Wednesday, July 17, 2024

September Daily Devotions


Thoughts to Ponder by Pastor Larry Sydow, Prayers by Pastor Bruce Freeman

Sunday, September 1, 2024



Ezekiel 28:25 — When I gather the people of Israel from the nations where they have been scattered, I will show myself holy among them in the sight of the nations.


Revelations 15:4 — Lord, who will not fear and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before You, for Your judgments have been revealed.



The world seemed like such a big place when I was seven. Look magazine showed pictures of some of those far-away places. The radio told about fighting in parts of the world I could only imagine. Norfolk, Nebraska (population @ 25,000, 12 miles from our farm) was the largest “foreign country” I had ever been to! I was happy when they announced the end of the Korean War on the radio. It meant peace among the nations! (I no longer had to worry about dodging bombs and bullets on our trips to Norfolk for groceries.) Our perspective changes with age and experience. I have been privileged to travel in twenty-one different countries. I now have almost instant access to news worldwide - as it happens, and I’m not sure I’m any better off. When will all the nations of the world and all the world leaders acknowledge the Lord God as the KING and ruler of the Universe who wants His subjects to make peace and justice a way of life? It seems so far away. But then, in the 1950s, I could not imagine people walking on the moon laptop computers, or digital cameras. Therefore, I am convinced the DAY will come when all nations will worship the Lord God. I may be only one person, but it has to start somewhere! How about you too?!! 



O God, King of the Universe, I pray that all people will come to know You and to worship You. I pray for peace among nations, communities, and families. Use me to proclaim Your love and greatness to others and to bring peace to all I encounter. I ask all this in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day

(Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundvig - Bishop, renewer of the Church, 1872)



Psalm 73:24 — You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward, You will receive me with honor.


1 Corinthians 15:55 — Where, O death is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?



I woke up from a terrible nightmare! I was fighting with a big gun, holding off an oriental army. From my perch atop the fallen horse shed near the boys’ outhouse at our country school, I could see we were about to be overrun. My gun was out of ammunition, just as an enemy soldier with a very sharp bayonet on the end of his rifle came over the top! It was a terrifying dream for an eight-year-old, and it left me shaking and hiding under my covers until morning. Dying was scary! Death was a puzzle. I knew about Jesus and the resurrection. I knew about Grandma and heaven. But what was it really like? Death is still a mystery. It separates us from those we love. It causes our earthly body to decay and turn to ashes. It makes no distinction between young and old, rich or poor, Christian or non-Christian. Death claims everyone. Death and sin are closely related. “The wages of sin is death!” Paul declares. So we will all die, but thanks be to God, who gives us victory through Christ. The message of the gospel is true “good news.” Dying may cause pain and discomfort, but death is swallowed up in the victory of Christ. We will leave this world - war, poverty, pain, illness, and suffering - behind, and Christ will welcome us into His World for eternity! What more could we ask for?



When I fear death, O God, remind me that through the death of Jesus, I will live with You forever and that I have nothing to fear. Until that day, in which You welcome me with open arms, use me to make Your world better. I pray in the name of Your Son, Amen.





Tuesday, September 3, 2024



Zechariah 2:10 — Sing and rejoice, O daughter Zion! For lo, I will come and dwell in your midst, says the Lord.


John 14:23 — Jesus answered, “Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”



A lot of work goes into having guests come to stay. When I was a kid, I didn’t notice it as much. I only knew that while they were visiting, we would have special foods, we could stay up later than usual, and we got to learn about the world outside the Sydow farm. We were not that isolated, but we received new thoughts, ideas, and sometimes new versions of old stories. Then, as now, I discovered that some guests were easier to have around than others. Some wanted to be waited on hand and foot. We dreaded their visits because nothing was ever good enough. Others came to pitch in and help in whatever way they could. These were the friends and relatives whose visits we loved. The Lord is a lot like them! He is with me daily. I don’t have to be or do anything special. He accepts me as I am. Having Him “make His home with me” is not a burden. It is a blessing. He is a real friend and helper in any and all circumstances. I always look forward to the Lord’s coming again, not with the dread of judgment but with the joy of celebrating His presence. There is forgiveness, acceptance, understanding, healing, singing, and rejoicing with Him. How thankful I am to receive Him in Word and Sacrament! How about you? Have you made room for the Lord to reside in your heart?



Make room in my heart, dear Lord so that You may enter. Be with me as a welcomed guest each and every day. Thank You for the opportunity to worship You through song, prayer, and confession and to receive You once again in Word and Sacrament. I pray this in the name of the Christ. Amen.




Wednesday, September 4, 2024



Psalm 119:77 — Let Your mercy come to me, that I may live.


Mark 10:52 — Jesus said to Bartimaeus, “Go; your faith has made you well.”  Immediately, he regained his sight and followed him on the way.



My sister had a couple of disastrous cake-baking experiences as she was learning the art of baking. However, she also had numerous delicious successes, which she generously shared with us. In the middle of a hard afternoon of picking up hay bales, the sight of the car coming out to the field was a welcome relief. We could see by the look on her face that this mid-afternoon “coffee” break (cool water or lemonade) would be special. She had made her first pineapple-upside-down cake, which was a winner - still hot and gooey from the oven! Because of the heat and the hard work, we had worn off a good dinner and were famished and feeling lifeless. We agreed. None of us had ever tasted anything so delicious. After our break, we were alive again. The presence of the Lord can do that for us. It did for Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness. It did for blind Bartimaeus. It does it for me when I receive Him in the Word - not just letting the Word go in one ear and out the other, but absorbing it into my heart. The presence of the Lord does it for me when I receive Him in communion - not just going through the ritual and taking the bread and wine for granted, but inviting His living presence into my life. Have you invited Him to come to you so you may live too? If a pineapple upside-down cake can revive some hot and hungry teenage farm boys, imagine what Jesus can do for you!



Come into my empty heart, O Jesus, and fill it with Your goodness and love. My soul hungers and thirsts for that which only You can give. When I read, hear, and study Your Word, I pray that I might absorb it so that it might nourish me. When I receive Your body and blood, come to me as a living presence. In Your name, I pray, Amen.




Thursday, September 5, 2024



Ezekiel 11:19 — I will give them one heart and put a new spirit within them.


2 Corinthians 1:21 — Paul wrote: But it is God who establishes us with you in Christ.



World War 10-1/2 was about to begin. We had weapons. We had ammunition. We had spent the morning digging our bunkers. The enemy was out for blood. The only problem was that part of my army was tired from digging foxholes and wanted to play something else. Another part of my army wanted to play with her dolls. That left my youngest brother, Mike, and me, and he was only three! The war was over before it started. In recent years, we have seen the same thing happen in the real world at a very high cost. When the world worked together, walls and dictators fell. When the world leaders could not agree, the only things that increased were the costs of fighting and the number of casualties on both sides. It also happens in marriage when two hearts stop working together as one. God promises to put a single heart and a new spirit within those who rely on Him. Make no mistake: God creates and puts that single heart and new spirit within us as individuals, churches, and nations. When things aren’t going well, when there are divisions and infighting, it is well that we re-evaluate Who is at the head of our lives, our marriage, our Church, our country! Is it God, or have we tried to usurp God’s reign? Are you willing to invite Christ to give you a new heart and spirit so that you may be part of His solution rather than part of the problem? 



Forgive me, Heavenly Father, when I become part of the problem rather than the solution. Give me a new heart and spirit so that I put You first in my life. Make my relationships, Church, and country strong to follow Your will. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.




Friday, September 6, 2024



Daniel 11:32 — The people who know their God will display strength and take action.


1 Corinthians 16:14 — Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.



I played in the band and sang in the choir in high school. During those years, we must have had a new director every other year, each with their own strengths and weaknesses and leadership style. When I got to college, I discovered that it was the most demanding of the directors who had done the most to prepare me for the more significant challenges of college life. There, I had one strong director who made enormous demands and got great results. I also had one who made no demands and got abysmal results. My son tells me the same was true for leadership in the army. There are some people on whom he did not want his life to depend. Daniel, the prophet, knew he could rely on God, no matter the circumstances of his life. Fiery furnaces or lions’ dens were not to be feared when God was on his side. His strength and courage came not from humans but from his God. St. Paul experienced numerous beatings, shipwrecks, imprisonments, and persecutions. He declared he could trust his Director, General, and Lord because He had walked the hard road to the cross. In Christ - he could trust. In Christ, he could stand firm in his faith with strength and courage. Who directs your life? Are you able to “stand firm in your faith?



Let me rest from my labors this day, O Lord, by staying close to You. Strengthen me with this rest to follow You as my leader through whatever challenges come my way. Direct my way and my life. I pray in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.




Saturday, September 7, 2024



Psalm 9:2 — I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.


2 Corinthians 7:4 — I am filled with consolation; I am overjoyed in all our affliction.



When our family - Mom, Dad, and five (at the time) kids - went to Church, we filled the back pew at St. Luke’s. With hot weather and squirming little ones, that pew got mighty crowded. So, my sister and I were permitted to sit alone one Sunday! After that, we were “allowed” to sit with someone else. I chose my Sunday School teacher. Even then, most of the sermons were way over my head, so that I would doodle on the bulletin. I always liked it when there weren’t many announcements because that left more doodle room. The words “Praise God, all you people...” seemed to stick one Sunday, and from then on, my doodling took on a different purpose. I drew gifts I wanted to give to Jesus. I hoped that my rocket ship would take my praises up to God. I drew a farm with a stream and what I hoped looked like a tractor. I loved to sing, so whenever there was a song, I imagined the life-like Jesus on the altar was listening, and I sang praises to God for all I was worth. That statue always reminds me that Jesus is present. Sometimes, when no one was paying attention, I held my doodles so He could see them. When Grandma died, I knew it was only a statue, but in its gaze, I felt the consolation of Jesus with His outstretched, nail-scarred hands, bringing peace to my soul. I’m older now. I will always be glad and praise God’s name, with or without that statue. I write the sermons, and I don’t doodle - as much. But I still find consolation and joy in the presence of Jesus. How about you? 



Let all I do today, and even my doodling, be in praise of You, gracious God. Thank You for being with me each and every day. Let the things that I see be a visual reminder of Your presence. In the name of the crucified One. Amen.




Sunday, September 8, 2024



Deuteronomy 13:4 — The Lord your God is testing you to know whether you indeed love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul.


Hebrews 2:18 — Because Jesus himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.



I cheated on a test when I was in the second grade. For half the year, there was a girl in my grade, and she was smart. I didn’t want her to get a better grade than me on a spelling test, so I tried to write the hard words where I could peak at them. But I was caught. The teacher gave me a scolding and a “0.” I was humiliated and vowed, in my mind, never to cheat again. In college and seminary, I was introduced to “open book tests,” which my mind considered “legalized cheating.” However, I liked them much more, even though they often consumed more time than a simple “True or False” or “Fill in the Blank” test. It was not until I was in a judging contest that it sank in: “Tests tell the tale!” Tests are necessary to determine if the soil is suitable for growing certain crops. Tests are essential to find out if a product is healthy to eat. Tests are necessary to discover which seed, fertilizer, or equipment is best to use under what circumstances. OR, which people are ready and able to move on to more important and challenging tasks. I also learned that I could learn a lot just by taking tests. God also has a test or two for each of us. God is not trying to be mean. God wants us to grow in our faith and abilities to carry out our mission. In the same way, I wouldn’t want an untested brain surgeon trying things out on my brain. God doesn’t want us to fail our mission because we lack the knowledge, wisdom, courage, endurance, or faith to complete it. Has God been testing you? Thank God! He loves you. You have a vital mission to complete in His name, and God wants to help you prepare.



Please forgive me, dear Lord, when I’ve failed a test and have not lived up to being the servant that You want me to be. Help me grow when I am tested and realize that at these times, You want to see if I am truly Your follower. I thank You in the name of Jesus, who never fails. Amen.




Monday, September 9, 2024



Jeremiah 24:7 — I will give them a heart to know that I am the Lord.


Mark 3:5 — He looked around at them with anger; he was grieved at their hardness of heart and said to the man who had the withered hand, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored.



Thank God none of us is ever “hard-hearted!” After agreeing to let the Israelites leave Egypt, Pharaoh’s heart hardened, and he took back his promise. After agreeing to do all the Lord commanded on Mt. Sinai, the people’s hearts “hardened,” and they returned to doing their own thing. After promising to love and serve only God when they entered the promised land, the children of God repeatedly let their hearts harden and forgot their promises. After centuries of waiting for a Messiah, the people of God hardened their hearts and rejected Jesus. On the Sabbath, the rigidness of the Sabbath laws matched the hardness of their hearts, prohibiting the “work” of healing. Thank God none of us is ever “hard-hearted!” Those horrible Israelites! Those horrible children of God! We’d never harden our hearts that way, would we? Right? Or... are we any better? After making baptismal promises to teach a child to know Jesus as a friend, teach them about faith, and bring them to worship, .... After making confirmation promises to worship regularly, study the Bible, and serve as members of the body of Christ... After committing to live as God’s people in the world, loving and serving our neighbor.... Oops! If the shoe fits a little too tightly, maybe Jesus is grieved over OUR hardness of heart! Could we ask Him to “create in US a new, clean, contrite, and willing heart so that we may serve His purposes, rather than just our own? 



Dear Father, forgive me for my hard heart and for taking my commitments and promises to You lightly. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me so that I may care more deeply for those who are in pain, who have no home or food, or who are different from me. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Tuesday, September 10, 2024



Psalm 24:8 — Who is the King of Glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle.


1 Timothy 6:12 – Fight the good fight of the faith.



There are things worth fighting for. As a kid, I was sure my toys were one. Name-calling, revenge, hurt feelings, cheating in a game, wanting what someone else had, and a whole lot of other things constituted good causes for which to fight. Many of our world wars were fought over similar things on a grander scale. Terrorism is seen as a “holy war” by radicals and fundamentalists on both sides of the borders and in all three major religions - Judaism, Islam, and Christianity! We are all guilty of fostering and festering the disease, which makes us forget who the real King of Glory is. Convinced by the gospel and following non-violent teachings, people like Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. urged “fighting the good fight of faith” AND social justice - without violence. How can we “fight the good fight of faith” without violence and without killing off those whose thinking is different than ours? First, we must acknowledge the KING. We are not it! Second, we must make what He taught a part of our lives and live it. That may be quite a “fight” all by itself! Are you up to it?



I acknowledge You as my Lord and King, O God. Forgive me when I only think a fight is worth it when it’s about me and my desires and not when I see injustice to others. Let my fight for others be peaceful but persistent, never giving up. In Jesus’ name, I ask these things. Amen.




Wednesday, September 11, 2024



Genesis 15:1 — Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.


Romans 4:18 — Hoping against hope, he believed that he would become “the father of many nations,” according to what was said.



When he came to this country at age twelve, his father gave him the few cents the family had left after their ocean voyage. Unable to speak English, he was to walk fifteen miles through Indian territory to a town he’d never been to to find relatives he’d never met before so they could bring their horse and wagon to pick up the rest of the family. They lived in a hole in a hillside that winter, barely surviving on what they had harvested that summer. It was hard for him to imagine owning a nice,  warm house, having a family, and being considered “wealthy.” But my grandfather eventually did build a nice, warm house; he owned land, had thirteen children, and was considered “wealthy.” Abram (age 90) was older than Grandpa was when Grandpa died. Abram was still childless and believed God’s promise that he’d be the “father of many nations.” If it was hard for Grandpa to imagine, imagine how hard it was for Abram. But God can do marvelous things through us and with us if we allow Him to use our lives. Have you ever wondered if some of your hopes or “impossible” dreams might be your glimpse at what God has in store for you? Think of Abraham and Sarah, Elizabeth and Zechariah, and Mary, the mother of our Lord. Is there a ministry or a mission in which God wants to involve you? “Do not be afraid,” God told Abram. “Do not be afraid,” God tells you! Only believe and trust in the One who can do what you cannot yet imagine.



Give me the faith of Abraham, O God. Help me see visions and dream dreams, and know that for You, nothing is impossible. As You used Abraham and Sarah to build a great nation, use me to bring others to know about You and Your love. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Thursday, September 12, 2024



Jonah 4:10-11 — The Lord said, “You are concerned about the bush, for which you did not labor and which you did not grow; it came into being in a night and perished in a night. And should I not be concerned about Nineveh?”


Luke 5:31 — Jesus answered, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.”



When I started school, WWII was over, and the Korean War was in full swing. Since then, there have been years of peace, with no major world conflicts - at least none that caught my attention - until Vietnam. Of course, the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Israel-Gaza have been fought in more recent years. A part of me wants us to get out of those countries and let them blow one another up. Most of them aren’t even Christians anyway! Right?! Sitting under my comfortable bush, I see no need to get involved, especially if it involves my family members! But the Word of God continues to shrink my bush, reminding me that no matter what nationality or religion they claim, they are still God’s creation and, therefore, God’s dearly beloved children. Jesus hauntingly asks me, “Who needs the physician most,  those who ‘know not what they do’ or those who sit complaining about tax-sheltered annuities?” We must ask ourselves, “Did Jesus suffer, die, and rise again only for me and the privileged few?” Are we all modern-day Jonahs sent to the despised, the hated, the feared, the terrorists, and, yes, even those who call God by another name and proclaim different doctrines about Him? Even closer to home, do we find it easier to ignore the homeless, the refugees, the illegal immigrants...?  The list goes on. How healthy is the bush under which you are sitting? 



Sometimes, what You ask of me, O God, seems to be so difficult. Please forgive me when I sit in comfortable surroundings and do not wish to venture out to bring the good news of salvation to all people. Just as You moved Jonah, stir me to act today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.




Friday, September 13, 2024

(John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, 407)



Psalm 81:11-12 — My people did not listen to my voice.... So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own counsels.


John 5:25 — Christ says, “The hour is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.”



It was a hot and painful lesson to learn, but we learned it the hard way. There is a way to stack hay bales so the stack won’t lean and fall over. Dad tried to explain it to us, but we knew a better, faster way. When he came to examine what we had done with about 200 bales, our stack was already beginning to lean a little. He shook his head and reminded us we had about 1000 more bales to stack. We brought home the next load and began stacking them as the temperature climbed closer to 100 degrees. After 50 bales, our stack was getting wobbly. We didn’t even get the others off the wagon before we had a major collapse. Dad calmly “commanded” that we take all the bales off the stack and start at the foundation - “the way I showed you!” Patiently, he helped us and explained the whole process again. When we finished building the new stack, it was straight, solid, and ready for another 1000 bales! I can imagine God’s frustration with us through historical times. Our ancestors (we) plugged their ears to the instructions that would give them peace, joy, security, and life while they “did things their way.” One of the values of reading the Old Testament is the repetition of phrases like, “They did what was evil....”  Or “They did not do as the Lord commanded....” The good news is that one day, even the dead will hear, and some will obey and live! Have you been practicing your listening skills?



Open my ears, Lord, so I may truly hear what You tell me. Be patient with me and continually show me the way I should go. Thank You for Your great love and grace. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




Saturday, September 14, 2024

Holy Cross Day



Psalm 32:8 — I will counsel you with my eye upon you.


Mark 6:48, 50-51 — Jesus saw that they were straining at the oars against an adverse wind. He spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” Then he got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased.



There was a bluff above Niobrara State Park, where we had an evening campfire at church camp. A huge cross looked down on the place where the Niobrara River joins the Missouri. The cross cast its shadow on the river as the sun set behind it. From the foot of the cross, I could imagine seeing Jesus walking across the swiftly merging rivers to get into one of the motorboats, moving down there as if the shadow of the cross were a bridge. How different the cross was for people in Jesus’ day. The cross was a sight that caused children to cry and adults to break into a cold sweat. It was the most painful and cruel form of execution the Romans had perfected for lawbreakers. And they were good at using it! Jesus’ death was no “walk in Niobrara State Park.” It was horrible. No wonder so many of His followers couldn’t watch! But from His painful perch, Jesus forgave our sins. Even when they took Him down and laid Jesus in a tomb, his disciples must have cringed at the sight of Him. Jesus bridged the gap between sinful people and His Father, God. In their time with Jesus, the disciples had seen with their own eyes what He could do. Neither stormy seas nor stormy demons could prevent Jesus from coming to them. After the resurrection, even death could not keep Jesus from coming to those who looked up to see that the sting of death had been removed on that holy cross. Why not wear a cross today as a reminder? 



Thank You for Your willingness to die on the cross for me, dear Christ. Sometimes, I can’t understand the depth of Your love for me and the extent to which You want to bridge the gulf between us. When I wear my cross, let it remind me of that wonderful love and that You have removed the power of death. In Your name, I pray. Amen.




Sunday, September 15, 2024



Proverbs 1:7 — The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.


2 Corinthians 13:5 — Examine yourselves to see whether you are living in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?



A friend from western Nebraska, who wore a beard, visited our house. At the time, our son was less than two years old and just beginning to talk. As our friend walked in, Dane came running around the corner from the kitchen to check out our company. He literally froze in his tracks. His eyes got big. He pointed at Bruce and said, “Jees!” (His word for “Jesus!”) Nothing we or Bruce could say could convince him that Bruce was not “Jees!” He was not afraid of “Jees,” but at the same time, the play did not resume until Bruce was gone. Dane knew “Jees” pretty well from pictures and stories, and while most strangers could not pick him up without a scream, Bruce, as “Jees,” and Dane were almost instant friends. After all, he talked to “Jees” at meal times, bedtime, and sometimes between. In Dane’s eyes, we could see the reflected love of “Jees,” who would be forever real! Wouldn’t it be great if we could glimpse Jesus and know the experience of sitting on his lap, feeling with curious hands His tickling beard, and hearing Him say, “I love you!”? Think of a time when someone held you, protected you, and told you they loved you. With eyes of faith, your heart knew the heart of Jesus in that person. If you are living in faith, Jesus is living in you too - right now! Has the Jesus in you told someone they are loved? He wants to use your voice to do so. Are you willing to let Him?



Thank You for those times when You became so real to me, O Christ. Let me feel Your presence this day by wrapping Your loving arms around me and holding me tight. Use me to share Your presence with others by my touch and words. In Your name, I come to You. Amen.



Monday, September 16, 2024

Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, martyr, 258



Genesis 49:18 — I wait for Your salvation, O Lord.


1 Peter 2:24 — Christ himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness.



Waiting is so hard! Waiting for Mom and Dad to pick me up at my grandparents seemed to take an eternity. Waiting for the Halloween parade to begin was exciting since our school was on a float in the parade. Waiting to get a driver’s license, graduating, getting married, starting to serve a new church, waiting for a house to sell, waiting.... In a sense, we should all be experienced in waiting. I’ve discovered that rushing things doesn’t work. Taking a cake out of the oven before it is done makes a gooey mess. Trying to play an instrument without practicing or using a picnic table before the paint dries produces other messes. Abraham was tired of waiting for a son and tried some shortcuts that were less than satisfactory and messed up his life. Human efforts to achieve our salvation fall far short of what God already has achieved in Jesus Christ for those who patiently wait for salvation. The only ingredient that will produce genuinely satisfying Life and Salvation is the blood of Christ. Are you able to patiently wait for it? What are you doing while you wait?



Lord, make us instruments of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. (Prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi)




Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hildegaard, abbess of Bingen, 1179



Psalm 141:13 — Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.


1 Peter 3:9 — Do not repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse; but, on the contrary, repay with a blessing. It is for this that you were called - that you might inherit a blessing.



Back in the “ancient of days” when teachers could get by with it - when it was expected of them - one of the “big kids” got angry and swore at another kid during recess. I didn’t hear it, but I saw the aftermath. The teacher, who had heard it, was dragging him by the ear into the schoolroom. We all followed, wondering what would happen. She calmly but firmly demanded that he apologize and promise never to use those words again! A little extra twist of his poor ear brought the necessary response. Then she took the bar of soap, got it wet, and made him open his mouth. She washed his mouth out, turned to the rest of us, and said, “Let that be a lesson to all of you! There will be no swearing in this school!” And there wasn’t, while she was our teacher! God doesn’t wash our mouths with soap, but He urges us to be careful with what we say because words have power. In biblical days, a person was only as good as his word was trusted. A blessing brought blessings. A curse brought curses. What a person said meant something. They were not just empty phrases. The phrase “Just kidding.” used after making a cutting or hurtful remark, would never have been spoken. There was no “just kidding” as far as words were concerned. How well do you guard the words of your mouth so that they convey blessing to all who hear them?



I am so sorry, dear Lord, for what sometimes comes out of my mouth. My words have injured people I love and caused wounds in others. Help me take my words more seriously and remember that words hurt people. Let me use my tongue this day to lift up and to encourage. In Jesus’ name. Amen.








Wednesday, September 18, 2024

(Dag Hammarskjold, peacemaker, 1961)



1 Chronicles 28:9 — Serve God with a single mind and willing heart; for the Lord searches every mind.


Mark 12:17 — Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s and to God the things that are God’s.



We didn’t have tiny radios we could hide in a pocket or any of the small hand-held games we could play behind the teacher’s back. The closest we came to that was an occasional “GI Joe” figure or a comic book we could hide in a big book. However, “multi-tasking” was not highly thought of when I went to country school. Any attempts to do anything other than the work assigned or read an “unapproved” book got many of us in trouble and usually resulted in additional assignments. Today, “multi-tasking” is the in-thing. To a point, it may be OK with some things. But in the realm of spirituality and our relationship to God, trying to serve and please more gods than God is not acceptable. God wants all of us to concentrate on Him, as I would want a brain surgeon to concentrate 100% on me and my brain and not think about some sports event or vacation spot while working on me. Many distractions tempt us to think of activities other than worship, Bible study, prayer, and serving in the world as the body of Christ. Jesus understood those temptations, too. Have you been trying to “multi-task God?” What distractions draw your attention from the One who concentrated fully on saving you?



I feel important, dear Lord when I spend my time running here and there, trying to accomplish many tasks. I am sorry when I think those activities, or I are more important than concentrating on You. I pray that I may better focus on You and that You will draw me closer. In the name of Jesus. Amen.




Thursday, September 19, 2024



Joshua 1:5 — I will never leave you nor forsake you.


Acts 7:56-58 — “Look,” Stephen said, “I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” But they covered their ears and with a loud shout, all rushed together against him. Then, they dragged him out of the city and began to stone him.



My first day of school seems to be etched in my mind. On the surface, I was prepared. Mom had cut my sun-bleached blond hair the night before. I was wearing new blue striped overalls, a new shirt Mom had made herself, and my Sunday shoes and socks. I had a bag with new, unbroken crayons, a pencil, a tablet, and a lunch. I was ready! I was used to staying with grandparents, aunts, and uncles, but when Mom said, “I’ll pick you up later.” I nearly panicked! Then, one of the neighbor kids I had played with came over to say, “Hi!” Mom must have seen the scared look on my face because she quickly told me John would be there too. I didn’t know him very well, but it was OK. I was not alone or “forsaken.”  Isn’t it good to know that God gives us that assurance? God never leaves us alone or deserted. Even in the hours when we face trials and certain death, we have the promise that Jesus will meet us, usher us into His Home in Heaven, and tell us, “Welcome, I’ll show you around. I’ve been preparing a place just for you!” There is no place on earth or in heaven where we need to feel alone ever again! Call on Him, and He will be there!



It is a relief to know that in my darkest hour, during my greatest fears, and when I face the unknown, You are always with me, O God. Thank You for Your promises and Your words of assurance. I pray that You will give me the opportunity today to let someone else know that You will never leave them, either. In the name of Christ, Immanuel. Amen.




Friday, September 20, 2024



Psalm 112:5 — It is well with those who deal generously and lend, who conduct their affairs with justice.


2 Corinthians 9:6 — The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.



The assignment was simple - read two pages of my “Nebraska History” book and answer the questions. But I was in a hurry. I wanted to go outside and ride Zeke’s bike (his real name was Larry, but in our school, most of the boys had nicknames). I quickly wrote down my best guess to the answers, handed in my paper, and asked permission to go outside. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), the teacher glanced at the first answer, then looked further, folded my paper, and told me to go back and read the assignment. My paper went into the wire waste basket beside her desk. I hadn’t put much into it, and I certainly didn’t get much out of it either. The same is true with our spiritual lives. Some people live with the delusion that hit-and-miss worship, skimming a Bible verse now and then, giving God leftovers, and agreeing that “someone” should share the gospel with “those poor unfortunate heathens” is all it takes. As a gardener, I’ve learned the hard way that good quality seed produces good quality plants. God asks us to put forth the best of our efforts, gifts, and all He has given us so that His Harvest will be abundant. Have you been holding back your time, your treasure, your talent, your very self from God in any way? His promise is guaranteed: “You will reap only what you plant! But if you trust the seed to Him, it will produce abundantly!”



I hate to admit it, dear Lord, but there are many times when I only give You what is left of my time, my talents, and the money You have so generously sowed in my life. Forgive me and help me to get my priorities straight. In the name of Jesus who died so that I might have abundant life. Amen.




Saturday, September 21, 2024



Psalm 33:12 — Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage.


1 Corinthians 6:9 — Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived!



At the mature age of six, I already decided that I preferred heaven to hell. I didn’t know a lot about either, but the burn on my barefoot from the sparkler, the hot, parching Nebraska sun, and the  thought of scary devils and demons convinced me that hell was not a place in which I wanted to spend any time, much less “forever and ever!”  Heaven was where flowers bloomed, Jesus played with kids like me, there was plenty to eat, and the sun never set, so we didn’t have to go to bed! Why wouldn’t anyone want heaven? I was a little upset when one of my Catholic classmates told me she felt sorry for me because all Lutherans were going to hell. Evidently, she told her mother what she had told me and apologized the next day, but said I might not make it to heaven if I wasn’t good enough! Even as children, we had our theological disagreements. I was so relieved to hear in Sunday School that Jesus died for my sins so that I could go to heaven! I was so happy! However, I soon learned I couldn’t do whatever I wanted. Jesus died for my sins, but I still had to answer for my wrongdoing - to Mom and Dad - and possibly Jesus, too. No doubt Jesus “would be very disappointed to find out I acted like that!” So, I had to choose. Did I want to be happy with Jesus and make Him happy? As I matured, I came to believe that whatever made Jesus happy would make me happy, too! Want to be happy? Ask yourself, “What would make Jesus happy in my life?”



Thank You for Your great love for me, O Jesus, and the grace of eternal life. I want so much to please You and to make You happy. May my life be one which You smile upon because of my love for You and others. It is in Your name that I pray this day. Amen.




Sunday, September 22, 2024

(St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist)



Jeremiah 31:3 — I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.


John 12:48 — Nathaniel asked him, “Where did you get to know me?” Jesus answered, “I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you.”



Since I grew up with over twenty aunts, uncles, and many cousins, I was used to having people around me who knew all about me. I heard numerous stories about things I did and said before I could remember doing or saying them. However, to have a stranger tell me things about myself, I never knew was a shock. While in College, I worked in a music store. A customer came in whom I didn’t remember ever seeing. He began to talk about me and my family as if he were one of my relatives. The look on my face must have told him I was surprised and curious because he finally said he had worked for my grandparents for several years. He watched me grow up. At that, I vaguely remembered him working with Grandpa’s horses. God has been more than a “hired man” watching us grow up. God has been intimately involved in every part of our existence, from conception to our present state in life. God has loved us into existence and through our growing up. God even loved us despite our sinful nature. We are still known and loved by God and will be into eternity. How well do you know and love God in return?



Don’t make Yourself a stranger to me, O God. Reveal Yourself to me by Your word, sacrament, and those You send whom I will encounter. Thank You for loving me with everlasting love and knowing me so intimately. In the name of Jesus, who showed me his love on the cross. Amen.



Monday, September 23, 2024



Psalm 104:33 — I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being.


James 5:13 — Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise.



I guess I was being “biblical” from my youngest days! I have always loved to sing, except for that brief voice-changing period when I didn’t want other people to hear me talk. It didn’t take too much for me to sing. Pots and pans, a grain bin, a tractor, or a piano to accompany me made little difference. (More than one neighbor heard the racket and stopped to see if someone was being killed!) My accompaniment could have been a grand symphonic orchestra or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. When I was happy, I sang about happy things. When I was sad, my songs were sad and verged on some of the more somber hymns I heard in Church. If music is a universal language that speaks from the heart to the heart, no doubt it speaks volumes to the heart of God. In song, the Spirit reaches into the depths of our souls to pull out words and emotions we may not be able to express in any other way. My mother didn’t have the voice of an opera singer or even a Pop star, and she didn’t sing very often, but when she did, she communicated the love of God through her love. Have you been suffering? Try singing your pain through prayer hymns so that God can share your suffering and anoint it with His healing hand. Are you happy? Sing it up to heaven so that God can celebrate your joy with you. You, too, can join the “biblical” witness of the ages.



Thank You for the music that tumbles out of me when I am joyous or when I am down in the dumps. As my spirit is lifted to You, I know You hear my love for You. I praise You for all of those gifted people who share their music with me and for their witness of faith. Help me witness also. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.




Tuesday, September 24, 2024



Genesis 31:42 — God saw my affliction and the labor of my hands.


1 Corinthians 15:58 — Be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.



When I came in for lunch, I must have looked and smelled pretty bad that hot September day. I had been building a spaceship for a trip to Mars from abandoned machinery in the grove of trees north of the chicken coop. Usually, Mom would have just made us wash our hands before coming to the table, but that day, she took one look (or was it a whiff?)  and sent me directly to the bathtub for a thorough cleaning. My protests that I wasn’t finished with the spaceship fell on deaf ears as Mom left to get me clean clothes. I had to jump up to see myself in the bathroom cabinet mirror, and one look told me why. I was covered with grease, grime, and sweat. When I finished my bath and put on clean clothes, I went to the table, only to have my Dad pick up my hand and examine my skinned knuckles. “You’ve been working a little too hard this morning! You’d better do something else this afternoon.” By then, my knuckles were beginning to sting, and I was relieved. God is not blind to our labors on His behalf. God doesn’t have to see our wounds or smell our sweat to know our genuine sacrifices and our afflictions. God considers all our efforts and suffering “sacrifices of thanksgiving.” Using our gifts for the work of the Lord, we may be assured God multiplies the harvest and the blessings on His faithful laborers. When God looks to your labors on His behalf, what does He see?



Use me, O Father, for the work of Your kingdom. When I am bruised, tired, and discouraged, wash me in the remembrance of my baptism and lift my spirits. I pray that all of my efforts might be pleasing to You. I ask all this in the name of Your Son, Jesus, the Christ. Amen.




Wednesday, September 25, 2024



Psalm 22:10 – Since my mother bore me, You have been my God.


Galatians 1:15-16 — God, who had set me apart before I was born and called me through his grace, was pleased to reveal his son to me so that I might proclaim him among the Gentiles.



Like many kids, I wondered where I came from. I asked if I was adopted and had other parents who either abandoned me or left me an orphan. It wasn’t as if I wasn’t loved and well cared for. I thank God I was! But once in a while, I’d wonder. Have you ever wondered where you came from? The biology of where I came from was never a big issue. I grew up on a farm and absorbed the “facts of life” like most farm kids. Like the Psalmist, Jeremiah, and St. Paul, I’ve pondered that probing question and appreciated their words in the Word. We have all been biologically born into this world on our “birth-day,” but we were conceived in the mind of God long before that. Our spiritual birth took place the moment God chose our parents and decided we should be born with the experiences - good and bad - our families would give us. As our Jewish friends celebrate the seventh month of their calendar as a New Year’s celebration (Rosh Hashanah), we should join them. We know where we came from:  our biological parents (chosen by God), the parents who raised us (chosen by God), our spiritual parents (chosen by God), and the mind and the love of God Himself! May you have a Happy New Year, knowing Who your Father is! 



Thank You, Father, for choosing me as Your child and for those who helped raise me. Let me begin this New Year knowing You let me start anew each day. Let me use this newness to follow You as You would have me follow. In the name of Your Son, Jesus, the Christ. Amen.





Thursday, September 26, 2024



Habakkuk 3:18 — I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the God of my salvation.


Acts 8:39 — The Ethiopian eunuch went on his way rejoicing.



The only word that adequately describes our efforts to bring in the last crop of hay bales before the predicted storm arrived is “struggle!” We were throwing bales as fast as we could, literally running from bale to bale, giving every ounce of our muscles to the seemingly impossible task. The rumbling thunderstorm to the west caused us to push our aching muscles even more. But looking across the field, it was obvious we would get drenched before we finished the job. Then, two of my uncles arrived! They just came to see how we were doing. (I think they came for one of Mom’s incredible chicken dinners!) Seeing our predicament, they pitched in to help. With two more helpers,  we finished as the first sprinkles of rain fell. Dad threw on the last of the bales, and we all gave a whooping cheer and headed for shelter before the storm hit. Like a seemingly endless field of hay bales, our sins can cause us to believe God could never save us. All of our human efforts fail to solve the problem. As the Old Testament prophets and the Ethiopian eunuch in the New Testament discovered, God can do what we cannot do. When we discover that same grace-filled secret, we too may rejoice - not in what we have accomplished for ourselves, but in what God has done for us through Jesus! Have you discovered the saving grace of the love of Jesus in your life? Are you ready to rejoice?!



When You lift me out of my despair, and when I know You have forgiven me of even my worst sins, O God, it is then that my rejoicing takes on new heights. Thank You for coming to my rescue and bringing hope so I may be filled with the joy that only You can give! In the name of Jesus who loves me despite myself, Amen.




Friday, September 27, 2024



Zephaniah 2:3 — Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, who do his commands; seek righteousness, seek humility!


1 Corinthians 13:4 — Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant.



Elmer was the janitor in my first parish. He was a bachelor who seemed to live at the Church and could be found after lunch, taking a nap on a table in one of the Sunday School rooms. His only extravagance was a yearly reunion with his World War II buddies. He didn’t drive, so he would ride a bus to wherever they met. Elmer attempted to keep the big Church spotless, an almost impossible task with a preschool and meetings going on nearly every day. He was like a father to the preschoolers, helping in the bathroom when needed. He had been there for so many years that some of the children he had helped were getting married. Elmer would be there at wedding rehearsals, drying his eyes and blowing his nose. He loved his work and did it with pride, even though it was seldom, if ever, recognized. He loved “his” kids, even when they made a mess. Elmer would grouse and complain, but we could feel his patient kindness behind his words. Elmer didn’t do it for Elmer. He did it for the Lord. This was the Lord’s building. These were Jesus’ little lambs. At a staff meeting, Elmer surprised us with the most beautiful prayer I had ever heard. I felt truly humbled by this humble servant, whose prayers, while simple, were more eloquent than those of brilliant scholars. Elmer taught me that “love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant.” Thank God for the Elmers He has sent to cross my path!



Thank You, dear Lord, for those people like Elmer You have sent to show me what true love is all about. Help me be more like them: more patient and kind, less envious, boastful, or arrogant. I pray this in the name of the one who is love, Jesus Christ. Amen.




Saturday, September 28, 2024



Jeremiah 30:12, 17 — Thus says the Lord, “Your hurt is incurable, your wound is grievous. I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal.”


2 Corinthians 5:15 — Christ died for all so that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for them.



The nice thing about our childhood adventures and wars was the amazing rejuvenating effects of a “time out.” I cannot begin to guess the thousands of times I was mortally wounded, sometimes in the same adventure. In one dangerous trek through a head-hunter-infested jungle, poison-tipped blow darts hit me a dozen times. I was run through the middle by a spear, shot three times by arrows, and had a machete plunged through my heart. It was dangerous work, but we believed we had to do it. Obviously, “time out” was called numerous times. (There were only four of us, so the adventure would have been over if we had all stayed dead.) In real life, my wounds have all been pretty minor by comparison, and they didn’t heal quite as quickly as a “time out.” The scars of sin are even more deadly than poisonous darts. Their venom brings eternal death! The good news is that God has sent the antidote, the healing balm, which is also eternal. Christ absorbed all the poison of sin into himself on our behalf so that He could heal our wounds of sin and we could rise with Him to live with Him. Have you sought healing for your grievous wounds? Jesus offers His own nail-scarred healing hands. Will you accept them?



I am sorry, Heavenly Father, that my sins have caused wounds that hurt others, You and me. Turn me from those ways so I do not hurt others, but Your love will be a healing balm in their lives. Thank You for the gift of Your Son, who has restored me by taking upon himself all my sins. In His name. Amen.




Sunday, September 29, 2024

(St. Michael and All Angels)



Psalm 109:21 — But You, O Lord my Lord, act on my behalf for Your name’s sake; because Your steadfast love is good, deliver me.


Luke 1:13a — The angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for Your prayer has been heard.”


Angels are “messengers of God.” They are not mere humans acting kindly, although they may come disguised as humans. Angels are God’s way of directly communicating His love to us. They are often not recognized until their message is delivered, as in the case of Abraham and Sarah. Whole books are written on angels and their many varieties of duties, from announcing important events, as with Zechariah and Mary, to singing praises and glorifying God, as with the shepherds. Angels warned of impending danger, as with Joseph when Herod wanted to kill Jesus. They acted as warriors of the Lord, as with Joshua in one of his battles and as St. Michael does in His struggle with evil. I have heard too many real-life stories about angels to dismiss them as simple myths. They are real! They are God’s messengers and ambassadors to a sinful and fallen world that would surely die if it were to look upon the face of God. Angels are not humans returned from the dead to help us. They are a unique creation, sent to share God’s word with us, often in human form. Could you have entertained the angels - messengers of God - without being aware of it?



How many angels have You sent to me, dear God, that I haven’t recognized? Thank You for Your messengers. Let me be aware when the message is from You and take heed so I may follow Your will for me. I pray this in the name of my Savior, Jesus, the Christ. Amen.




Monday, September 30, 2024

(Jerome, translator of the Vulgate, teacher, 420)



Psalm 112:1 — Happy are those who fear the Lord, who greatly delight in his commandments.


1 Peter 2:17 — Honor everyone. Love the family of believers. Fear God.



Either they hated her, or they loved her. There was no in-between. Miss Robinson was a teacher to be reckoned with either way. She could be as sweet as pie but as tough as nails! Miss Robinson made it abundantly clear when we walked into school the first day. The first thing she told us was that we could be friends or enemies, and we didn’t want her as an enemy - and she was right! One of the “big kids” learned the hard way one day. The spit-wad whizzed past my ear on its way to the blackboard. The splat brought ominous silence. Miss Robinson slowly got up from her desk, walked to the blackboard to examine the wet missile, and then turned and stared at us. Time stood still until she had examined every face. Then she walked to the back, making Ronnie stand up and empty his pockets. The look on her face was enough to kill. Ronnie was wise enough not to argue and did as she commanded. The slingshot was confiscated. He lost all recess and stayed after school every day that week, washing the blackboards and sweeping the floor on his hands and knees. (It was several years later before I saw another slingshot at school.) Miss Robinson was not mean-spirited. In fact, by the end of the year, Ronnie had a crush on her. Our God is an awesome God who demands our obedient attention. He loves us with an everlasting love and wants us to love Him in return. There is no in-between. Either we love God, or we hate God. Either we obey His commandments, or we suffer the consequences. Knowing that God loves you, wants the best for you, and wants our love returned, how will you respond to God’s love?



I sometimes take Your love for me for granted, dear Lord. Sometimes, I must think, You don’t care how I act. Forgive me. I pray that all my actions may be out of love for You. I pray that You may see how much I love You by how I act toward others. This I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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