark 5:36 — Jesus said to the synagogue leader, Jairus, “Do not fear, only believe.”



Farmers can be considered the biggest gamblers in the world or the most incredible people of faith alive. In good years and bad, in wet years and drought, they take steps of faith with every crop, every animal, and every piece of machinery. No wonder Jesus used agriculture as the subject of many parables! This past year provided a classic example for many farmers. Last winter was particularly dry. The few snows we had came with winds that blew the snow off the fields and into drifts. The spring rains came late and, for our area, too little. There were no better promises from the weather people. Planting in such dry conditions could have meant the loss of thousands of dollars worth of seed, fuel, and fertilizer, not to mention the countless hours of labor and the wear and tear on the equipment. Mighty prayers were prayed, and every farmer I know took the leap of faith, trusting that God would answer. The summer drought and heat made some very anxious when the few rains we had came in such small amounts, sometimes only settling the dust. In faith, they planted. In faith, they cared for the crops. On the surface, the harvest didn’t look too promising, but to the joyful amazement of many, the harvest was excellent! Are you taking daily steps of faith in your life? Are you hearing Jesus say, “Do not fear, only believe.”? 



I ask that You give me the faith to put all my trust in You, dear Lord. Help me take not only a step in faith today but also a leap of faith. Help me not fear what lies ahead but trust in Your mercy and love, believing that You will be beside me throughout all that happens. I pray this, trusting in the name of my Savior. Amen.




Tuesday, March 19, 2024



Psalm 5:3 — O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I plead my case to you and watch.


Mark 1:3 — In the morning, while it was still very dark, Jesus got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed.



One of the things I’ve admired about our American Indian friends is the attitude passed on to them generation after generation of greeting each morning with a prayer of thankfulness. The head of the family first opens the door and offers his prayers in the four directions. Not every family faithfully follows the tradition of their elders, much like many Christians who have not followed the teaching of their spiritual heritage. The American Indian tradition, however, is straight out of the Old Testament, a tradition practiced by Jesus and passed on to us. I’ve wondered what a different world this would be if we all rose early in the morning, offered prayers of praise and thanksgiving before we started our day, and began accumulating our list of wants, needs, and demands! It may be an exciting challenge for us to try to do that for a while - perhaps a month. Why not commit yourself to a brief prayer of thanksgiving first thing on rising? Let it not be “Good Lord! It’s morning!” but rather, “Good morning Lord! Thank You....!” 



Good morning, Lord! Thank You for this new day and for giving me life. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me another opportunity to praise and serve You in all I do. Help me continually worship You in everything that I do. Let it be for Your glory. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.




Wednesday, March 20, 2024



Psalm 46:10 — Be still and know that I am God!


John 8:32 — You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.



Quiet time was difficult to observe when I was growing up. Mom insisted on it at “nap” time when she read to us from the Bible storybooks she bought from a traveling salesman. Many times, I had to fight sleep to hear the whole story. My younger brothers and sister didn’t even try. On those days when I couldn’t sleep, I had to be quiet so they could sleep. I’d often go out to my favorite quiet place and relive the Bible stories in my mind, thinking about how great it must have been for Moses, Joseph, David, and the other Bible heroes to have God on their side. Once, I took God to my fort in the trees, where we fought some “Enamelkites” (Amalakites)! God loaded my stick guns for me and shot lightning arrows at them so we defeated a thousand zillion of them before I heard my sister calling for me. I put to music the words of a poem written by the grandson of a man for his funeral: “To sit with you, just to sit with you...  These are the things I remember... I hold dear in my heart!” We live in a noisy world. Elijah didn’t hear God in the wind, the earthquake, or the thunder. He heard God in the stillness. Have you given God your quiet times so that He can speak the truth to you and set you free? 



I am so used to noise around me, whether it be the radio, TV, a friend, or a family member, it is sometimes hard to have only silence. Quiet me, dear Lord, that I may take the time to listen to Your voice and be silent long enough to hear You speak to me. Come to me in the quietness of the day. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Thursday, March 21, 2024





Zephaniah 1:7 — Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand.


1 Peter 4:7 — The end of all things is near; therefore, be serious and discipline Yourselves for the sake of Your prayers.



Many parents cringe when their children come to join me for the children’s sermon. Some more than others because they have children who are unafraid to talk to me. They would be quite happy if their child memorized Zephaniah’s words, “Be silent before the Lord God!” and did just that! I can sympathize more than you can imagine. I had one who never stopped talking and had no inhibitions when talking to “DAD” during children’s sermons! Parents in the pews can at least hide and slip under the pew when something embarrassing happens. Not me! However, silence before the Lord has more to do with showing quiet respect and incredible awe in the presence of holiness. God already knows the secrets of our chattering hearts. There are no hidden embarrassments. On the Day of the Lord, we need no words to defend ourselves, for God’s Word speaks the truth in love. Our “discipline of silence” calls on us to humbly submit to the grace and mercy of our Creator. Have things you want to say to God? May your prayers rise before God like incense now so that they’ll already be there on the Day of the Lord, and you can bow down in silence. 



I come to You today, O God, trembling and silent at the thought of Your greatness. I pray that I might not become lax in my respect for You and in Your message to me. You, who can read all my thoughts, many of which I am embarrassed even to admit are mine, pour Your grace and mercy upon me. I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.




Friday, March 22, 2024



Psalm 119:105 — Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.


Acts 4:29-30 — ...Lord, grant to your servants to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.



When I was ten, I received an Erector Set for Christmas. Aside from the Roy Rogers gun and holster set I received another year, it was my best gift. I played with it a lot. It came with diagrams of several projects I could make. The windmill became my biggest challenge. I must have worked for three days trying to build it. Finally, I told Dad it would never work. Dad took one look, pointed, and said, “There’s our problem.” That was all it took. The proverbial light bulb popped on over (or in?) my head. I had attached the wrong pieces for braces, leaving me short pieces for other things and having angels that wouldn’t work. God’s word is like that for those with ears to hear. It may be a word of correction, a word of encouragement, a word of hope, a word of direction, or a simple word of truth. Peter and John discovered the incredible power of God’s word in Jerusalem, where so many people witnessed the miracle of the word that even the authorities could not act. The prayer of Peter and John in Jerusalem is one I pray every Sunday as I prepare for worship: Lord, grant Your servant to speak Your word with all boldness while You stretch out Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of Your holy servant Jesus. I wish every church member would pray those words every Sunday for their pastor and themselves. Are you daring enough to do so? 



O Lord, let me not be afraid of Your word, but listen to it carefully, listening for those directed to me, whether in encouragement, correction, hope, or warning. Give Your words today that I might speak Your truth to others. I also pray for my pastor that You might give them the words to say so that they might proclaim Your message boldly when we gather to worship You. Amen.




Saturday, March 23, 2024



Psalm 31:23 — Love the Lord, all you his saints.


1 Corinthians 3:17 — For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.



I loved my parents as a kid. Although I might have grumbled about it, I would have done anything for them. I must admit that there were times during my teenage years when I was convinced they were in “La La Land,” way behind the times, or just plain dumb! But they grew out of it, just like I did when our kids were that age. My great amazement now is hearing that I’m a lot like my parents in looks and actions. Genetically, there is truth to that thought. They shared their DNA with me, so in a sense, I have them in me. As children of God, we have that relationship with our Heavenly Father. God’s DNA is in each of us! We are God’s place of residence - God’s temple. In one sense, that is comforting. God is always with us, down to the tiniest molecules in our bodies. In another sense, it is unnerving. God is always with us. We can’t leave God in the pew when we leave worship. We can’t leave God on the shelf with our Bibles while we go out into the world to break His commandments. Everywhere we go, everything we do, and every word we say is on record in God’s heart, which reads our heart like an open book. How much do you really love the Lord your God? Enough to treat your body as God’s temple? Enough to honor God with everything you say and do and in every place you go? 



Knowing that You will be with me today and inhabit my very being is comforting. It is also scary knowing that You will know my thoughts, hear everything I say, and see all my actions, O Lord. I pray that everything I do today, everything I do with my body, and every thought will please You. In the name of Immanuel, God with us, I pray. Amen.




Sunday, March 24, 2024



Ezekiel 37:26 — I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them.


2 Corinthians 5:19 — In Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us.



As kids, we made many peace treaties with our enemies. It usually occurred at lunch, snack, or chore times. We were not into making “blood covenants,” but we were pretty intense about the ones we did make, promising to stick needles in our eyes and hoping to die if we broke them. Most were “time sensitive” - ending at a specified time. We never actually stuck needles in our eyes, and the only ones we hoped would die were our enemies, but only until after the battle. God takes His covenants and “peace treaties” with us far more seriously. Throughout recorded biblical history, God has never broken a single covenant. On the other hand, God’s people have seldom kept their covenants. Like the farmer who, during a drought, promised to be faithful in worship and giving God a tithe if he had a good crop. He had an excellent crop but forgot his promise and decided he was just “lucky.” If we’re honest, we could all think of similar promises we’ve made in moments of desperation. Our failures are often dismal. However, the One who always keeps His promises has only one objective: to reconcile the world to Himself. For God, it means a willingness to wipe the slate clean repeatedly. What do you say and do when your debt is deleted from the files by one Man’s death on a cross for you? What do you say and do when you kneel at the foot of the cross, reminded of the covenants and treaties you have failed to keep? 



I fall before You, Heavenly Father, admitting the many promises I have made to You and others that I have forgotten or neglected and broken. Forgive me. Thank You for that forgiveness and for taking Your promises to me seriously. Help me live up to the ones made in my baptism and reaffirm them today. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.




Monday, March 25, 2024



Isaiah 38:19 — Fathers make known to children your faithfulness.


Colossians 3:21 — Fathers, do not provoke your children, or they may lose heart.



Recent studies have confirmed what earlier studies concluded and what ancient wisdom teachers and prophets alike declared: “Parents have a great deal of influence on their children’s spiritual development - both positive and negative.” I doubt I would be where I am today had my parents not been willing to encourage me in my relationship with the Lord, especially when I could have “found better things to do.” Mothers play a significant role in raising children, but the role modeling of fathers has, statistically, had even more influence! Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but I thank God for both my parents’ roles. Even when we as parents feel like failures for our children during those growing-up years, we can be confident that the Holy Spirit is not done with them yet. We have planted the seed. We have led by example. Now, it is for them to one day discover the blessings we have tried so desperately to pass on to them. However, even when they leave home, they keep our way of life in sight. How is your relationship with the Lord? How faithful have you been in worship, prayer for your children, and Bible study? Have you become slack once your children were confirmed? They will follow your example. What will that be? 



Thank You for the gift of my parents, dear Lord, and for those who, by their example, let me into Your loving arms. Thank You also for the opportunity when I am around children to help lead them to You. Remind me that my actions today and every day will be seen by “little eyes,” so make those actions pleasing to You. In the name of my Savior, I pray. Amen.



Tuesday, March 26, 2024



1 Samuel 12:20-21 — Samuel said, “Serve the Lord with all your heart, and do not turn aside after useless things that cannot profit or save.”


Matthew 6:24 — You cannot serve God and wealth.



We had a neighbor who had a drinking problem. He was a progressive farmer in many ways. He built up a dairy herd and renovated the barn to go with it. He had the latest in milking equipment and sold Grade A milk. The problem was that more and more of his time, attention, money, and concentration were focused on his drinking. Only by the grace of God and a loving family did he stay out of bankruptcy. When he finally came to grips with the fact that he was an alcoholic, his family decided to clean up his many “hiding places.” They found whole and partial bottles of booze hidden in every building and every nook and cranny of the farm. The God he was serving (the “spirits”) had consumed him as he consumed them. While that may be an extreme example, our little “gods” distract us from the God of our Salvation. Only you or someone close to you can name those gods; if you’re like me, you’ll deny they rule any part of your life. It takes a lot to reach the point of total honesty and a new commitment to the only One who can save us. Have you taken an inventory of the gods in your life? Can you honestly declare that 100% of your life - every area of your heart, mind, body, and soul is committed to serving the Lord? 



I know I need to be honest with You, O Lord, and to admit all the gods that take precedence in my life. Help me to understand what they are and what they do with our relationship. Be my only God, and let me be Your faithful child. Take my life and whole being so I may be genuinely committed to You. I pray this in my Savior’s name. Amen.




Wednesday, March 27, 2024



1 Samuel 17:37 — Go, and may the Lord be with you!


 Mark 6:7 — Calling the Twelve to him, he sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits.



In God’s Trombones, God declares, “I’m lonely. I’ll make me a man!” In Genesis, God declares, “It is not good that man should be alone...” And God created woman. Anyone who has lost a spouse will tell you God was right. Two may not be able to live as cheaply as one, but one alone is a very lonely number. Shepherds were alone with the sheep for weeks and months, often not even having another human to talk to. David was glad to have the Lord as his shepherd in those times and others. God knew the importance of companionship. As a child, I remember the fear of going into a dark room alone and how it was not nearly as scary if anyone was with me. I thank God daily for giving me such a fantastic “help mate” as Sue. I am thankful for a congregation that shares the burdens and joys of ministry. Roy Rogers had Dale Evens, the Lone Ranger had Tonto, and Batman had Robbin, but I am thankful that God has been my constant Companion, even before I was born, and will be the One to greet me when it is my time to go Home. I am thankful that God has blessed me with the friendship of Jesus, whose constant Companionship gives me the confidence to face life’s challenges and every evil spirit. May the Lord be your Companion also - always! 



Thank You, Lord, for being with me, even as I was born and each day of my life. Thank You for making me a part of Your family and placing me among others so I do not feel so lonely. Let me reach out to others who are lonely so that they may feel Your love and companionship. Amen.




Thursday, March 28, 2024



Psalm 18:32 — It is God who arms me with strength.


2 Timothy 1:7 — For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline. 



The farm was (and still is) a great teacher and disciplinarian. A fool might be able to declare himself a self-made man, but farmers are not fools. Some may forget the lessons and have to be reminded, but one bad year can be a pretty good reminder of Who is in control. As early in my life as I can remember, when asked why he had such a good crop, Dad would reply, “I always plant three seeds in every hill: one for the birds, one for the good Lord, and one for me. It never fails!” My mother was not afraid, either, to let people know that “the Lord rode with her” and helped her survive the attack of a charging bull, a potentially fatal tractor accident, and numerous near catastrophes. Some of the best stewards I’ve ever known were farmers who may not have had a nickel to give their child for a Saturday night treat but would take out a loan to make sure their tithe was kept up because they had no doubts whatsoever that it was God who created the soil, seed, and rain; it was God who nurtured the seed and gave it the energy to produce a hundredfold. With such boldness, they declared that God had given them the strength and perseverance to farm the land. Many of them have passed away, but the lessons they learned were passed on to their sons and daughters. God gave us all that same spirit of power, love, and self-discipline to pass on to future generations. How are you doing?  



When I look at the vastness of Your creation, O God, I realize who is in control, and it’s not me! Give me the faith and strength to persevere this day, knowing that You are a gracious God who has always cared for me. Be with farmers and all of us as we do our work today. In the name of Christ. Amen.




Friday, March 29, 2024



Psalm 129:2 — Often have they attacked me from my youth, yet they have not prevailed against me.


2 Corinthians 4:9 — We are persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.



In the fall of my second-grade year at Canfield School, District #35, we played “Hide-n-Seek.” I was “it”. I got several people “out” before they reached “home,” but several of the faster runners beat me back once I discovered their hiding place. I had trouble finding one of the “big kids.” When I did see him hiding, he didn’t see me until I was halfway back, so I got him “out.” My reward was a punch in the stomach when the teacher wasn’t looking. That entire day was a bad day for me. A rubber band stung the back of my neck, a well-placed tack on my seat caused a puncture wound I wasn’t about to show the teacher, and one of my assignments got mysteriously ripped, so I had to redo it. Fortunately, one of the other “big kids” saw what was happening and started defending me. I was so relieved to know I was not alone I almost cried. I think I did. Whether it’s bullies or bosses, co-workers or classmates, terrorists or teasers, the effect can be the same. We can feel forsaken and forgotten. The early Christians knew persecution we cannot imagine, yet they knew the Lord would not let them down, nor would they be utterly destroyed. They could face the wild animals and gladiators, the whip, the cross, the burning stake, the boiling oil, the prisons, and the hangman’s noose and still sing songs of victory. The one thing no one and nothing could take away from them was their relationship with their Lord and Savior. How is your relationship with your Lord? 



I am sorry that sometimes I have persecuted others, Heavenly Father, by what I have said or acted. Help me to heal the hurts that I have made. Save me, O Lord, when I am being persecuted. Thank You for Your presence and the knowledge that no matter what happens, You will protect me as You have promised. Amen.




Saturday, March 30, 2024



Jeremiah 17:14 — Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved.


1 Corinthians 6:20 — For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.



A doctor friend of ours pointed out once that, as a doctor, he doesn’t heal anyone. “I do all I can to remove the bacteria, the blockage, or the weakness, but only God can heal.” The more I’ve thought about his statement, the more I understand what he said. I have had surgery to correct a problem with breathing through my nose, but it took more than surgery to heal my body. I’ve taken numerous medicines and nutritional supplements that have aided my body in the healing process, but the truth is, God did the healing. I have been saved from certain death in an accident, from financial ruin from a bad investment, from a mauling by a vicious attacking Siamese cat, from being hopelessly lost in a foreign country, from losing my wallet to a pickpocket in Chicago. From numerous other disasters, but in truth, the price of my salvation was bought and paid for by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As Martin Luther points out in the Small Catechism, once we realize how much God has done for us and loves us, our response must be to thank, praise, serve, and obey Him. “This is most certainly true!” To whom do you give credit for your healing and the saving of your soul? 



Thank You, O God, that no matter what happens to this body I have now, Your love gives me eternal life. I praise You with my entire being. Because of Your great love for me, use me and let me serve You this day. I pray that I might put You first in everything and that I serve others in Your name. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.




Sunday, March 31, 2024



Psalm 84:1 — How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!


Hebrews 10:20, 22 — Since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith.



My home church was a small wooden structure that eventually had to be demolished because of termite damage. Growing up, I considered it a beautiful holy place, distinguished by a life-sized statue of Jesus. In my quiet times during worship, I could almost see Christ move. (Once, I was sure He winked at me.) At other times, Jesus was the silent witness to our worship. I had no trouble thinking of Jesus being present “in, with, and under” the bread and wine of Holy Communion. He might have been invisible to some, but not to my eyes of faith. When I was twelve, I started playing organ in that little cathedral and could spend hours practicing in the empty building without fear. Christ was always there, standing guard. Perhaps the quiet beauty of that experience helped me most to see Jesus as my friend, who neither slumbers nor sleeps. That building has been torn down, and the congregation constructed a new one. My joy is that they were able to save the statue and some of the other furnishings to use in the new building. I still get goosebumps when I sit with my eyes closed, knowing the presence of Christ is still there. Several years ago, we finished and dedicated the renovation of the church I was serving at the time. After the dedication, I sat in the beauty of its holiness. I felt the tears before they leaked down my cheek. Since the real church is the “body of Christ,” I wonder if the “Great High Priest,” Jesus, sits with us “where two or more are gathered in His name” to enjoy the beauty of holiness? Do we give Him reason to be thankful that He died for us? 



I give You thanks, O God, for my house of worship, a place set apart, where I might feel Your presence and Your love. Help me always appreciate its beauty and know that it is Your holy place, but not to worship it. Thank You for the opportunity to partake in Your body and blood and to be a part of the church, Your larger body. In Your name, I pray, O Jesus. Amen.

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